Small cupboard light needs?


Well-Known Member
Hi all.. This is my first post...

I have just built my stealth cupboard.... 60cm x 60cm x 110 cm...

Its built out of plyboard i had in my loft... No outlay at all so far, kerching !!

I intend to grow 1-2 plants in it... I will put in a fan kit
aswell.. To ensure fresh air in and clean air out...

Basically. As its a stealth set up, heat is major issue..

I fully intend to use a cfl bulb and reflector...
I am looking at a twin spectrum 200-300w light

My question is this.... Will this be sufficent in this little cupboard ??..

I hope someone clued up can come to my aid, thankyou
in advance for your help
Re: Small cupboard light needs ??

I plan to start off with a couple of ryders..

Purple and afghan kush... I intend to walk
before i can run..

I did have a plant in greenhouse a few years ago, but it failed
At last hurdle... Had 2 weeks of crud weather, game over..

I intend to use a compost/ top soil mix as my growing medium..

Would bone meal be of use in formation of healthy roots ??

My ferts will come in the form of organic nutrients, supplied
by my water changes from my large aquarium and pelleted
organic chicken mature, as it done so well with last plant i grew..
Re: Small cupboard light needs ??

I ordered my 200w cfl light, fan kit and seeds today...

The cabinet is now wall mounted... The filter is going to be hidden
Behind a false panel... Made it look like a complete cabinet/ storage
Solution...using wood from old wardrobes... Very stealthy

Total cost so far...75 quid..happy daze
Well thanks to super speedy delivery and a bit of sweat and
head scratching my stealth cabinet is ready to rock and roll.

I have a 200w dual spectrum cfl bulb and a 4" fan kit installed
in it now...

Keeping up with the recycling theme i made my light holder myself... I reused an old mirror
As my reflector... Easier making a reflector out of an old 10 l paint tub

So far apart from seeds the total outlay for this build is £80.

Love recycling stuff... It has saved me loads of cash..

Too make the install mega stealthy i have made a shelving unit, with a false back... The fan and ducting are routed down te void behind.. All swiching is hidden under next shelving unit.

Seeds are in airing cupboard germinating... Hopefully..

What do you guys n galls think of it so far ??
Well thanks to super speedy delivery and a bit of sweat and
head scratching my stealth cabinet is ready to rock and roll.��

I have a 200w dual spectrum cfl bulb and a 4" fan kit installed
in it now...

Keeping up with the recycling theme i made my light holder myself... I reused an old mirror
As my reflector... Easier making a reflector out of an old 10 l paint tub��

So far apart from seeds the total outlay for this build is £80.

Love recycling stuff... It has saved me loads of cash..

Too make the install mega stealthy i have made a shelving unit, with a false back... The fan and ducting are routed down te void behind.. All swiching is hidden under next shelving unit.

Seeds are in airing cupboard germinating... Hopefully..

What do you guys n galls think of it so far ??

Hello BW

Sounds pretty cool. You should start a journal. The CFL's will work awesome in veg and will be able to bloom. If you are considering changing the light in bloom to something with a little more power I would suggest looking at LED. Way more power to create the buds you worship :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hi Budworshipper :ciao:



Thanks buckshot... I will get a few more pics of it uploaded soon..

As for lighting i was tossing between cfl and led... But went
for cfl after reading loads of research, pros n cons etc..

My major sway factor was budget too be honest.. Also there
seems to be a lot of leds for sale that are not really all that great in
my price bracket at the moment.. But it does seem to be a technology
that is advancing rapidly. Which can only be a good thing, i shall
be watching it to see how it develops.. I have already used leds to
light a fish tank.. Low power usage is a major plus .

I have started to do a documentation of the grow...
when more advanced i will post it up ..

Cant wait to see the little babies sprout their shoots...

I was considering adding another red spectrum cfl for the flowering phase
... Maybe when after first grow, then do a comparison grow...

Thanks for input buckshot and cannafan... Ive got the hang
of the uploading bit now thanks.... He says hopefully..LOL

Anyways time for a smokie poo's ...

May the smoke be with you !!
It is my auto seeds auto#1 that has sprouted. The stem is approximatly
1"high, the sprout leaves are currently on their way up...

I was going to wait until totally unfurled before moving the pot
into the cabinet or should i move it now ??...
It is my auto seeds auto#1 that has sprouted. The stem is approximatly
1"high, the sprout leaves are currently on their way up...

I was going to wait until totally unfurled before moving the pot
into the cabinet or should i move it now ??...

Oh Yes get that plant some light!!!
I like 18/6 for veg... lower power bill and stronger seedlings
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