Should day three seed tips be burnt already?


Well-Known Member

Growing auto blue mystic
Water ph 6.0. But appart from spray not been watered yet. ( pods were wet in transplant.
Light 300w LED
Soil Canna Coco Professional Pro Soil
Started in jiffy pods and transplanted in pod to the soil.

Room temp was 91 F but I have now introduced an air cooler to bring down.

Have also raised the light a few more inches. Was 12 now 16 inches above.

Any thoughts on why seedling tips burning.

Three train of thoughts.
Temperature which I hope I have sorted.
Light was too close so hopefully have sorted.
Soil. To rich In which case I’m screwed.

Thanks for taking the time


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That's pretty close for those lights. Mine are at 15-17" and they are in flower. My lights were like 30+" during seedling time. Also I've heard the jiffy pods can be a little bit.
Not familiar with the soil, is it an organic water only soil?
Far as I know the jiffy pots are just peat moss (or most of them anyway) so they have little to no nutrient value, same as far as I know coco a soil-less medium and has little to no nutrient value also, so lights too close and/or droplet on leaf with lights being too close combination. Varies on the light as even LED are all over the place, but yeah 25-30" best place to start and can go slightly lower if they start stretching too much (though I usually bury part of the stem when I transplant as I start in a smaller pot (yogurt cup) until plant is established, as easier to water and everything).
I meant to say the jiffy pots might be a bit hot. Finishing sentences is always nice, lol

Jiffy pellets are not hot. They are just peat for the most part, and are designed for starting seeds. They work really well and can be quite easy to deal with for germination/seedlings.

I have a seedling/clone "dome" setup, and a little riser tray that I put inside of it which sits about 3/4" tall. Then there is a wicking mat that lays over that and touches the bottom of the tray. Add water to bottom of tray, mat wicks it up, pellets sit on top of mat and take up moisture as needed. Easy peasy.

The only real thing with the jiffy pellets is making sure they do not start out over saturated. They come in a dried out disk that expands when you add water. That's all fine and dandy. Once you get them expanded you either need to give em a gentle squeeze, or let them sit out on a paper towel and drain off the excess until the moisture is balanced out.
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