Spike's Grow Room

Hi AFL,got the crap weather for Holiday up here.Tomorrow is my grandbabies first day at kindergarten and she just lost her 2 front teeth.But she is so sure
of herself she said,If any 1 don't like it ,tuff cause it happens to everybody.
It seems like yesterday she was born,she shined her light for all to see,but specially me.At that time I was having a ruff time,and She came and in 1 fail swoop she ended it all,,,cause all that was,was not now and ever since if
I don't see and touch her bout every 7 days it starts to show on and in me.
And I have to go see her,never had I ever dreamed that I would feel that bond again after my daughter was born and then it comes again when your a grandparent.

crappy weather replant

Hi AFL,got the crap weather for Holiday up here.Tomorrow is my grandbabies first day at kindergarten and she just lost her 2 front teeth.But she is so sure
of herself she said,If any 1 don't like it ,tuff cause it happens to everybody.
It seems like yesterday she was born,she shined her light for all to see,but specially me.At that time I was having a ruff time,and She came and in 1 fail swoop she ended it all,,,cause all that was,was not now and ever since if
I don't see and touch her bout every 7 days it starts to show on and in me.
And I have to go see her,never had I ever dreamed that I would feel that bond again after my daughter was born and then it comes again when your a grandparent.

I hear that.. My sons first day of kindergarden is on weds cant wait.. Sry bout the weather been cloudy and gloomy in socal too. Hope the sun wants to play again soon.
Here would be the problem if I had plants growing outside,were in a tornado watch tonight,the winds will gust to 50 per.with hard rain and hail and these
are regular summer storms here.If their in the yard I could put garbage can
over them if they aren't too big,but with no cover they would get clobbered.
And right now the wind is starting to kick it,I like storms.Well thats another 1 of my fleeting thoughts.lol
:phew::byebye:I just caught up. What a ride! A lot has happened. Your plants and buds look Yummerlicious! Those ladies are getting frosty.
A child's smile has the power to destroy negative vibes. I see my daughter and her sisters as often as possible. Their happiness = my happiness. The greatest joy comes from giving joy to others. So, according to that theory, you must be one happy camper, Spike!
I wish the best for you and your family, and all our family here at 420! I like storms, too. They fill me with energy.
Enjoy yours, and have a great Labor Day everyone! (or in my case Lazy Day):Rasta:
Thank-you Tri,,,,very kind felt words.Yaa I must say 420 has achieved
to me the reason I first came here,you folks made a grower out of me.
Ever so Thankful for my Bro and I.And the child bond with Parent is the
strongest bond there is and just as it is with Grandparent makes the
heart melt.

Right now at my Locality it is the Calm Before the Storm,things get real still and the sky kinda gets orangey-thats what is called Tornado weather here
and not to boast,,,far from it,MN. has had more this year than any state,,,135 so far.Thats not a nice stat at all as there have been many deaths,,but you
know something kind of strange.Tornadoes always produce those true stories as I have seen it,where babies are picked up and are found 300 yards away
without a scratch or the tornado runs right up to the hospital and then lifts up and over and back down,Tonadoes can and do produce truly real,gnarly
happenings.Thay are handed down through the families in the town for generations.In 1 sm. town I lived a man with a pipe through his head walked over a mile before he got help,when asked where he was going,,, to urgent care at the clinic,,,yaa thats Norwegians for you.(See Farve has some of that).
I didn't say that...

Morning Spike that is if you didn't get blown away over the wkend !! Had to chop the 2 clones yesterday, got tired of waiting for them to finish and everyday seeing the powdery mildue get a little worse . We got a bunch of small buds bags full none very heavy but they do get you high !! So I put the 2 biggest NL in 5 gal buckets into the tent and took out the LED and replaced it with my 400 HPS , the other 2 NLs are still in the closet , I'll let them veg for a while , then take a few clones and start flowering them too.... hope all this turns out good ...Sounds like you 've got some weather there !! Central Coast still boring weather 60s 70s a little am fog ho hum !!I have the wk off till we start another job fri !! Good to be working before the winter hits !! If I get my feet fixed (fucken gout) it'l be a good snowboard winter soon !! Plus still trying to get rid of this Hive curse !! been over 2 months now !! :yikes: I'll have to get you a smoke report on the early chop , hope the rest of the wk turns out good for you Spike , no tornadoes and more grandkid visits !! :peace:
Nice find Spike !! Looks like about an 1/8th !! Hell I'm going to look in my freezer too....oh wait I guess you have to have put something in there first huh ? Oh well I'll look under my bed I'm always dumping over my bong or the bowl on the floor next to it ...:peace:
Yes sir !! I even have a place for my hammock just about done , my gf and I have been cleaning up my yard and planting some cover plants so next year I can do an outdoor grow without the nosy neighbors...maybe extend my fence up a bit too...
I had a great 2 grows about 30 years ago ! First grow bagseed grew about 10' tall I got over a lb off one plant !! It grew over the eaves of my house! Next year grew 2 but they stayed about 5' tall but you could smell them from the front yard !! I gave a lot away and sold only to friends at about 1/4th of the going price at that time ...Everyone was happy !! It wasn't legal than but who cared , I used to roll up about 5 or 6 joints head down to the local bar and me and my buddy would enter the pool tornament and procede to invite all for a joint out behind the bar ...everybody got toasted and me and my bud would always win !!heh heh Half of the other guys just stared and drooled all over ...:rofl:
staring and drooling is classic hipster,when people who dont smoke like us(good stuff)smoke a half a joint,,,,they go like uuuggh and I not making fun
they just get so buzzed on the tri covered dank-they close up kind of.many
of em smoke now and then and its not like ours.
Spike are you going to the renessance festival this year? I recommend it due to its good people watching. I swore I was in the matrix....or was it the durban?

What is up with this weather!

Keep up the good grow.

Check out what I started.
The Hog - Soil - 400W MH
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