I'm still working out the dosage from my tincture. So far it hasn't made me high, in spite of using Bacardi 151 as the carrier. I brewed it with the min amount of the carrier to get the best extraction, but found I have to dilute it 50% to tolerate the burn under the tongue! The undiluted tincture filled 10 - 2 oz bottles. I put coconut extract in the 2 OZ bottle I diluted, which made it tolerable.

But a full dropperful doesn't make me high, which I don't want anyway. However, I have to find that dose at which I DO feel the effects, then drop off slightly to get JUST the healthy benefits. Started dosing during the day, so I can time the onset of any effects.

I have the same problem with my CCO. I haven't found the magic dose yet between high and not high. (rubbed on the gums with a finger).

Did you decarb first? :peace:
Well - since I took my first drop yesterday evening, my anxiety has gone. I spent some of today with that weird agitated feeling I can get, but no anxiety. Which is such an amazing relief. I don't want to jinx it, but let's hope this is going to stay this way :)
I was thinking exactly the same! This amount of cannabis is doing nothing for pain and my joint creakiness is keeping me from moving as much. If I feel frisky, I'm going to try some diluted hemp, as well. My new kind is sitting at my parents' house waiting for me.

I actually have beautiful hemp seed oil I use for my face - I forgot about that. I'll use it :)

Sara, I caution you, the THC, even in small doses, is necessary to get the optimal benefit from a whole plant extraction. The challenge for you is to find the sweet spot, the same one AKgramma is seeking. Your body will tell you when this micro dose is tolerable enough that you can safely increase another micro-step up.

I understand your reluctance to deal with even slight euphoria. Since I've been sharing your story with my daughter she's been paying closer attention so she can get a better understanding of what she's feeling. Your sharing here is helping her listen more closely to her own body.

I recently started her on some capsules made with immature leaves of Carnival. I shared that story here a few days back. Today, in an experimental mood, she decided to try two of her CBD Critical Mass capsules at once instead of the dose she'd normally take of one Critical Mass buds capsule and one supplemental Carnival trim capsule. She's noticed an appreciable improvement in her sense of well-being with the addition of the trim capsules. We theorize that's probably because of the slight increase in THC she'd get from the trim. We've been discussing that it might be time to start gently building her tolerance to THC.

The CBD Critical Mass is supposed to be a balanced 1:1 ratio, THC:CBD. She has no euphoric effects she finds uncomfortable with these capsules, and never has. However, two capsules at once and she had to eventually go to lie down and find something on YouTube to focus on for the two hours it took her to regain enough control that she was ok with rejoining her partner.

Fortunately we work with cannabis. She knew she was safe. She knew she'd get beyond it and back to feeling normal again. It was a wake-up call reminder of just how sensitive her ECS is.

Start sub-therapeutic. This is the recommendation for anyone Sara. It's not baby dosing at all. It's responsible dosing. You allow your body the time it needs to build your tolerance, but you do want to build the tolerances so that you can get the benefit of the medicine.

The high from THC is no different from the high you used to get from running. It's an identical result, different levels. You learned to tolerate that natural buzz. You'll learn to do the same with the oil. It'll be a natural sensation of overall well-being, and nothing more. It'll happen. In time you'll fall into a comfortable routine that has you running smoothly, and possibly running again.
Listen to Sue, Sara, take your time , be patient, you didn't develop this problem over night and it may take a while to improve!! With taking more control of your life , you will become more aware of your triggers and releases and slowly control them more, as the triggers control you less! Remember hydration and good nutrition! Better natural pain management should come, down the road! :hmmmm: Sue! Just still wondering if juicing and consuming fresh cannabis trim along with other healthy greens and etc. might be good for people needing cannabinoids without THC (or with it) , but containing THCa? But is caution needed? :cheesygrinsmiley: I watched a video were two guys got high from drinking such a drink, because they think, the less than fresh trim weed had naturally decarbed some over time or something they had consumed made the THC convert! I am told normally, fresh trim would not be expected to do that, due to no appreciable THC only THCa. The getting high would be ok for me! Anyway , I think I would like to try it! Only problem, a Good Juicer isn't in the budget! :thumb: QUOTE=SweetSue;3135420]Sara, I caution you, the THC, even in small doses, is necessary to get the optimal benefit from a whole plant extraction. The challenge for you is to find the sweet spot, the same one AKgramma is seeking. Your body will tell you when this micro dose is tolerable enough that you can safely increase another micro-step up.

