PW's Perpetual Playhouse

You can use hydrogen peroxide with water at a 4:1 ratio (4 parts water, 1 part HP) for root drench to kill fungus gnats....doesnt hurt the plant at all
Hey VAN can you check and report back on the strength of h202 and the alcohol? I'm worried I may have a lil root rot on one of my seedlings from overwatering. Can I use h202 in coco to remedy this? Thanks for all the very helpful advice everyone. And hope you all had a great weekend :)
Hey VAN can you check and report back on the strength of h202 and the alcohol? I'm worried I may have a lil root rot on one of my seedlings from overwatering. Can I use h202 in coco to remedy this? That's for all the very helpful advice everyone. And hope you all had a great weekend :)

I use the 3% for the root drench. Not that high grade stuff.....just the basic medical use type.
And the alcohol? Iso or just 70% just worried ill mix it too strong...
I will look at the rubbing alcohol in a bit....and let you know. I would think that using the 3% H2O2 would be fine for your root rot. Will certainly kill any fungus gnats you might have hiding down there munching away!!
Hey guys I've been waiting for the topic of prevention to arise. I was planning on doing neem. Hear gnatrol is a good product, what is the product your using for mites PW?

Neem oil to start
Hi! Just tagging along! Great Journal and congrats on the plant of the month!
I'm new and trying to quickly catch up on all these great journals. So much to learn. I'm a long time gardener and love love love growing things. This is my first canna grow. Im/was having a pest prob, used an old remedy from my grans for her tomatoes. I made tobacco tea and have been spraying with that, has anyone tried it? I'm was still seeing little white mites under my leaves, I cut a bunch off and continue to spray them and so far no bugs but now I'm worried they are hidden. I think I'll get some neem for future just in case. I've tried to research 'tobacco tea' but not much comes up? I hope I didn't do something bad.

My Grandpa owned a commercial greenhouse for years and i can remember him using a tobacco spray on his plants. How well it worked i dont know.
Hey Penny did u catch the new version of it yet? I see you are starring in it even though was never mentioned in the movie but if u read the book u new who pennywise was? I like the book way better but glad they did the movie. Jus had to stop in and ask.
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