Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

None going right now. I have a couple grain bags that are colonizing right now

Kool what strains r they if u dnt mind me askn. Im about to start some new 1s myself either 2nite or 2morow idk yet if i gotta reboil some grains an try again. For some weird reason the last 2 times ive tried to do my own grain jars they get wet inside. N this time the top of the lids werent even wet so im thinking it had to already be in the grains so me boiling them to long maybe?

Or does any1 know if having the grain jars in the pc for to long result in them getting wet inside?
How long are you boiling the grains for? I'd say you are probably cooking them too much then. Maybe let them dry out for longer too.. I put mine in the fridge for 6 hours or so after air drying and mixing them up until the surfaces are dry feeling on all the grains. The cold dry air really sucks the moisture out of them.

As for the tote with the gasket just take the stupid gasket out.. no need to make it complicated like I did. Just a waste of time.
So those hard white wheat berries seem to be working great as far as grains to use. 15 days since I inoculated the Golden Teacher jars and 13 days since the Escondido. The one GT jar is more colonized than the other cause it got the cluster of spores in the syringe.. cool to see the difference. The Escondido is really fast moving just like the description said when I bought it. In 13 days they are pretty much fully colonized! Crazy to shake the jars and watch the mycelium grow back so fast.. I shook those jars 3 days ago.

So those hard white wheat berries seem to be working great as far as grains to use. 15 days since I inoculated the Golden Teacher jars and 13 days since the Escondido. The one GT jar is more colonized than the other cause it got the cluster of spores in the syringe.. cool to see the difference. The Escondido is really fast moving just like the description said when I bought it. In 13 days they are pretty much fully colonized! Crazy to shake the jars and watch the mycelium grow back so fast.. I shook those jars 3 days ago.

Ok thanx man much appreciated ill go an take it out rite now. An as for a time on how long i boil the grains idk an exact time frame i jus boil till i dnt see any white stuff in the middle part of the actual grain. An awesome bro lookn good tht Escondido is growing crazy gud look at it jus stretchn to grow lol nice job man. I cant wait to get my Albino Penis Envy an albino A+ spores into jars an lookn like tht. Where did u get ur spores from if u dnt mind me askn?
I'll tell ya in the DM where but I'm pretty sure the Pink Buffalo syringe was contaminated so not sure if I'd get them again from the same place. I want some albino ones they look so beautiful.

I wouldn't have the grains on a full boil for more than 20-30 minutes. I soaked mine for 8 hours in warm/hot water then a full boil for 10-15 minutes.. the kind I had did not need to be boiled long I read.

Well the two biggest pins are now little mushrooms and about to pop their caps I think! These are Golden Teachers. I misted them a bit earlier and have been fanning them with the lid for a minute two to three times a day.

I'll tell ya in the DM where but I'm pretty sure the Pink Buffalo syringe was contaminated so not sure if I'd get them again from the same place. I want some albino ones they look so beautiful.

I wouldn't have the grains on a full boil for more than 20-30 minutes. I soaked mine for 8 hours in warm/hot water then a full boil for 10-15 minutes.. the kind I had did not need to be boiled long I read.

Well the two biggest pins are now little mushrooms and about to pop their caps I think! These are Golden Teachers. I misted them a bit earlier and have been fanning them with the lid for a minute two to three times a day.

Nice job so far bro congrats. An ok ill try tht way out my next go round. An yea i felt tht way about to albinos to. Thats y i got the Albino A+ and Penis Envy i figured 2 different kinds of albinos cant hurt lol. So for my next round i did 3 of these jars the ones where the moisture had evaporated the most. Plus didnt wana waste a shit ton of spores if these jars end up no gud. But if they dnt then ill be in for one hell of a treat lol. I did the A. Penis Envy obviously as well as P-F Redspore an then the B+ for the 3rd jar. So shud be a gud run i cant wait to see lil pins starting an the fruits starting to pop up shud be a gud show. An shit with how gud my first attempt at spore print making i cant wait to make some of all my others lol. Oh also while im talkn about it can sum1 tell me if the shrooms are any gud like can u still trip off caps after u take a spore print from them or no??
Thanks man I am excited! The spore prints looked good to me.. good luck with everything. Those redspore ones looked really cool too. Cant wait to see your future prints! I don't see why you couldn't eat them.. you never sprayed them with iso or anything right? So they should be ok to eat still.

