Rifleman's - Multi-Strain Auto Grow - 600W - Hydro

I offer you some tough love this evening... sorry.
Don't you think it's time to pull the plug on Q2? You could be growing something awesome in that pot.

It might be. I'm just letting her drag along on life support for one reason. She is stressed and stunted. If she survives it might be enough to cause her to hermie. As long as I watch carefully the rest should be done before that happens. A hermie pollinating itself gives feminized seeds if I have understood correctly. Not optimum for growing indoors, but I'm thinking ahead for next Spring. I've about convinced myself if she dies to leave the space open, I'm afraid I might need more room.LOL
Good idea rifle, if she doesn't produce seeds then at least you will have tried & will probably have learnt something useful that may come in handy in future grows. Good stuff buddy.
Looking at Q2 this morning. She is not going to make it. I'll wait until later tomorrow evening to remove her. I have a friend coming to learn a little hydro and I think it'll be good for him to see the process.

I forgot to mention that Q1 also got a seat belt/back brace last night. If you look at the photos close you can see where she has been leaning in her basket. Farking hydroton. It gave her a bad case of scoliosis. She is now more secure and was turned to where the light would pull her upright. It shows in today's best height gain. But BK isn't giving up that fight yet. :)

PH checks tonight, until then I'll leave you with this little bit of info. Peace !

Q1 - 32"

ST - 22"

BK - 48.25"
I did some reading... apparently I'm wrong.
Sorry for the bad info.
Still not a great genetic source tho. I'm happy I've steered clear of them over the years, but I can see how some folks might want to stick their toes in that water.

Sorry to speak incorrect words.

But still.... Happy Day of the Dead!

Hey Tead, I am not a breeder for sure, barely a grower, but I think you were half right. If she produced seed it would be more likely to hermie than a conventionally produced seed. A recessive gene being brought to the top of the soup, IDK? That's how I understand it though. I could be wrong, if so I hope someone with a degree will help out. Those seeds would not be desirable inside a tent , but acceptable for outside. There is so much cannabis growing around here you can't help but get seeds outside anyway. :)
There is so much cannabis growing around here you can't help but get seeds outside anyway. :)

So... you triggered a funny memory... I'll share.
There were many strange issues one faced when returning to The Big Easy upon it's most recent notable watering event.
Utilities were not working of course. No supplies (groceries, gas, etc...) without extremely protracted travel. Life kinda sucked mostly.
In every garden, there is a rose... or you could go with the tired silver lining bit. We were all absorbing any mind altering substances we could find. The city was eeeeeempty. Because many of our local dwellings are usually elevated about 2 feet off the ground, fences are typically very tall. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHERS had plants going in their back yards. My neighbor ringed his backyard fence with plants thinking they would stay below the fence line and be hidden from the masses. They were about 3 feet above his fence line! It was an awesome thing to see. Nobody was really around to notice or report him... and I really have no idea who would have cared. You could walk thru our city park and see plants growing in the crooks of some of the big oak trees.
Funny what happens in an empty city. What's that old phrase... "In chaos, there is extreme opportunity"
I offer you some tough love this evening... sorry.
Don't you think it's time to pull the plug on Q2? You could be growing something awesome in that pot.

Which ever way you choose thats cool but please do not show her again unless she has a miracle recovery, looking at her made me think of looking at a picture of a bad train wreck. I know everyone wants to take a peek but once they do, most people wish they they didn't. It was just kind of sad and depressing since death can visit anyone one of us at any moment.

The rest looked amazing though
BK = +18" in one week. :jawdropper:

Good luck with that one! Time for a little B&D.

PH rising, a little growth, and an ugly Q2. What else did I expect? Everyone had a PH of 6.5/6.6 tonight. Q1 is down 2 quarts, ST none, and BK just one. I assume since Q1 gets most of the breeze from the fan that is why she is drinking more. She sure isn't the biggest one. I'll top everyone off tomorrow evening. I PHd one of my distilling buckets to 5.8 tonight in prep. BK is showing an Mg def on her older large leaves, nothing new. No nute burn on the tips yet. No photos tonight, just some measurements to close with. Peace.
Q1- 32"
ST- 22..75"
BK- 48.75"
Q2 pulled from the tent. The space is going to be needed. Water top off this morning, PH adjustments, and height measurements. I also pulled my carbon filter from the tent. Entire house reeks now. I'll be drilling out the rivets, emptying the filter, and refilling it today. I'll try to remember to take photos, especially when I clean the old carbon. More later, Peace.

Q1 given 4 quarts, 32.5"
ST given 2 quarts, 23.5"
BK given 3 quarts 50"
LOL had to laugh when you said the whole house reeks.
personally I like the smell but "she who must be obeyed doesn't"
Better hurry up and get that new filter up and running or you will be in the dog house :rofl:

I like the smell too but I've never run the tent without the scrubber...Wow! If a neighbor, mailman, etc comes knocking today, they will get ignored.
Earlier this year as the wife and I were driving through town we had the windows down and it was so cool, you could smell peoples grows. I was like, see honey, I am not the only one. I would purposely slow the car down every time I drove by those neighborhoods so I could tell if they had harvested or not. Was so cool.
Carbon Filter Recharge

My air scrubber was no longer doing an efficient job so I fixed it with new carbon and a small picture tutorial also. Very simple job. The biggest warning I can give you is do NOT bang the end of the wire cages when the top is off. They bend easily and the fit is such a tight one that if slightly out of round the job becomes 10x as difficult. Reassembly is just the reverse of how I took it apart. I did however put it back with sheet metal screws instead of rivets to make it quicker next time. Soon I'll get a round tuit and clean the old carbon and reactivate it, pictures included. :) Seal it up and I'm ready to swap it out again the next time it becomes ineffective.

Plant update after lights on tonight, a quick peak this morning put BK in the 52" area. Stay tuned. Peace, Luke.

Filter with rivets.

Drill rivets out.

Remove end.

Remove gasket.

Empty old carbon.

New carbon.

Custom carbon insertion tool.
Day 37

Everyone's PH has been dropping instead of rising. Good thing my tap water has a PH in the high eights. Added water, calmag, and hydroguard tonight. I let the buckets settle closer to a PH of 6 due to it consistantly dropping lately. The calmag is in response to yellow bars on some of BK'S leaves, photo below, that I believe to be a magnesium def. Thoughts on it are more than welcome. You can see by the photos also that BK is 52" and nearly too tall. When I lift her out of the bucket she touches the top of the tent just as the roots clear the bucket. :thedoubletake: Don't forget all of my photos are linked to larger versions. All questions, comments, and criticisms are welcome and encouraged. I can't learn if you don't point out mistakes or offer different ideas, and I really like to learn. Peace and contentment to you all.

PH out 5.66, given 4 quarts H2o, 18ml calmag, 9ml Hydroguard, 32.5" tall, PH in 5.98

PH out 5.67, given 3 quarts H2o, 18ml calmag, 9ml Hydroguard, 25.75" tall,PH in 5.98

PH out 5.52, given 3 quarts, 18ml calmag, 9ml Hydroguard, 52" tall, PH in 5.93

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