Skunnymonster's Multi-Strain Perpetual LED Grow

I used to love riding my bike through the back lanes & my favourite bike was an old Suzuki GSXR 600 SRAD but I wrote it off due to a dodgy chain. Luckily I was only doing around 30mph coz I'd just set off, the previous day I hit 165mph so things could have been a lot worse. I'd love me a Harley but they don't suit my roads.
I've seen Sturgis on the telly & it looks awesome :)
Fastest i have been on a bike was just a little over 150mph....on a racing bike......i was good until i looked down at the speedo......bout shit my pants when i seen how fast:)lol.......wasnt even my bike.....was getting my rear tire replaced on my first harley and test rode a Daytona 1100 made by Triumph......i must have looked goofy with my leather vest on and my little peanut helmet:)lol
I bought the bike never having ridden one in my uncle had to drive it away from the dealership with me on the back. I took a riding class on a 125cc little bike and then, with less than 100 miles under my belt, headed off to Sturgis from Cali and met my girlfriend's husband and his 4 buddies from Michigan and stayed at a campground in Sturgis. He never told his buddies that I was a newb until about 2 years later. He just said, "Keep your mouth shut and ride behind him" and I did. They brought a dead friend's ashes with them and proceeded to spread him all around the Sturgis area at different high points. Even put some of him in a shot glass of whiskey at the bar, some of him went into the gas tank and we had to stop and clean out the fuel line off the road.

Anyway, back then, not many girls rode their own bike, so I was a real novelty; people would freak. I'd go on group rides over 300 miles on the weekends. In Cali you can ride in between lanes on the dotted line. I learned to ride like a guy because if I didn't keep up with the group I'd be 300 miles away by myself, so I had to ride hard.

Yep, I rode from Tijuana all the way to San Fran and everywhere in between. What a friggin blast. Nothing like it.
I bought the bike never having ridden one in my uncle had to drive it away from the dealership with me on the back. I took a riding class on a 125cc little bike and then, with less than 100 miles under my belt, headed off to Sturgis from Cali and met my girlfriend's husband and his 4 buddies from Michigan and stayed at a campground in Sturgis. He never told his buddies that I was a newb until about 2 years later. He just said, "Keep your mouth shut and ride behind him" and I did. They brought a dead friend's ashes with them and proceeded to spread him all around the Sturgis area at different high points. Even put some of him in a shot glass of whiskey at the bar, some of him went into the gas tank and we had to stop and clean out the fuel line off the road.

Anyway, back then, not many girls rode their own bike, so I was a real novelty; people would freak. I'd go on group rides over 300 miles on the weekends. In Cali you can ride in between lanes on the dotted line. I learned to ride like a guy because if I didn't keep up with the group I'd be 300 miles away by myself, so I had to ride hard.

Yep, I rode from Tijuana all the way to San Fran and everywhere in between. What a friggin blast. Nothing like it.

LB wanted to learn to ride so she went to the college for the course....also rode a 125cc......i went and bought her a Honda Rebel 250cc for her on valentines day......i painted it and cleaned it up for her....looked new;)......had to have the front tire and tube replaced......long stoory made short the bike place fooked up the installation.......less than a 100 miles later and her third time riding it.....the front tire tube blew....she ended up t boning a truck at about 35mph....slid down the side of the truck and bike landed on top of her.......her mom was on my bike with me......and we were following LB so we watched the whole thing go far the scariest moment i my life when i watched it......i jumped off my bike and ran to her......honestly thought she was dead the way she slid lifeless down the truck and blood pouring from her helmet......adrenaline took over and i picked the bike up and off of her.....(paid dearly for that one later:))......ambulance hauled her to the hospital with me on its know she only spent 7 hours in the ER......girl has a head made of stone:)lol......broke her arm was the most that she is still going through surgeries to correct it but she is alive:)......long story i know, but relevant:) well kind of :)lol......she is waiting for court......if it works out the first thing she is buying is a Harley:).....
Lord have mercy, even tho I know LB is still alive, your story had me gripping my heart. WOW, am surprised she still wants to ride. Cali is a no helmet state, I went both ways depending. Yep, safety is paramount. It's important that I learned to ride with guys in my own mind, it made me tougher with more stamina to boot. Like how tough do you think I really am......okay, I'm tough as nails, ha. I had a custom 1200 and a Fat Boy.
I grew up wanting a fat boy, but when it came time i seen the road king and fell in love.....if it wasnt for the suspension being hard on my back.....old airborne injury......i would still have it.....put 17,000 miles on her in 7 months that i had her before we traded up for the old mans bike:) you still have both?
I moved back to the midwest with the 1200 and then sold it here. Couldn't ride year round like in Cali, so I traded the iron horse in for a real horse. HA!
Ahh....that is a shame:( and horses have an agreement.......i wont get on them and they wont throw my azz off:)lol.......i have been on 3.....first one ran to his stable....had a low door....i took one to the head and flipped backward off her.....second was on a trail nice and to cross a creek and the damn thing decided to stop so suddenly i did a front flip off her into the water.....lets not go into the third time:)lol
That's too funny. I rescue animals now. I live on a 10 acre ranch. At one time I had 7 horses, pot belly pig, goats, etc. Now I just have a horse and a half. The half is a little mini, 33 inches off the ground that pulls a 2 wheeled Amish cart.....maybe that's more your style. I have miles of dirt roads around so we take off down the drive and go about for a spin. Loads of fun, who knew.

I still have a motorcycle endorsement on my license, so If I get a hankering or go somewhere exotic that calls for 2 wheels, I have been known to rent a bike.
Ahh....that is a shame:( and horses have an agreement.......i wont get on them and they wont throw my azz off:)lol.......i have been on 3.....first one ran to his stable....had a low door....i took one to the head and flipped backward off her.....second was on a trail nice and to cross a creek and the damn thing decided to stop so suddenly i did a front flip off her into the water.....lets not go into the third time:)lol

Haha...i wanna know about.the third time now lol....
I've had one experience on a horse. It was a long time ago & it belonged to the girl I was seeing at the time. She encouraged me to sit on her horse & get to know her baby, so I jumped on bareback as it was up against a fence, thinking I'd just sit on it. Nobody told me they had a mind of their own :thedoubletake: Well this thing took off like a rocket with me clinging to it's neck & bolted around the paddock a few times & came to a stop when I was upside down staring up at its chin. I've never shit myself as much in my life & I've stuck to engine driven vehicles since :)
Oh man, you have me chuckling over here....mainly because between you and Green, I've been there done that a number of times. I can't go out to the pasture and expect to get something done with the horses on my's all about them and their time. One can learn a lot from animals, that's for sure.
I've had one experience on a horse. It was a long time ago & it belonged to the girl I was seeing at the time. She encouraged me to sit on her horse & get to know her baby, so I jumped on bareback as it was up against a fence, thinking I'd just sit on it. Nobody told me they had a mind of their own :thedoubletake: Well this thing took off like a rocket with me clinging to it's neck & bolted around the paddock a few times & came to a stop when I was upside down staring up at its chin. I've never shit myself as much in my life & I've stuck to engine driven vehicles since :)
Here's my new smoke, speed dried Tangerine Dream popcorn :yummy:

Looks delish, you sure have lots to choose from in your garden.
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