No i didnt mean are they ok to eat cuz they r i know tht but what i meant was will u still b able 2 trip off them or are they used up (for lack of a better word) wen u make a print?
Ok so here is one of my MS syringes the Albino Penis Envy. Its weird the spores arent black like normal its a clear whiteish cloudy look to it idk but its crazy lol.

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Then here we got my mini tub inside of the big mono. An i decided to take the inside lil lid off the lil tote but kept the big tote lid on but i jus took the blue gasket ring out.
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Then here is my other medium monotub that i used alil covering for the first time n im starting to see it still looks blotchy so i think next time i gotta work on making a more even cover layer. But still its on its way now.

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Also is there anything i have to do now tht im done pretty much with the first flush. How or what do i need to do to get her ready for a second flush jus let her sit or what?
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I'm sure you can still trip on the cap after it releases its spores.. its still going to have the same amount of psilocybin in the cap the spores don't have any psilocybin in them. Hence why the spores aren't illegal. Those white spores do look really cool I wonder why they aren't darker.

To get the cake ready for the second flush you are supposed to dunk it in water to add the moisture back into it.. I think for several hours but not so sure on that part of it. I think it would mostly depend on how dry the cake is.
The mushrooms grew quite a bit over night.. the two bigger ones may be ready tonight. Pins are starting in the middle of the tub and not just on the sides now.. I may have put it into fruiting a bit too soon but all good. The bigger one growing upside down is quite funny.. it still has some space in the little corner its in so ill let it keep going for a bit longer.

I am still here but this site is almost unusable now with what ever they are doing so slow down/ freeze up etc. I know its not my PC or any settings on it because I can log into a deferent profile/user and everything is fine until I switch back to this account and I have done that for what feels like 100s of times
I am still here but this site is almost unusable now with what ever they are doing so slow down/ freeze up etc. I know its not my PC or any settings on it because I can log into a deferent profile/user and everything is fine until I switch back to this account and I have done that for what feels like 100s of times

U no i thought it was running alot slower to for sum reason. It takes me severl minutes jus to load ur guys pots if they have pics in them lol. Fuk man its like dial up ussd to be back in the day hahaha
I just got through colonizing two 3# grain bags, and 4 days ago added 1 grain bag to 12.5# of pasteurized horse manure and compost substrate into two 66 quart plastic totes. 12.5# of substrate and 1 grain bag into each 66 qt tote.
One with Golden Teacher the other with B+.
This is my first foray into trying to grow Psilocybe Cubensis.
I have grown a few Blue Oyster mushrooms is all.

I assume it should be ready to fruit in about another 7 to 10 days.
I am trying to keep the totes around 75 degrees.

And for the record I don't have any problems at all with this site, loads almost instantly even on my phone
Ok so i jus went to reasoak my mushroom block an i jus found all these mushrooms out the bottom of the cake y is tht? I used a black garbage bag did i put the oats to deep like maybe i mixed up to much or sumthn idk but yea its wierd.
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I even found a full mushroom lmao.
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Then here is a bowl of aborts lol.
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Then here we got my mushroom block soaking for like an hour 45 to 2hours then ill drain it n see if we cant get another flush out of it. Hopefully those bottoms dnt happen again n they jus pop up top lol.
From what I've read that usually means the fruiting conditions were perfect in that small gap between the bag and the substrate.
Sometimes better in that gap than on top if the top is a little dry.
Well then shit musta been hella perfect cuz it grew a whole dam mushroom dwn there lol n a ton of lil aborts n shit.

But yea so after i soaked my block i left my filter fan thing on top to dry it out some.
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