Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

"Being a week into flower, the stretch is supposed to stop here in about 2 or 3 weeks then all the energy goes into bud development."

Your girls should shows sign of developing bosom's within a week, great job.

Thanks buddy!! :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Thanks bro!! I appreciate you stopping by...

I'm noticing some interesting changes in my they are poking their heads up out of the shrubbery...

It's interesting to see the changes when you flip from veg to flower...very cool..


Yes I know what you mean my girls are at Day 12 of 12/12 and have been showing hairs for a few days now. :slide:

Now the fun begins!!:)
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I know you covered some of this, but would you give us a brief summery to date?
Type: GrandDaddyPurple Indica clones right?
Did you top or FIM any of them? How many times?
How tall are they above the soil?
How long in Veg?
How long in Flower?
thanks :)
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I know you covered some of this, but would you give us a brief summery to date?
Type: GrandDaddyPurple Indica clones right?
Did you top or FIM any of them? How many times?
How tall are they above the soil?
How long in Veg?
How long in Flower?
thanks :)


I did not FIM although I thought about it. I initially planned to scrog but I didn't have enough room to make it manageable so I opted for the LST instead.

Right now they are approximately 12" above the soil but they have been LST'd so if I let them go, they would probably be about 15" or so tall. I started the LST at about 11" and only bent them twice maybe three times.

Here is the first post where I gave my basic description of what I intended to do and then the changes that I've made along the way..Changes to the original plan are in red.

What strain is it? GDP - Grand Daddy Purple I've added a Purple Trash clone to the mix aka Jessica Stretchenstein

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? 100% Indica - Jessica is a sativa/indica mix

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg Veg for 47 days, flower 8 days as of today

If in Veg... For how long? Clones...1 to 2 weeks maybe?? My estimate here was a little off! LOL

If in Flower stage... For how long? 8 days to today

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor, stealth box

Soil or Hydro? Soil I added a hempy bucket as an experiment

If soil... what is in your mix? 2/3's Fox Farms OF, 1/3 Fox Farms LW Looking back, I would not do this. Just Fox Farms Ocean

Forest and more Perlite (4 or 3:1)

If soil... What size pot? 3 gal Smart Pots I'm going to 2 gallone Plant Warriors for my next grow

Size of light? 250w HID 7200 MH, 2100 HPS

Is it aircooled? Yes

Temp of Room/cab? Lights on = 72 to 78 degrees, lights off 60 to 62 degrees.
RH of Room/cab? 30% to 45% Jessica is in a hempy bucket and I think that has upped my RH to 43% to 70% a little too high for flower. I'm adding a dehumidifier this week.

PH of media or res? Run off ph is 5.2 Big change here. I added some top dressed soil with dolomite lime in it to up the ph. It has made all the difference in the health of my plants having the proper ph. I'm running 6.5 to 7 runoff.

Any Pests ? Nope. Sprayed with SNR 217 immediately.

How often are you watering? Once so far I'm watering about a gallon per plant for the indicas and 1 quart for the hempy bucket every 2 days.

Type and strength of ferts used? No ferts yet. TechnaFlora Starter Kit (I know, I know training wheels!)

Water? ZeroWater filtration system - TDS - zero ppm. Ph 7.1 As it happens, this wasn't the best way to go as my tap water is very good. I've been using ph'd tap water as my ppm is around 030

You know, thanks OG for asking me for a summary. It's a good idea to do this to see the differences between where I started and where I am now.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 56 - Day 9 of Flower

Bud sites are popping up all over both plants. Not so much on Jessica which is now a bit of a concern as I don't think she'll finish with the other two.

Now that I think about what..I'll just keep her going a little longer!

Here is a pic that shows one of the plants with potential bud sites or tops..


I didn't get all of them but I got most. These are the "heads" I referred to yesterday. They are popping up all over the place and getting their share of light. It's awesome to watch nature in action.

More pics


Here are some more pics of the bud development so far. Does anyone think this is going slowly? I don't know as this is my first grow.

On the last post by me, regarding the soil, I would also amend it with dolomite lime AND perlite. On the dolomite, I'll add an 1/8th of a cup per 2 gallon pot, mix it in and then water the shit out of the empty pots to settle the dirt then refill to an inch below the top of the pot. Just some info for those interested.

That's all I've got for now..

Edit: Measurements - The plants are 12" off the soil and there is 12" from the tops to the light. I still have about 3" or 4" of space between the light and the ceiling of the box. I think that's plenty of vertical space right??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

them 2 are gonna look bad ass, im sure u seen pics of plants that have little 5 inch colas all over it, i think thats how ur plants gonna turn out...if so, thats gonan be hot shit, and also if it does, that would be the way i would grow from here on out...but yea their lookin damn good, ur gonna have mad budds all over it watch...:goodluck:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

them 2 are gonna look bad ass, im sure u seen pics of plants that have little 5 inch colas all over it, i think thats how ur plants gonna turn out...if so, thats gonan be hot shit, and also if it does, that would be the way i would grow from here on out...but yea their lookin damn good, ur gonna have mad budds all over it watch...:goodluck:

Boy that would be nice wouldn't it?? Looks like projections on yield may be more accurate than I thought! That said, I'll be happy with anything of quality..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Its going great and it is not going slow at all. most of the bulk will be at the last 8 days before cutting. By then you will have full diamond patches of buds on the tips of all those sites.