I understand your reluctance to deal with even slight euphoria. Since I've been sharing your story with my daughter she's been paying closer attention so she can get a better understanding of what she's feeling. Your sharing here is helping her listen more closely to her own body.

I recently started her on some capsules made with immature leaves of Carnival. I shared that story here a few days back. Today, in an experimental mood, she decided to try two of her CBD Critical Mass capsules at once instead of the dose she'd normally take of one Critical Mass buds capsule and one supplemental Carnival trim capsule. She's noticed an appreciable improvement in her sense of well-being with the addition of the trim capsules. We theorize that's probably because of the slight increase in THC she'd get from the trim. We've been discussing that it might be time to start gently building her tolerance to THC.

The CBD Critical Mass is supposed to be a balanced 1:1 ratio, THC:CBD. She has no euphoric effects she finds uncomfortable with these capsules, and never has. However, two capsules at once and she had to eventually go to lie down and find something on YouTube to focus on for the two hours it took her to regain enough control that she was ok with rejoining her partner.

Fortunately we work with cannabis. She knew she was safe. She knew she'd get beyond it and back to feeling normal again. It was a wake-up call reminder of just how sensitive her ECS is.

Start sub-therapeutic. This is the recommendation for anyone Sara. It's not baby dosing at all. It's responsible dosing. You allow your body the time it needs to build your tolerance, but you do want to build the tolerances so that you can get the benefit of the medicine.

The high from THC is no different from the high you used to get from running. It's an identical result, different levels. You learned to tolerate that natural buzz. You'll learn to do the same with the oil. It'll be a natural sensation of overall well-being, and nothing more. It'll happen. In time you'll fall into a comfortable routine that has you running smoothly, and possibly running again.
Hi Tim. Great post.

Regarding juicing for cannabinoids, that was a central part of my original treatment plan. What I found was that juicing wasn't very effective at extracting cannabinoids, not even THCa which is what I was trying to get. Most of it was still in vegetable pulp leftover from juicing. I know this because the cannabutter I made from the leftovers kicked my keester.
Alternative to using juicer is to put leaves in blender with juice and pulverize to make leaves drinkable. So basically consuming the whole leaf with juice. I recommend spicy V-8 for best flavor, and choose strains that are fruity, avoid anything skunky, nothing can cover up that taste.
:rollit:Thanks, I'll have to give that a whir! I do have a blender! I'm a little disappointed that the THCa is lacking from the juice, but I wonder is the spiced and diced leaf packing any punch?:)QUOTE=KingstonRabbi;3135622]Hi Tim. Great post.

Regarding juicing for cannabinoids, that was a central part of my original treatment plan. What I found was that juicing wasn't very effective at extracting cannabinoids, not even THCa which is what I was trying to get. Most of it was still in vegetable pulp leftover from juicing. I know this because the cannabutter I made from the leftovers kicked my keester.
Alternative to using juicer is to put leaves in blender with juice and pulverize to make leaves drinkable. So basically consuming the whole leaf with juice. I recommend spicy V-8 for best flavor, and choose strains that are fruity, avoid anything skunky, nothing can cover up that taste.[/QUOTE]
Hi Tim. Great post.

Regarding juicing for cannabinoids, that was a central part of my original treatment plan. What I found was that juicing wasn't very effective at extracting cannabinoids, not even THCa which is what I was trying to get. Most of it was still in vegetable pulp leftover from juicing. I know this because the cannabutter I made from the leftovers kicked my keester.
Alternative to using juicer is to put leaves in blender with juice and pulverize to make leaves drinkable. So basically consuming the whole leaf with juice. I recommend spicy V-8 for best flavor, and choose strains that are fruity, avoid anything skunky, nothing can cover up that taste.

