
Jackie Brown

420 Member
I just bought soil “hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 % does anyone have experience using this or something familiar

I just bought soil “hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 % does anyone have experience using this or something familiar

Unfortunately I don't have experience with that product.
But I'd love to get my hands on it.
It seems that it's hydroponic coco with clay balls.
So coco grow parameters would apply.
I'd add bokashi and insect frass to it before I used it.
Helps with microbes / fungi for root health.
Stay safe.
I just bought soil “hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 % does anyone have experience using this or something familiar
@Bill284 pretty much nailed it. The product is a hydroponic growing medium and a google search indicates that it is primarily sold in Europe. Check out the threads in the section on 'hydroponic growing' here on this message board and you might find one of our European friends who is using the mix.

It is not soil, though. Seems to have nothing but finely ground coco coir which the manufacturer is calling "coco peat", probably to get people to buy it as a replacement for the peat moss which is being phased out as a gardening media in England or most of Europe.

Bill284, for US and possibly Canada, the closest to this that I came across on google while looking up the Atami stuff is something from Gold Medal and is also a 60-40 mix. Seems to be available at a lot of the big box home improvement stores and larger hardware store chains.
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