Superweed's Outdoor Grow

Hey Super Thought I better catch up with you.:cheer:

Woodsman right, just pull her over and tie her down. Careful not to break her, just enough to let her get some light on her middle.

Limp leaves? Are they getting enough water? Could be what's wrong.

Many people would love to have your problem......too tall!!!:yahoo::yahoo: :peace:

Me and my girlfriend, after many talks, decide to move ourselves in Amsterdam.
I think we will go around June/July/August 2011.
Now we have about 1 year to organize all, (looking for a job, looking for an house, make documents and all other things).
I just wanna ask you, if you have some contacts there, some experience or informations, please contact me by PM.
I really thank all of you.

The plants looking great! Very fun!

I got no help for you in Amsterdam. Been there a few times to visit - that's it.


Hey Papa thanks, the NLgirl is now about 2.70 ( i think a little more ), the others two girl are definitivelly back in veg state.
So they appear really strange to see.
No problem for the Holland buddy, i'm trying here like i'm triyng in thousand others site :grinjoint:
No telling by the size of the plant. Topping will keep plants shorter. Even if you have to take off the top 4or5 set's of leafs to keep it workable. coined the phase FIM topped. It's short for 'F*** I MISSED'. That's for the people that try to pinch the top set of leaves and messed it up. Them they take the next set also. If your plant is Vegging again, and you have enough time before sun goes back to less than 12/12, top it. It will thicken up in the center and the bottom branches will to. If the leaves are coming out symmetrical, I wood top every branch on it, doubling up the tops you will harvest. You still need to take the tip off it it's outta control. Or super crop it by bending over the top till it kinks alittle and stays down. It will continue to grow after as long as you didn't kink all the veins totally. GL dude. I'll bee looking in here and there. I don't always reply but I'm out here 'somewhere'..............
No telling by the size of the plant. Topping will keep plants shorter. Even if you have to take off the top 4or5 set's of leafs to keep it workable. coined the phase FIM topped. It's short for 'F*** I MISSED'. That's for the people that try to pinch the top set of leaves and messed it up. Them they take the next set also. If your plant is Vegging again, and you have enough time before sun goes back to less than 12/12, top it. It will thicken up in the center and the bottom branches will to. If the leaves are coming out symmetrical, I wood top every branch on it, doubling up the tops you will harvest. You still need to take the tip off it it's outta control. Or super crop it by bending over the top till it kinks alittle and stays down. It will continue to grow after as long as you didn't kink all the veins totally. GL dude. I'll bee looking in here and there. I don't always reply but I'm out here 'somewhere'..............

:rofl::rofl: i know you're around here buddy.
Thank you for your advises:blunt::blunt:
I will decide what i can do, cause at the moment i can't stay a lot around the plants, it's a busy period in here.

3 meters :grinjoint:
Sorry my brothers, i disappear.
Really a lot of problems here, i'm lucky if i'm here again.
The girls go on..
The big one is good, stopped around 3,2 meters, she's begin to flower.
HG is good too, she's in her second cycle ^_^.
Bad news about Strawberry, she's slowly diyng, we can't really stay around them, so just nature and life energy can help us.
Sorry again, but is a dangerous time in here.
I'm glad i can write for you again.
See us soon
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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