Ok... they concluded that we need freedom to do the research that will drive policy with truth. I appreciated the statement that arguing for or against legalization isn't a conversation that's doing the public any good. Legalize, and get on with it already.

It disturbs me how emphatically that man argued about the addictive dangers of cannabis. He worked on the campaigns that curtailed teen use of tobacco, and he correlates cannabis use to tobacco use, most likely because he 1) doesn't understand basic biology, and 2) his only connection to cannabis use is smoking. He argued that vaporizers were making it easier to get people addicted to THC.

We don't have an emoticon for that type of scream. :straightface:

There's a serious disconnect between those who make policy and the realities of cannabis use. I don't think it's my concern. Around here we care more about science and the art of relief than policy. I need a hit of this Blue Dream.

There..... that felt better. :cheesygrinsmiley: Ahhh..... I didn't realize that pressure was building until just then. :laughtwo: Oh dear God. This is why I don't own a television and why I gave up the moderator job before it started. It drives me to distraction seeing their disconnect and knowing that people I love are suffering from their decisions. *sigh* It does no good to go there.

We work on solutions. Let them bicker it out.

I got some time in today organizing the study hall. It felt good to get back to it. Five pages in an hour. :laughtwo: Anybody want to do the math for me? Lol! I'm 30 pages in. It's fun looking back. We've had a lot of conversations.

Back to other fun and games. :cheesygrinsmiley:
At 22:23 the authoritative woman from the Academy of Sciences makes the statement that you can't use cannabis to treat opioid addiction.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :17 How is it possible that you can study cannabis with such blinders? You can't SMOKE cannabis to treat opioids addiction, but you sure as shootin' can use CCO to kick that opioid hell.


I can't be the only one of us who's blood frequently goes cold when I realize how ill-informed our policy-makers are. Why are we letting these people tell us how dangerous cannabis is to the young brain? How many of us started in our teens? Let's take a hand count of how many went on to be productive pot-smoking members of society. I find it bothersome that organizations are going to scoop up a chunk of the cannabis cash to "protect our young from the dangers of cannabis."

Hey fellas, our kids can find it easier than we can. Let's not subject another generation to the lies. Colorado may be doing their advertising campaign right, but again, let's not go so nuts about the kids. We turned out fine. I expect our offspring will follow suit. Give us the freedom to talk about it in the open. Watch what happens.

We never hid our use from our children. They played at our feet while we passed the pipe between us. Why would I hide it? I'll never understand that kind of fear.

Guess I'll finish watching this. I'm not halfway through, but I figure the universe led me to it for a reason. Why are they so afraid of cannabis? Why is euphoria an "undesirable" side effect? WTH???
I need to raise my hand now. I was 14 and man I wish I never smoked cannabis cause just think about where I'd be now with only being a vice president for a aerospace manufacturer. I could have been so much more. NOT what the hell do some of these people even think of.
I need to raise my hand now. I was 14 and man I wish I never smoked cannabis cause just think about where I'd be now with only being a vice president for a aerospace manufacturer. I could have been so much more. NOT what the hell do some of these people even think of.

I gave it some thought last night, and these people are simply the product of their upbringing, exactly what Nixon envisioned when he started the mess. They start from the belief that cannabis is a dangerous drug that we need to have protections in place for before we fully legalize.

I think if they get out of the way and let cannabis evolve into a social norm we'll see a happier, more functional planetary populace. I really believe that within ten years juicing cannabis will be what we all do as a matter of course. The pharmaceutical companies, tobacco firms and alcohol producers are in for a mighty shakeup.
I gave it some thought last night, and these people are simply the product of their upbringing, exactly what Nixon envisioned when he started the mess. They start from the belief that cannabis is a dangerous drug that we need to have protections in place for before we fully legalize.

I think if they get out of the way and let cannabis evolve into a social norm we'll see a happier, more functional planetary populace. I really believe that within ten years juicing cannabis will be what we all do as a matter of course. The pharmaceutical companies, tobacco firms and alcohol producers are in for a mighty shakeup.

Unfortunately it started well before Nixon. He just made it worse. For any that are interested in the hemp prohibition, watch this. :circle-of-love:

Retired now from successful 35 years of industrial/ commercial HVA/C controls design and service, been smoking weed since 14, winter of 1969. My son told me the first time his buddies smoked with him in high school, he said " I know that smell from home and every time my dad took me fishing!!" He will be starting full time for a legal Michigan cultivator soon. I am glad he chose a different path away from the chemicals my career took me. sigh, the kids' smart, has good friends, he will be OK I believe.
That's what they've been afraid of all this time I guess.....too bad !! With the introduction of the internet, they had to know it was only a matter of time before the necessary connections were made and the proof became common knowledge.
That's what they've been afraid of all this time I guess.....too bad !! With the introduction of the internet, they had to know it was only a matter of time before the necessary connections were made and the proof became common knowledge.