IT is hard to discipline when it is the 1st, usually it gets chopped early (and that's fine) but the quality you are discussing is only going to be viable if you go "all the way"

When you get to that point, you will be seeing the very best part, fully developed and fully ready.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Its going great and it is not going slow at all. most of the bulk will be at the last 8 days before cutting. By then you will have full diamond patches of buds on the tips of all those sites.

IT is hard to discipline when it is the 1st, usually it gets chopped early (and that's fine) but the quality you are discussing is only going to be viable if you go "all the way"

When you get to that point, you will be seeing the very best part, fully developed and fully ready.


Are you salivating yet GF?
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Buds are busting out all over. IMHO I usually see bud development around 10-11 days after switch to 12/12. I am 4weeks into flower, and I just love to look over the harem and the frosty trich all over the buds, leaves and stems.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

You're doing a great job. The quality is going to be awesome...I just feel it.

Congrats man looking good, just got caught up.

Its going great and it is not going slow at all. most of the bulk will be at the last 8 days before cutting. By then you will have full diamond patches of buds on the tips of all those sites.

IT is hard to discipline when it is the 1st, usually it gets chopped early (and that's fine) but the quality you are discussing is only going to be viable if you go "all the way"

When you get to that point, you will be seeing the very best part, fully developed and fully ready.


Are you salivating yet GF?

Buds are busting out all over. IMHO I usually see bud development around 10-11 days after switch to 12/12. I am 4weeks into flower, and I just love to look over the harem and the frosty trich all over the buds, leaves and stems.

OMGoodness...I've got to clean up the drool puddle on my desk!! Awesome guys...thanks for stopping by...

Marley good to see you bro!!

The buds have started to develop...maybe it's earlier than I thought ;-)

I'm going all the way to 50% amber trichs and properly dried and cured. It will be awesome smoke that will last me forever!!

I smoke so little I'll be giving or selling some to fellow patients. Sweet!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

My first grow I should have wait one more week. My ladies get the axe on April 1st. (8 weeks in flower) due to a upcoming vacation.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

My first grow I should have wait one more week. My ladies get the axe on April 1st. (8 weeks in flower) due to a upcoming vacation.

I'm probably going to have to pull mine on May 1. The temps on this warm day have already pointed to that. I'm at 80 degrees and can't get it any cooler as the ambient temp is in the mid 60's.

Kinda sucks but I'm sure it will be fine. That will give me 8 weeks in flower as well. Wish I had started one month earlier.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I'm probably going to have to pull mine on May 1. The temps on this warm day have already pointed to that. I'm at 80 degrees and can't get it any cooler as the ambient temp is in the mid 60's.

Kinda sucks but I'm sure it will be fine. That will give me 8 weeks in flower as well. Wish I had started one month earlier.


I hear you Bro, That's why I grow outside during the summer. My girls can handle the higher temps since I give them CO2. I am glad I will be here for your girls termination, I leave May 11.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I hear you Bro, That's why I grow outside during the summer. My girls can handle the higher temps since I give them CO2. I am glad I will be here for your girls termination, I leave May 11.

Makes me think I should have rethought the lights on lights off times...lights on at night and lights off during the day.

The odor is only there with lights on, lights off no odor. I know why and I'll be fixing that soon.

Day 57 - Flowering Day 10

Buds, buds and more buds! I took a closer look at the girls today and there are literally buds everywhere. It's nice to see. I'm glad to as it points to my box being light proofed. Due to it's size, I didn't have any way to test that unless I stuck my little wife in there...

But I might conveniently forget she was in there and..well you know the rest! LOL She's not a fan of the smell.

Odor - I've got a little odor problem. I'm going to have to build some additional carbon filters. One for one of the box exhausts and one for the light exhaust.

There is only odor when the lights are on and the light cooling system is engaged. When the lights are off, no odor when the carbon filter and ona bucket are engaged. When I open the box in the morning, there is definitely a smell.

Going to go by home depot and buy a couple of caps and build a couple new carbon filters AND I'm going to buy an air purifier for the garage.

As my "growing season" is late fall and winter, the wife was happy to know when we discussed it last night that I won't be growing in the summer. My season will be from October 1 to April 1. With any luck, I should be able to get in two grows in that time frame.

I'll take clones at the end of veg on the first grow, flip the first grow to 12/12 and be ready to go right into flower with the second grow when I've harvested the first. That should put me done by March 1 actually.

Course that means building a veg box..already have one, and a new light fixture, thank you Dime, and it should cost me next to nothing to get that done. (aside from the cfl's)


Jessica Stretchenstein




Baby Le Bush


I checked the weight of the pots for watering this morning and it's kind of odd..Dorothy felt lighter than Baby today.. somewhat surprising. Watering tomorrow one gallon ph'd water, no nutes.

My new dehumidifier should be here today. It's suppose to get rid of smell too but I'm not banking on that too much. If it took care of the humidity, it's all good. I'll keep you posted about that.

Your thoughts??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I hear you Bro, That's why I grow outside during the summer. My girls can handle the higher temps since I give them CO2. I am glad I will be here for your girls termination, I leave May 11.

Thanks Joe!! Back atcha!!

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