Smokin Moose's White Widow Grow Journal

Re: Moose's White Widow grow

^cheers Keith. You've had a big part in my grow so give yourself a rap for being a good guide. Without you and Akorn, I could have been up shit creek without a paddle. I think for just being a common gardener, I am getting a reasonable result. I'll post details shortly of my ferts and the seaweed tonic I am using.
Re: Moose's White Widow grow

Okay, my ferts and tonics are:

Nitrosol, produced in Australia by Garden King. It is an organic liquid fertiliser enriched with fish, and blood and bone.
Total Nitrogen 12.9%
Total Phosphorous 2.9%
Total Potassium 8.5%
Total Calcium 2.1%
Plus mineral and organic trace elements.
I used this at 1/4 dilution at first, starting 3 days after seed pop. I also use this dilution once weekly to foliar feed, combined with the seaweed tonic.
After week two I went to full strength dilution alternating plain water and nutrients. I maintained this regimen up to day 28 - my plants were 24" at this stage.

Seasol, concentrated seaweed tonic, again produced in Australia by Earthcare. I apply this in a foliar spray every three days from day one, in a very dilute concentration. Seasol is a seaweed extract which contains naturally occuring growth stimulants, potassium and trace elements. Equivalent to not less than 700gm/litre of fresh seaweed. Seasol is a plant conditioner, not a nitrogen based fertiliser. It contains virtually no nitrogen or phosphorous and can be applied safely in the dilutions suggested. Seasol stimulates root development and healthy growth. It also enhances flowering, and increases resistance to heat and disease. Smells like shit though!

As you can see from the images earlier, the plants are lush considering they are being grown in 12" pots.
I will update the images as and when my mate brings his digital camera over again.
Re: Moose's White Widow grow

Okay guys, here are some more images of my grow. I am at day 26 of flowering. The 8 female plants are 48" tall and have finished their flowering stretch and are now starting to fill with buds.


As you can see, the 8 females have filled the grow space, and the crowns are forming nicely.


The growth is lush and internodal length is open and airy for good light penetration.


It is clearly evident there are a lot of budding sites forming.


As you can see, I have a plethora of buds on the way.


Well peeps, that brings you up to date on my organic White Widow grow.
Re: Moose's White Widow grow

^It sure is. I got this mandala from a small village just outside of Leh. It is done on raw silk and the colours are all from semi-precious stones that have been ground down to a talc-like texture, then incorporated into the paint and adorned with gold leaf. The mandala I have dates to the 1920's and is quite valuable. It was smuggled out of Tibet by the monks, and I discovered it at the small market in the refugee camp.
Re: Moose's White Widow grow

Very nice smoking instruments. I love changing up what I am smoking and what I am smoking with. I have many homemade pipes. There is always a new idea for smoking apparatus stirring in my smoke filled head. Your plants look wonderful. Do you sit and talk with them?
Re: Moose's White Widow grow

Moose, I think your eye just blinked . . . or was it just me.
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