Spike's Grow Room


Yaa k2 The whole house smells of the cheese,I even smell it when I am in the car.lol,,,the 2 clones could be chopped soon and the 2 blue mystics are in the dirt.I am so jazzed to grow the blue.I was going to wait but the way things are here at the pad,anything I need to do I better do cause 1 day to the next is up in the air.
ooo that cheese is getting chunky, looks delicious from here. Wish we could smoke a bowl of it bro. sending some green vibes your way :bong:

K2 when I have 3 hits of it I stay on the couch(well-in my chair)very potent good for sleep hrs. after smoking.Ok on helping my back too,dyno taste
Me too L-1 I am jazzed to grow these 2 blues,going to give it my all.Second 1 is not through the dirt yet,thats louise I can see where she's coming up,that's it. :thumb: +reps
Well I wish you nothing but postive vibes my friend...:Namaste:...

I have to stop growing for a while {personal resasons}. I'm going back to court to air out another load of dirty laundry for what's happening in a certian some-1's home. I have to think of the welfare of our child and only what's best for that child..

I have been in and out of court concerning this same case for the past 6 years. If the roles were reversed I would have been stripped of my rights long ago. It's alright b/c I'm gaining positions with every motion that I file. I am self taught and can write motion better than most lawyers.... I love being "In Pro Per" b/c as long as I say things nicely, I can speak how I feel and say what I want. That is more than any lawyer can do.

I filed a complaint with the Judicial Tenure Commission for Deformation of Character and Slander, 2 weeks later I got a letter from the JTC stating that they were investigating my claims... and 2 weeks after that this Judge anounced his Early Retirement. I know my rights and not scared to to express them...

I have been through the ringer but it has made me into the Man I am today. For that I am Thankful :Namaste:

I'll still be around though...... You grow some awesome ladies Spike!!:cheer:
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