Great insight KR. Pretty invaluable IMO. The thoughts on taste are greatly appreciated. That was part of what was holding me up. I read "V-8" and thought "Of course! V8!"

I'm calling it a night. I'll catch up in the morning. Goodnight guys. :hug: :love:
Thanks for the welcome. I'm making this entirely too complicated. I just want to be as flipping pain free as possible without pain meds for at least 3 or 4 hours a day.
I'm still working out the dosage from my tincture. So far it hasn't made me high, in spite of using Bacardi 151 as the carrier. I brewed it with the min amount of the carrier to get the best extraction, but found I have to dilute it 50% to tolerate the burn under the tongue! The undiluted tincture filled 10 - 2 oz bottles. I put coconut extract in the 2 OZ bottle I diluted, which made it tolerable.

But a full dropperful doesn't make me high, which I don't want anyway. However, I have to find that dose at which I DO feel the effects, then drop off slightly to get JUST the healthy benefits. Started dosing during the day, so I can time the onset of any effects.

I have the same problem with my CCO. I haven't found the magic dose yet between high and not high. (rubbed on the gums with a finger).

Is the burning from the cannabis compounds or the alcohol?
Thanks for the welcome. I'm making this entirely too complicated. I just want to be as flipping pain free as possible without pain meds for at least 3 or 4 hours a day.

Hello and welcome from me too. I'd be delighted to hear more about your storey.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm making this entirely too complicated. I just want to be as flipping pain free as possible without pain meds for at least 3 or 4 hours a day.

Take hope then Anchutz. :hug::hug: Cannabis will potentiate your pain meds, increasing the effectiveness as well as extending their therapeutic window. The rule is to never let an opiod pass your lips without a complementary dose of THC.

With proper dosing you can anticipate cutting back on the opiods. That's a good start. As you find the strains that offer your particular body the relief you seek you begin to fine tune the dose. Suddenly you discover that you're needing the opiods less and less.

It's not a pipe dream, or wishing for an impossible future. It's real potential for living with reduced or eliminated pain, brought on by careful introduction and maintenance of a well-crafted cannabinoid protocol.

Welcome to our study hall. If there's a way, and we believe that with all our might, this band of diligent cannabis warriors will do all we can to help you find it.
Is the burning from the cannabis compounds or the alcohol?

I would assume the alcohol. This is my chief complaint with alcohol-based tinctures. Can the concentrated dose of cannabinoids have a burning effect on anyone? Asking because this is a new, rather discordant thought.
:circle-of-love:Sue, quite simply I had just admonished him about smoking cigarettes still in his condition and then went on to imply, he might should cut back on smoking Cannabis, as well. He said "smoking or vaping actually helps me breathe and increases my blood oxygen saturation level" He proceeded to demonstrate! He placed the dosimeter device on his finger and took a reading ,showing it to me. We took a couple of tokes and he replaced the device and took another reading a minute or two later. The reading clearly showed an increase in his blood oxygen level! :high-five: In fact, it raised it from indicating he should put on his oxygen, to where he was above the point he usually applies it! He went on to tell me that he got those results from any good variety regardless of smoked or vaped. :love: However, his continued smoking of cigarettes is killing him faster, I am sure. We both agree in the opinion, that he would of been dead several years ago, except for his regular, daily use of oils, butter and smoke, with his lung and heart conditions. He has a mass the size of a fist in one lung that is inoperable due to his heart condition making survival unlikely. He thinks this mass is all the dead cancerous cells built up over many years! The doctors said he does not have lung cancer but a mass that is benign! He has all the fears and anxiety that a dying person has, along with his breathing and heart difficulties and staying stoned helps him better deal with that most of the time! :peace:

How sad for him Tim. Loving unconditionally means we sometimes have to let others choose self-destructive paths. It's difficult when we've learned some of the secrets of living a fuller life, but everyone makes their own reality. They deserve that freedom.

I'm intrigued by the increase in oxygen saturation. How have I missed this? I don't recall reading of this anywhere previous to this. This creates a whole new dilemma to those who insist that smoking is terrible and no one should ever partake. :laughtwo: You gotta love the whimsy of the cosmos on that one.

