Still trying to educate myself before growing, need help still.


New Member
Alright so I have plans to grow my 1st grow in the next two months. I'm moving soon and I don't wanna grow till I move into my new place. I plan on growing a batch of northern lights, because from what I've heard it's apparently not stinky haha. I just have a tooooon of questions, and before anyone directs me to How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know I've already read that guide lol. I just need a little bit more help understanding it. So, okay I understand germination, seed banks, and all of that, but what really....really...reeeeaaally throws me off is lighting. I plan to grow in a wardrobe thats about 2 feet deep, 3.5 feet wide, 6 or 7 ft tall. I don't know what kind of lights to get, I don't get all this watt shit, all these lumens. What lights should I get, what do HID lights look like? Are HID lights, like the old fashioned light bulbs? I know CFL's are the white lights that are squigly kinda. Which one is better to grow? I plan on growing like 3 or 4, maybe 5 or 6 plants. And anyone got any suggestions on masking the odor? I plan on using febreeze and stuff like the ozone things, if i can afford one. Will a cheap one do? So main focuses here are
  • Lights (what to use, how many, how strong)
  • Odor control (moving to a place with retired cops)
  • Nothern Lights a good starter seed?

OH and PS. do I HAVE to change my lighting between veg/growth cycle, if so how drastically?

Edit: they bring drug dogs randomly (once a year) to my school and will they know if I'm growing? I'm going to be growing it in a dresser separate from my clothes and i shower every morning before school, im just curious will i have like residue or something on me
Well I guess my answer would be dependent on your budget... if you have a fairly decent budget to work with.. like around 600$ then I would suggest a 600w dimmable balast with a air cooled hood, extraction fan and carbon scrubber...

If your looking to keep your budget down, then I would go with CFL...which put out way less heat and are much more cost effective, as well as more can be added and positioned if needed.

I would be very careful with moving to a place with ex-cops and growing.. unless you know for a fact that they are tolarant and will not report you or mess with you... growing marijuana smells... when you get into flowering, depending on your plant size, they will stink...some strains more than others, but they do smell, and this smell can travels to neighbors easily on a simple breeze... So I would definitely look into getting a carbon scrubber, and possibly even some air fresheners like Ona gels... I have 6 plants growing in a 3x5 area and my room reaks...even with 2 carbon scrubbers, air fresheners, and constant airflow... its definitely noticeable if you know the smell :)
haha maybe i should start out with 2 or 3 plants then...I'd rather spend money on safety and precautions than seeds lol
Haha it's collegiate, I'm living off campus in apartments though. Figured if I'm gonna keep smoking why not start growing haha. Just trying to learn is harder than it sounds. Imma petition for a marijuana growing class haha
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