They won't be able to put that cat back into the bag now, will they? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Unfortunately it started well before Nixon. He just made it worse. For any that are interested in the hemp prohibition, watch this. :circle-of-love:


Thanks Dave - I've known a lot of that about hemp for a long time but didn't know the Jack Herer heritage of the modern hemp moment. I'm about halfway through the doco- watching the rest later. It's tops! Thanks for posting it.


Lol - I've even been, in my younger years, the crazy joint wielding lady at parties talking about how hemp can save the planet - without knowing about Jack Herer! His message reached me in other ways I guess, I don't even remember how. It feels like innate 'knowledge'. It's great to have the back story ..
Thanks Dave - I’ve known a lot of that about hemp for a long time but didn’t know the Jack Herer heritage of the modern hemp moment. I’m about halfway through the doco- watching the rest later. It’s tops! Thanks for posting it.


There is SO MUCH MORE in the book itself. I am sure you can find as a pdf somewhere if you google it. The Emperor of Hemp. I have it on my ipad. The movie is like the Cliff notes.:circle-of-love::peace:

Edit: Sorry all. It is called "The Emperor wears no clothes."
My daughter's paramour has pain issues that would be greatly relieved with a topical, something I always have plenty of. He works at a job that threatens random drug testing, and although he's not seen a single employee of the company tested in the time he's worked there he steadfastly refuses to try the topical.

This frustrates my daughter, as you can imagine, but more disconcerting is the way this seemingly intelligent young man treats what I do with a derisive sniff and a condescending attitude that we're a bunch of online stoners just looking for a way to be high all the time.

The lad's been living with my daughter for two years, and hasn't once even peeked at my online persona or the work I do. His eyes glaze over when I mention medicinal cannabis or the ECS. It's beginning to become a concern, one I'd prefer to look at with positive expectations.

In attempting to find the message that would resonate truth to this child of the D.A.R.E. generation, raised to believe that Pharma drugs were the way to pain relief, I found this lovely writeup about topicals and drug testing put out by Sweet ReLeaf.

Will Cannabis Topicals Cause a Positive Drug Test?

A very common question people have about cannabis topicals is, “Will I test positive on a drug test?”.

This is a very good question, especially if drug testing is a part of your daily life or a requirement for the job you hold or are applying for. We’re here to shed a little light on this topic.

If You’re Concerned About Drug Testing for Cannabis Topicals…Read On

We are here to offer our accumulated knowledge and research on the topic of topicals. So, first thing’s first: we can’t say with 100% confidence that using topicals with THC, THCa, CBD and other cannabinoids, will not result in a positive drug test.

Some cannabis topicals on the market do claim to be immune to drug testing, but don’t be fooled. Any claim that a cannabis-rich topical won’t cause a positive test is likely an over exaggeration.

Let’s break down the facts, shall we?

Cannabis topicals

When we talk about cannabis topicals, we are referring to cannabis infused preparations like salves, creams or lotions. Applied to the skin, these products are absorbed through layers of the skin and do not enter the bloodstream, which is what would cause a positive drug test.

Cannabinoids, on their own, don’t travel too far beyond the surface, but add a permeation enhancer (oleic acid) like coconut oil, shea butter, etc. and you now send the medicinal components on a deeper journey.

Transdermal Cannabis Patches

Transdermal patches are a whole other ball game. Unlike cannabis topicals, they do deliver cannabinoids to the bloodstream (which could produce a positive drug test result) and are known to cause some level of psychoactive effects if the THC level is high enough.

The patch works similar to a nicotine patch, sending the medicine through your whole body. Topicals on the other hand provide localized relief.

It’s important to understand the difference between topical creams and patches if you might need to take a drug test. Find more information about transdermal patches in this article by Alternet.

Watch Out for ‘Human Error’

The rule of thumb for topical marijuana creams and lotions is to consider the chance that human error can come into play.

For example, do you wash your hands immediately after using your topical? Do you get into a bathtub (which for some topical treatments can enhance the therapeutic benefits)? Do you touch your eye or bite your nails?

There are also other ways that cannabinoids could enter your bloodstream without you even realizing that it’s happened.

