Seedlings dried out

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The answer is they cannot get very dry at all as none made it.
Thanks guys
I'm curious as to how bad they can dry out before they are past rejuvenation. It's pretty bad
I don't know if you tried this, but next time water the seedling and then put a sandwich bag over the cup. That'll keep moisture in on the seedling.
Good idea. I'm using rapid rooter type 1x2 cubes. I had a heating mat under the tray and I think that was drying them out too fast
Good idea. I'm using rapid rooter type 1x2 cubes. I had a heating mat under the tray and I think that was drying them out too fast
I just used heating mat myself to germinate seeds and it did dry things up quicker than normal. You might put a washcloth or some paper towels under those seedlings on top of mat like I did, that will slow the drying down a little.
If you go to any major grocery store with a bakery, You should be able to get some of these large plastic containers free. I have several and they make a great humidity dome. Once you don't need the container on and to keep humidity high you can get a 5 gallon bucket hang a coat hangar like the pic and get an aquarium pump and a timer to cycle on every 20 minutes to wet the towel. I used a sentinel timer. Putting a fan in front of it will really raise humidity. It works well.
pictures? I have left young plants go so long that they folded over... wilted at the trunk. It is surprising how fast they can bounce back after a good watering sometimes.
Please inform me on how you made your seedlings bounce back? I believe there's hope but my plant is quickly dying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated(Seriously any, I'm might have to scrap this run).
Please inform me on how you made your seedlings bounce back? I believe there's hope but my plant is quickly dying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated(Seriously any, I'm might have to scrap this run).

looks like you've got pests. i'm not sure i'd keep that plant. first off start another thread in the faq to get some eyes on it.

when you do give us the complete rundown of what you've done so far including media, nutes, light etc.
Please inform me on how you made your seedlings bounce back? I believe there's hope but my plant is quickly dying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated(Seriously any, I'm might have to scrap this run).
It will take time but you do have some time on your side. The plant is slowly dying, not quickly.

The cotyledons are about used up so the plant has to use the few true leaves it has to repair any root damage. Eventually it will start to show some new growth in the center as it starts to grow the next set of true leaves.

If it is a natural soil the only thing that you will have to do until it recovers is water when it needs it. Avoid watering because you "think" it needs watering. Read through the thread on watering a potted plant to get an idea of how to do it without doing any further damage. Link is below:

When I am letting a damaged or abused plant recover, especially a small one like that, I found that one good thing to do is to stop picking it up to look at it. Leave it be for as long as possible. All that movement seems to cause more damage to the roots just from the movement of the small pot and the stem.
It will take time but you do have some time on your side. The plant is slowly dying, not quickly.

zooming in on the pic shows bugs all over the cots.
Yeah neem oil then repot in finer soil. Big chunks don’t help. Fox farm works pretty good. Don’t over water or over heat it should come around. You’ll have to deal with spider mites
Stem looks pinched.. I had this happen twice.. Once I got it to bounce back by burying the stem up to just below the cotyledons.. The second time it was too late and it died

Stem looks pinched.. I had this happen twice.. Once I got it to bounce back by burying the stem up to just below the cotyledons.. The second time it was too late and it died


Thank you so much for the input, the stem is 100% pinched(you could see more clearly in person).

Again, thank you, I appreciate all the advice I can get. This is how I have it planted now.

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