Spimps NLxBB Auto Micro CFL's 2013

:cheer:love the little girls as long as you can! they grow so fast! sniff sniff
Major change of plans. :straightface:

Ive spent all day today resarching and watching as much as I can regarding autos. I am going to discontinue the LST. Im also going to transplant her into a larger pot. Ill list some reasons, then give my views at the end.
1) Autos have a finite life span. They cannot be revegged. They live and die. They flower when they want. They veg for however long they want.
2) Autos have longer taproots than photo plants of the same size. This means any obstruction of the taproot will slow growth.
3) Transplanting shocks autos. This lost time cannot be made up for. ifyour girl is gonna live 70 days, shes gonna live 70 days even if you stunt her for a week.
4) Most of the weight of an auto comes from the large cola. Ive seen examples of around 45-55% of total dry weight is in this one bud.

So you ask, why am I gonna transfer and possibly stunt her? Because right now she is in a 6x6 in pot. My yield would be small. Autos like big pots. My plan is to transfer her into a pot with the same height, but 6x the volume. So theorically, even a week stunted will produce more yield once her roots get to spread out more. At least thats my theory. :)
im not gonna my usual LST because I want to maximize this COLA. I will probably spread out some branches as we go along, but I wont be training her sideways like I planned. My first run I had photo girls and fim'd and topped them. They were in veg and could recover nicely. This girl has the hourglass ticking away on her...

I guess we will learn together how much the transfer helps/hurts this girl.
:):):) :nomo:
Hi Spimp, just finished reading your journal, looks like its going to be one hell of a ride! I'm subbed. great find on the auto and thanks for sharing that info with us. your LST looks great the girls look great as well. the transplant is an excellent idea, what size container did you have in mind?


When I tranplanted just now, The amout of roots was already more than 3 months with my Photo's!! Her tap was hanging down 2 inches. So my root theory seems to be accurate. Now lets just hope the transplant works like I suspect it should.
My GF went and bought the pots, which are the wrong size, but it will work for now.
I have another project to do... The life of a wanna be pot gardener never ends! :rofl: :green_heart:
Looking good there spimp! Keep us posted on how she reacts to the transplant, she doesn't even look phased at the moment.

Just a thought, I believe for non auto flower its best to do multiple transplants cause the tap root will go deep then wrap around the side of the pot and not fill the space in between the center and side of a pot, thus making it best to do multiple transplants to the final container size.

I wonder if an Auto, based on your findings, would be better to just immediately move into a large 2 gallon or 5 gallon bucket so that it undergoes less shock from multiple transplants?
Looking good there spimp! Keep us posted on how she reacts to the transplant, she doesn't even look phased at the moment.

Just a thought, I believe for non auto flower its best to do multiple transplants cause the tap root will go deep then wrap around the side of the pot and not fill the space in between the center and side of a pot, thus making it best to do multiple transplants to the final container size.

I wonder if an Auto, based on your findings, would be better to just immediately move into a large 2 gallon or 5 gallon bucket so that it undergoes less shock from multiple transplants?

Yes and Yes. :rofl:
Very true. Photo girls like transplanting. Thier root system does at least. You get multiple rootballs and less wasted space.
I just learned today some of the actual reasons why not to tranplant autos. I did that to this girl to increase yield vs the very small pot I originally used. :) Ideally is somewhere around 10gal pot for autos!!
Nice thought proccess sir. +reps! :high-five:
heya simp if you wanted to watch some autos in flowering i have 10x sweet mango autoflowers in my Dwc set up atm at day 37 from seed, some people have lst'd autos with good results ive seen it on other forums, what i would suggest instead of bending her, just tuck the fan leafs under the growing shoots or pull them out of the way instead of bending the whole plant.
Heya Pimpster... I think that your decisions make sense. Watching other grow journals, the autos that do best are usually either in big pots for soil or passive hydro, or middle sized ones running active hydro. I would have done the same... I'm figuring a couple gallons for autos if using hydro, otherwise 5 for dirt.
Good Weed Spimp:)
Yes and Yes. :rofl:
Very true. Photo girls like transplanting. Thier root system does at least. You get multiple rootballs and less wasted space.
I just learned today some of the actual reasons why not to tranplant autos. I did that to this girl to increase yield vs the very small pot I originally used. :) Ideally is somewhere around 10gal pot for autos!!
Nice thought proccess sir. +reps! :high-five:

10 gallon pot? Oh my! thanks for the reps :)
And GOOD WEED to you too Fish Cake, Alex, Crimson and everyone. :) Had a blue mammoth pop on me yesterday. Actually it was stuck in the seed casing and it just so happens in my lenghty research session yesterday, this was specifically addressed. It just blows my mind that with eough looking, you can find every single situation has already happened to someone else! Im just glad people like all of you are here to help us noobs out!!

Ya 10 gallon is crazy big. :) and Your welcome Crimson, you earned em.:Namaste:
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