Rifleman's - Multi-Strain Auto Grow - 600W - Hydro

hey Rifleman,
How many pounds of reactivated carbon did you end up using to fill your filter?

I ordered five pounds from a retailer online. Upon refilling I discovered it wasn't enough. I had to run to town and buy the biggest container they had at petsmart, 40oz and $12 more than I paid for the bag. <smfh> That was just enough. So the answer would be seven and a half pounds for a 6x22 filter. I'll get around to washing the old carbon and taking photos soon. I've been busy teaching the hogs ASL, and by damn if they aren't close to mastering it. :hookah:
that is useful info to know so when I do mine I order 2 bags instead of just 1 since I have the same size filter. Did you just fill the filter or did you vibrate it in to pack it in tighter? I was thinking of something like a paint shaker to get the charcoal to settle in tighter, though it may be hard to come up with one of those. Maybe if nothing else put it on top of the washing machine and run an unbalanced load a few times to get the vibration to shake it all down in tight. I recall reading somewhere that while they will work if you simply fill them they do a better job if you vibrate it in to fill in the voids.
that is useful info to know so when I do mine I order 2 bags instead of just 1 since I have the same size filter. Did you just fill the filter or did you vibrate it in to pack it in tighter? I was thinking of something like a paint shaker to get the charcoal to settle in tighter, though it may be hard to come up with one of those. Maybe if nothing else put it on top of the washing machine and run an unbalanced load a few times to get the vibration to shake it all down in tight. I recall reading somewhere that while they will work if you simply fill them they do a better job if you vibrate it in to fill in the voids.

The carbon is fine and has a good crush factor. I poured it in and just rotated and thumped the scrubber up and down a couple of times. It really packs in tight. Once it gets to the top you can use a mallet handle and try to tamp it in more if you like. HOWEVER, I can not urge you enough to be careful with the the perforated metal. The inside of the end cap is a very snug fit over the inside cage, then the outside cage is also a tight fit. If you get one slightly out of round, or get the end cap started back on slightly crooked, you will be teaching the chickens new curse words before it is over. AAMOF, the next time I do it I might even spray the inside of the end cap with some non stick kitchen spray to ease it along. Can you tell I had a hell of a time putting the MFer back together? The fact that there were no photos taken should be a clue. :rofl: Live and learn, it's a mistake I will only make once...just like picking up plant, basket and all, by the base of the stem. Only once.

I'm feeling pretty good right now and the brain juices are flowing good so let me throw this out to other growers, especially older ones. Do you find yourself learning from your mistakes, and have you reached a level of, for lack of a better descriptor maturity where you actually appreciate making the mistake, so that you could learn something. I don't know any other way to put it, but growing has actually helped me achieve a higher level of being. Patience and gratitude were just words in a dictionary before I started growing, now they are a way of life. I'm not sure if it was quitting the rat race, growing, or this 10 month cured bubble kush, but man I have a zen going on that just won't quit.

Such an awesome diy man! I have the same filter, I had no idea this was doable. Awesome! Girls are looking great btw! Cheers

Thanks. Three more weeks and I should be able to post some true cannaporn. :high-five:
Day 38

Topped off all three girls tonight. PH continues to drop. My water is high enough that it brings it back up when I top off. I purposefully left PH a bit high tonight knowing it will drift down through the 5.8 range. Small height gains also, with Q1 leading the pack with a 3 inch jump over night. Data below.