I never bought the argument that inhalation through combustion was so dangerous anyway. Obviously, this one needs more study. Hmmmmm...... Might be a good time to go looking for a hungry grad student at Pitt.
I'm intrigued by the increase in oxygen saturation. How have I missed this? I don't recall reading of this anywhere previous to this. This creates a whole new dilemma to those who insist that smoking is terrible and no one should ever partake. You gotta love the whimsy of the cosmos on that one.

Could it be from vasodilation. Strains with pinene are good for that. Also I've read that cannabis increases oxygen levels around tumors. Cajun has mentioned this as part of how it treats cancer. Don't recall the mechanism going on that does this. I read a book on oxygen therapy (that I don't recommend, but it did get me started on other research). One thing it said worth following up was that CO2 levels in blood make oxygen more available to cells in body. In other words, net effect of increased CO2 was increased saturation of O2 in cells. Don't know if the measuring thingamajigger would read higher saturation from that or if it only measures blood saturation.
Intriguing response to smoking cannabis, but not completely outside things already mentioned here.
My brother and I agree that it is anti inflammatory, and increases blood levels of oxygen ,beyond that, it does "seem" to act as well (sometimes) as a bronchial inhaler for opening the airways for him! I can only speculate about other possibilities , beyond him feeling better and showing a higher oxygen level in his blood. Very possibly a combination of different effects, including CO2 and o2 interactions/reactions within the cells of lung tissue or blood cells in a variety of different ways when infused with cannabis smoke or vapor! :cheer: This is a small change of rapid effects but also usually short duration or improvement , but you take what you can get! A little boost and fighting pain and anxiety at the same time for him! He says if he goes on to smoke too much in a short time period it causes him to loose the effects! It is very interesting! :tokin: 1. rapid effect, 2. improves measurably oxygen in blood levels, 3. Opens up tightness in chest and improves breathing, 4. Small dosing (1-3 hits), 5. Short duration of effects for oxygen blood levels increase (from a few minutes to perhaps an hour)but long lasting analgesic/relaxant (one to several hours) , 6. Too much and no effect or negative effect on breathing! :scratchinghead: Of course, we don't know how his "lung growth" is playing into this or what it is exactly and how much of his effects are the result of interactions with the vapor/smoke with the Tumor/growth itself!:hmmmm:
Sara, I caution you, the THC, even in small doses, is necessary to get the optimal benefit from a whole plant extraction. The challenge for you is to find the sweet spot, the same one AKgramma is seeking. Your body will tell you when this micro dose is tolerable enough that you can safely increase another micro-step up.

I understand your reluctance to deal with even slight euphoria. Since I've been sharing your story with my daughter she's been paying closer attention so she can get a better understanding of what she's feeling. Your sharing here is helping her listen more closely to her own body.

I recently started her on some capsules made with immature leaves of Carnival. I shared that story here a few days back. Today, in an experimental mood, she decided to try two of her CBD Critical Mass capsules at once instead of the dose she'd normally take of one Critical Mass buds capsule and one supplemental Carnival trim capsule. She's noticed an appreciable improvement in her sense of well-being with the addition of the trim capsules. We theorize that's probably because of the slight increase in THC she'd get from the trim. We've been discussing that it might be time to start gently building her tolerance to THC.

The CBD Critical Mass is supposed to be a balanced 1:1 ratio, THC:CBD. She has no euphoric effects she finds uncomfortable with these capsules, and never has. However, two capsules at once and she had to eventually go to lie down and find something on YouTube to focus on for the two hours it took her to regain enough control that she was ok with rejoining her partner.

Fortunately we work with cannabis. She knew she was safe. She knew she'd get beyond it and back to feeling normal again. It was a wake-up call reminder of just how sensitive her ECS is.

Start sub-therapeutic. This is the recommendation for anyone Sara. It's not baby dosing at all. It's responsible dosing. You allow your body the time it needs to build your tolerance, but you do want to build the tolerances so that you can get the benefit of the medicine.

The high from THC is no different from the high you used to get from running. It's an identical result, different levels. You learned to tolerate that natural buzz. You'll learn to do the same with the oil. It'll be a natural sensation of overall well-being, and nothing more. It'll happen. In time you'll fall into a comfortable routine that has you running smoothly, and possibly running again.

