Spike's Grow Room

Me too L-1 I am jazzed to grow these 2 blues,going to give it my all.Second 1 is not through the dirt yet,thats louise I can see where she's coming up,that's it. :thumb: +reps
Louise finished coming up last night so both Thelma and Louise are on their way.
The Gals of the blue mystic grow

Cheese nugs = :yummy:

I'm sorry to hear about your mom and her man. That sucks. I know you've been dealing with a lot of challenges the last few months, but I admire your grit.

I'm glad you got those Blue Mystics going - I know how bad you've been wanting to get those going - congrats!

The pics are great as always. I have a question - you mentioned "flat coca cola", is that something you feed them toward the end in addition to molasses, etc.?

Take care my friend! :high-five:

Oh, and L1up - :goodluck: with your court stuff. Sounds like you've been dealing with that for a while, but also sounds like you're on top of your rights and taking care of bizness. Hope to see you around still...
Just for the record-the blue m. is on 17 hrs. light and just giving it plain water
its day 2,they get aerogarden light and a 2700 cfl light right now and ever
closer the lights are getting.later - MH and cfl is how I will go.
The worst thing has happened,my Grandma's dog got away,,been 8 hrs so far.
chi-wow-wow.She is very over weight and not real healthy.
Oh G-ma's bummen. Me and Mom might be up all night looking.
The worst thing has happened,my Grandma's dog got away,,been 8 hrs so far.
chi-wow-wow.She is very over weight and not real healthy.
Oh G-ma's bummen. Me and Mom might be up all night looking.

Sorry to hear, Spike...Goodluck finding the dog! :goodluck:
Oh, and L1up - :goodluck: with your court stuff. Sounds like you've been dealing with that for a while, but also sounds like you're on top of your rights and taking care of bizness. Hope to see you around still...

Being a Male and Father in the State that I am in, you have to know your Rights or you can get bent over without a fight....lol... What can I say 6 years of representing myself and learning how lawyers present there paper work is always helpful.. Just copy how they did and and add your facts....lol

I'll still be around I just gotta be on my "P's " & "Q's" for a while, you know how that goes.

Much :Namaste: my friend...
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