Round 2-4140w LED-6x12 Monster SCROG-Hydro Recirculating System-PK-Chernobyl-Berrybom

Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

lool, I honestly have NO idea how I came up to the new journal bro, I just opened safari and it brought me here ...
Wtf ? :D

Thanx to "magic" anyways , I'm here as well Jon !! I'm waiting for you to blow our minds once again, with another one wonderfull grow !!!!
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

(I'm going to read from the first page now, like a good boy :)
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

Jon , try praying mantis dude !!! I ve seen another guy ("agent smith", i u wanna take a look) uses 'em with success in another forum at the past !! It's a daaamn sweet gurdian, bro !!

The only prob , is if you haven't any bugs at all in your garden, you got to feed 'em with lady bugs, otherwise they 'll starve to death !!
They 're hard carnivores and they don't even like eatch other (fighting for space), unless u got a ton of gnats and they ll get busy ...
One is enough for most cases ...

Just an idea bro .... ;)
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

Nooo bro, you're buying them online !! You can buy any kind of those bugs, it comes as some type of eggshacks and you actually, germinate them !! You do the same for lady bugs as well .... And from what I understand it's pretty easy ...
There are a ton of growers and greenhouses that use them, you ll be surprise if you do a little research bro !!!

I'll try and get some links if you like ....

And they are damn cute too hahaha :)
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

lol u twat u beat me to it haha

Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

Hahahahaha , fantastic video tony, hell the poor dragon after so many tries , he is still hungry ...
Shit , damned technology :laugh:

Very funny
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

Subbed. Can't wait the SCRoG.
Can you show me a bit your system? It is flood and drain, right? I didn't see where the water comes from.
Thanks Jon!
Hey Tony,have you checked out my other journal in my sig? theres lots of info on my system in the flower room and some pretty sweet pics of led buds :)the veg table has a 45 gallon res underneath it,just a simple flood and drain table.
heres my latest vid it shows the room pretty good too.
Fero AF-600's on rails Day 25 of Flower Purple Kush - YouTube
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

That is fucking cool!I want one lol...are they much work to take care of? mine would be in the workshop.

They are really great pets bro. Mine are full grown adults at 2 years old. they can live years and years. I feed them a few locusts a day and the odd bit of spinach leaf or mealworm for variety. hell u could prob feed them ur trim! lol they dont bite and are so tame, love being stroked. I chill on my sofa with dogs either side and lizards on my shoulder, now thats cool!

Change sand evey 4 weeks and give them water. easy....
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

They're some Cool Purple rooms Jon,
Missed these, subbed from now mate. Your grows are pro! How long have you been fully defoliating all pans? Do you see more of a difference with more light penetration over big sugar leaves? I do the same but no all my pans, just where needs light.
Re: Round 2-4140w led-6x12 monster scrog-hydro recirculating system-pk-chernobyl-berr

Thanks JBC,sugar leaves are the leaves that are coming right out of the nugs I dont remove those at all bro,I defoliate a few times during veg whenever its needed and on days 21 and 45 of flower.I remove most of the fan leaves but leave a few here and there for photosinthesis.I see a huge difference with defoliation,the light reaches right to the bottom of the plants and even through to the floor.personally I would'nt do it any other way if your looking for max yield:)
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