Thank you so much. I agree! :) I promise that I devoted myself to the cannabis and increasing my tolerance before I mixed my first diluted batch. I'm going to stay on this dose, twice a day, until I see him and find a new formulation. I was simply thinking of adding a micro-dosing of the hemp for pain relief, but maybe I'm making it too complicated.

I think this anxiety I had been feeling right now is an ovarian cyst coming up. It happens, and I've learned the symptoms. The cramping and pain and general anger on top of the anxiety is popping up now. It's such a weird thing. That's why I was thinking of the added pain relief :)

I'm glad that my story is helping your daughter and vice versa. I'm hoping that good comes from this and the both of us figure this out.
My brother and I agree that it is anti inflammatory, and increases blood levels of oxygen ,beyond that, it does "seem" to act as well (sometimes) as a bronchial inhaler for opening the airways for him! I can only speculate about other possibilities , beyond him feeling better and showing a higher oxygen level in his blood. Very possibly a combination of different effects, including CO2 and o2 interactions/reactions within the cells of lung tissue or blood cells in a variety of different ways when infused with cannabis smoke or vapor! :cheer: This is a small change of rapid effects but also usually short duration or improvement , but you take what you can get! A little boost and fighting pain and anxiety at the same time for him! He says if he goes on to smoke too much in a short time period it causes him to loose the effects! It is very interesting! :tokin: 1. rapid effect, 2. improves measurably oxygen in blood levels, 3. Opens up tightness in chest and improves breathing, 4. Small dosing (1-3 hits), 5. Short duration of effects for oxygen blood levels increase (from a few minutes to perhaps an hour)but long lasting analgesic/relaxant (one to several hours) , 6. Too much and no effect or negative effect on breathing! :scratchinghead: Of course, we don't know how his "lung growth" is playing into this or what it is exactly and how much of his effects are the result of interactions with the vapor/smoke with the Tumor/growth itself!:hmmmm:

Cannabis is biphasic in nature. What that means for us is the reality that getting the dose too high can result in the experience of the very thing you were treating.

This is often most obvious with anxiety. The brain chemistry between peaceful and frantic appears to be testy to the extreme, highlighting the need to take the time to find your optimal therapeutic dose.

Blow past that dose all you want for recreational purposes, but when you're medicating for something like pain or anxiety it's important to find your parameters and honor them.
Could it be from vasodilation. Strains with pinene are good for that. Also I've read that cannabis increases oxygen levels around tumors. Cajun has mentioned this as part of how it treats cancer. Don't recall the mechanism going on that does this. I read a book on oxygen therapy (that I don't recommend, but it did get me started on other research). One thing it said worth following up was that CO2 levels in blood make oxygen more available to cells in body. In other words, net effect of increased CO2 was increased saturation of O2 in cells. Don't know if the measuring thingamajigger would read higher saturation from that or if it only measures blood saturation.
Intriguing response to smoking cannabis, but not completely outside things already mentioned here.

I believe this is what the practice of 4-7-8 breathing accomplishes. You inhale to the count of four, hold your breath without tension for a count of 7, and exhale to the count of 8. Repeat three times, twice a day. It's claimed to calm a frantic mind within moments, and I've certainly found that to be true in my case. I've so far lacked the motivation to practice it for an extended time, although it's on my list of future plans.

But, now, I can see what it accomplishes from the perspective of creating CO2 in the bloodstream, which would increase O2 levels in the brain, likely creating an atmosphere conducive to clarity of thought.
One thing it said worth following up was that CO2 levels in blood make oxygen more available to cells in body. In other words, net effect of increased CO2 was increased saturation of O2 in cells.

This seems to contradict the danger of CO2 poisoning. CO2 blocks the uptake of O2 in the red blood cells, leading to headaches, vertigo, unconsciousness, and death. It does NOT make O2 available to the body. it displaces the O2. hence, in even slightly elevated doses, it is toxic.

It's why we don't burn wood or oil inside the house without proper ventilation.
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