Q1, PH out 5.65, given 3 quarts, PH in 6.24, grew 3" now 35.5"
ST, PH out 5.44, given 2 quarts, PH in 6.07, grew .75" now 26.5"
BK, PH out 5.55, given 3 quarts, PH in 6.05, grew .5" now 52.5"

I am starting to get excited about seeing some big buds. The girls smell strong, and BK is skunky as can be. ST barely has an odor to me, and Q1 is slightly fruity. This is where I keep telling folks to keep patient....well I can't. Hurry babies hurry !:)
I'm feeling pretty good right now and the brain juices are flowing good so let me throw this out to other growers, especially older ones. Do you find yourself learning from your mistakes, and have you reached a level of, for lack of a better descriptor maturity where you actually appreciate making the mistake, so that you could learn something. I don't know any other way to put it, but growing has actually helped me achieve a higher level of being. Patience and gratitude were just words in a dictionary before I started growing, now they are a way of life. I'm not sure if it was quitting the rat race, growing, or this 10 month cured bubble kush, but man I have a zen going on that just won't quit.


Reminds me of the story of the bull and his son standing on top of a hill looking down on a meadow of cows. I'm not exactly sure of the day I made that transition, but I do embrace it.
Thanks for posting the carbon filter re-fill info... +rep
I've seen it done before, but you did a nice job of presenting it and also the info on how much carbon was needed is helpful!

The only reason I can come up with as to why rivets are used rather than screws is that they would rather have you just buy a new filter so they make it more difficult to refill... As I mentioned before there are brands that do use screws rather than rivets, but I won't post brand names b/c it will get deleted.

Your plants are looking purdy good man.. And damn, those roots are white!!
Thanks for posting the carbon filter re-fill info... +rep.........Your plants are looking purdy good man.. And damn, those roots are white!!

Thanks Cogreen, the photos make the roots looks whiter than they really are. The AN micro is a dark mix and leaves a slight stain.
Ah gotcha... My roots are actually fairly dark as well from the Thrive Alive B1 I use.

Speaking of roots, 2 things I've been trying to learn more about are:
(a) Air gap between net pot and nutes in res. Lots of conflicting info out there as to if you should have much of an "air gap" here.. So far (based on reading) it seems like less air gap promotes veg growth, where as more air gap promotes flower... No idea if this is true. Note I'm assuming DWC+ air stones are used.
(b) Why some plants form very thick root "cords" and others don't. For example I don't see any of these in your root pics, but if you look at my root pic on pg 11 of my journal you'll see my plant does... Interestingly my other plant doesn't have these so I'm lead to believe it's not a strain factor (both of my plants are same strain).

You have any info on these topics?
From what I've seen taking my baskets apart after harvest, I have the same heavy roots as yours show, but once they hit the solution they break down into feeder roots. I start my buckets with 4.5 gallons so the solution touches the hydroton and wicks moisture upwards. After I see the first root poke out of the basket I drop levels to 4 gallons and try to keep it there. I haven't read anything about one level of solution better for veg or flowering. Hmmm? Really wouldn't matter for me, I've tried using only 3 gallons in a bucket, ph swings, nutrient concentrations, and thirsty plants made it a bigger hassle than I care to deal with. One day I am going to build a rdwc and get ridiculous with the reservoir just to make it easier. Somewhere in the future I see a scrogged airpot monster. :)

Edit: How long did you veg that beast? Stem my foot, it looks like a tree trunk.
hey rm , i see what you mean. you have a few tall northern pines there.......here is what i am going to do tomorrow and maybe this will help you ......... arching top of plant and getting two hooded clamp fixtures and some 200 watt cfl..... to face the now arched top of the plant ........ you can use any bulbs you like using an edison socket that comes with the hooded clamp fixture.....you may have to rig something to "clamp" onto ........ a few 2 x4 's should do the trick ...... good luck ...will post how it went as soon as i can ....btw , that is a nice set up !!!! thanks 4 ur help.....
Day 39

BK is coming to a stop finally. Slowing at least is more like it. Everyone has gained ~6" since Sunday night. Water usage this week is going to be a record. I've had some very thirsty girls. I was out back earlier rolling up the hose when one of the horses walked by and told me a cool front was coming. Said the temps were going to drop by 15 degrees highs and lows. I am absolutely giddy with anticipation at the thought of turning the ballast up to 750w. :loopy:
Photos tonight we're just goofing not documenting




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