Starting seeds, advice, proven methods

I learned the hard way - I pooched two sets of seedlings using rock wool. It was completely my doing but still a shitty way to spend $$. That was two years ago and, after switching to RapidRooters, I've had 100% success. The down side to my approach is that there's some upfront money. All told, maybe $100 but it made it idiot proof.

I bought a SuperSprouter, per below. A bag of RapidRooters is another $20± and I spent another $X on a heat mat to keep the dome at 80°F. If you check my grow journals, you'll see the environment that I've used for the germination stage.

The only prep I do for germination is put the seeds in water overnight so as to soften the shell. After that, it's in to the RR and I get germination after 24 hours.

An alternative method is to use paper towels. The reason I do not use that method is that the tap root can get stuck in the paper towel and that can lead to the tap root being destroyed. Also, on another cannabis site, a grower went through a couple of sets of seeds before he realized that the chemicals in the paper towel were leaching into the seedling and killing it. Oops.

The great advantage of using RapidRooters is that they're hold just the right amount of water because they're a honey comb design internally and it looks like they trap water but not to the point where they suffocate the seed. I've used them a few times, once adding only a few CC's of water each day, other times I've soaked them, and the results are the same - it just works.


Also "best" is a difficult question to answer. There are a lot of way to get to done and so what works best for grower A may be a very different method than grower B uses.

Welcome to 420 BTW. There is a wide range of levels of expertise here including some folks with decades of experience. Feel free to ask for help and starting a grow journal is a great way to both learn and share with the community.
I learned the hard way - I pooched two sets of seedlings using rock wool. It was completely my doing but still a shitty way to spend $$. That was two years ago and, after switching to RapidRooters, I've had 100% success. The down side to my approach is that there's some upfront money. All told, maybe $100 but it made it idiot proof.

I bought a SuperSprouter, per below. A bag of RapidRooters is another $20± and I spent another $X on a heat mat to keep the dome at 80°F. If you check my grow journals, you'll see the environment that I've used for the germination stage.

The only prep I do for germination is put the seeds in water overnight so as to soften the shell. After that, it's in to the RR and I get germination after 24 hours.

An alternative method is to use paper towels. The reason I do not use that method is that the tap root can get stuck in the paper towel and that can lead to the tap root being destroyed. Also, on another cannabis site, a grower went through a couple of sets of seeds before he realized that the chemicals in the paper towel were leaching into the seedling and killing it. Oops.

The great advantage of using RapidRooters is that they're hold just the right amount of water because they're a honey comb design internally and it looks like they trap water but not to the point where they suffocate the seed. I've used them a few times, once adding only a few CC's of water each day, other times I've soaked them, and the results are the same - it just works.


Also "best" is a difficult question to answer. There are a lot of way to get to done and so what works best for grower A may be a very different method than grower B uses.

Welcome to 420 BTW. There is a wide range of levels of expertise here including some folks with decades of experience. Feel free to ask for help and starting a grow journal is a great way to both learn and share with the community.
This was my first grow last year. Random bag seed. Yielded 3.8 Oz of flower.



I purchased some feminized seeds from a grow store, and they weren’t cheap. What is the best way to insure germination? Also what medium is best to start seeds in?
There’s a lot of different ways and for different reasons but personally I like the paper towel n ziplock bag way. CL🍀
What is the best way to insure germination? Also what medium is best to start seeds in?
What works near 100% for one person might not work at all for the next. Same for the best medium.

Maybe practice first. Radish seeds are close to the same size and shape as most Cannabis strains. Plant several using each method and see which worked well. Once some confidence is gained it becomes so easy that it will seem that there is no way anything can go wrong unless there is a problem with the seed which is often out of the growers control.
I use the paper towel method – works like a charm every time for fresh seed. Happy to share details if you need.

When tails are about 1/2" long, I plant into 2" square nursery pots. I have a custom sprouting mixture consisting of my custom grow mix w/ nutes, cut with addition coco coir and perlite. I also sift it through 1/4" screen.

I second what cbdhemp808 says, I have always used the paper towel method. I also have NOT spent cash on seeds. If I had the investment I would care a ton more and exercise caution.

I have had great success with the paper towel method. Keeping ambient temps warm enough for the seeds is paramount. When they're warm enough I would always make sure the paper towel stayed moist.

I have done both. I kept them too cold and no sprouts until they warmed up. I have also kept them warm enough and dried out the paper towel.
I have had great success with the paper towel method. Keeping ambient temps warm enough for the seeds is paramount. When they're warm enough I would always make sure the paper towel stayed moist.
Warm, moist (kept wet - not soggy), and dark. I do mine at about 75°F.
I just fill a 1 gal. pot with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest. Water it with 1 ml. of Cal Mag per gal. to run off. Let it sit over night. Next day drop my seed 1/4" down in a hole & cover it with soil. I don't water again until the seed sprouts. Usually takes 2-3 day for it to sprout. I've had great success this way.
Because people use their fingers to pick up seeds bacteria and other yuck can follow. I use a soak in water with a 1/20 solution of hydrogen peroxide (3% from the grocery store). They sit in that overnight. Then add a little more water and dampen paper towels. When they sprout using tweezers I put them in the paper towel. Plant in soil when the tails are about 3/4 of inch.
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