Soil to hydro - Shock


New Member

Here I am again with some more questions.

WE went soil to hydro and these 4 are the weird ones. What do you guys think has happened when the rest came out of the shock?


Heres the others that has mostly recouped from the shock

We are running 1000 watts and about a week ago raised the light thinking it was the light being to close as those weird plants are in the middle of the table.
We are using AN at half strength, PH is about 5.8-6.0. Calmag about 5ml/gallon.
Spraying 15 on 15 off
Lights 16/8
water temp is 68-72

Any help would be appreciated.
Handling the roots to wash them of soil is sure to be a shock. Some will do better than others. Additionally you may have severely da bed the roots when washing off the soil. Important roots may have been broken. Water roots and soil roots are also different in structure. Soil roots are more fine in width, hydro roots are thicker.

Why would you transfer from soil to hydro? I'm assuming that wasn't the original plan.
To be honest, it wasn't the plan. We were going to use them all as soil mothers as they came from seeds but then we had other plants come up we needed to take care of and this was kind of only option thing. Do you think there is any way to bring them back. This is week two and they are developing roots, just not as fast as others.
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