4 Steps to Avoid Testing Positive When Using Cannabis Topicals

It’s a bit unethical to claim that a cannabis-rich topical will not result in a positive drug test, but it’s safe to assume if you’re careful. Here are a few tips for using THC or CBD based topicals when drug testing is a concern:

1. Wash hands immediately after applying topicals.

2. Avoid bathing or steaming after use.

3. Be sure to avoid eyes and mouth during and after application.

4. Use non-porous gloves to apply topicals for extra precaution.

Know Your Source

One last thing to be careful of is where your products come from. Sweet ReLeaf’s body butters are made with raw cannabis trichomes, which are harvested from plant material originating from select farms in Northern California. Trichomes produce a viscous resin which is highly concentrated with cannabinoids such as THC and THCA.

You can read more about cannabis trichomes in this article from 420 Magazine.

Some products claiming to be cannabis-rich will actually have very small traces of cannabis. These products will not be very effective for therapeutic or alternative healing. Makers of such “novelty items” may boast with certainty that you will not fail a drug test.

You likely won’t feel much relief either.

If you are considering using topicals for pain relief, skin conditions, or a number of other ailments, make sure you follow our guidelines above, and you should be good to go!

For more helpful tips and information about the world of alternative healing with cannabis topicals be sure to subscribe to our blog!
Dave, I just finished watching the documentary on Jack Herer - whose name, I'll admit, I've been mispronouncing :laughtwo: - and I wanted to thank you for getting me to learn a little about Jack. I'll be tracking down the book.

You did well. :hug: :green_heart:
Got halfway through the documentary and now I want to go out and get a Toronto Maple Leafs shirt with the number 420 on the back, precluded by the name "HERER". Honestly, I just thought he was somebody to be lucky enough to have a plant named after him LMAO. I had no idea that this activists did what he did for legalization in California and ultimately started the mainstream movement globally. Gotta get me a copy of his book.

Thank you Dave. How have I not read this book before? It's gonna make me even more passionate and much better informed. This is a goldmine!

Lots of reading time ahead. :battingeyelashes:
Just a heads up. I know you Sue. There ARE things in this book that will make you angry.#hempcansavetheworld :) :Namaste::circle-of-love::peace:

Dave, I'm one page in and already disconcerted that a handful of men desecrated the planet and all that live upon it for the enrichment of their own bank accounts. I'll be doing lots of meditative walking while I read through. The universe didn't drop this in my lap so I could bitch and moan about it. Solutions come from play mode, so I'll be keeping that in mind as I study.

I wasn't aware that this book had become such a renewable resource of its own. They've put countless hours into getting this message out there, and here I sit all these years after he wrote the original in his jail cell, feeling like I did when Cajun introduced me to the ECS. To keep this information from the public.......

I used to think of myself as an intelligent, well-educated woman who smoked pot. Those days are long gone. I'll be in student mode the rest of my life, won't I? :laughtwo:

I keep smiling that one of Reagan's first acts as president was to arrest Jack and his friends. Imagine the ego of that evil man. I put him right next to Nixon in the line of people I still have to find a way to completely forgive. But he thought "I'll show those stupid hippies!"

Well..... Who showed who, eh? :laughtwo:
My daughter's paramour has pain issues that would be greatly relieved with a topical, something I always have plenty of. He works at a job that threatens random drug testing, and although he's not seen a single employee of the company tested in the time he's worked there he steadfastly refuses to try the topical.

This frustrates my daughter, as you can imagine, but more disconcerting is the way this seemingly intelligent young man treats what I do with a derisive sniff and a condescending attitude that we're a bunch of online stoners just looking for a way to be high all the time.

The lad's been living with my daughter for two years, and hasn't once even peeked at my online persona or the work I do. His eyes glaze over when I mention medicinal cannabis or the ECS. It's beginning to become a concern, one I'd prefer to look at with positive expectations.

In attempting to find the message that would resonate truth to this child of the D.A.R.E. generation, raised to believe that Pharma drugs were the way to pain relief, I found this lovely writeup about topicals and drug testing put out by Sweet ReLeaf.

Will Cannabis Topicals Cause a Positive Drug Test?

A very common question people have about cannabis topicals is, “Will I test positive on a drug test?”.

This is a very good question, especially if drug testing is a part of your daily life or a requirement for the job you hold or are applying for. We’re here to shed a little light on this topic.

If You’re Concerned About Drug Testing for Cannabis Topicals…Read On

We are here to offer our accumulated knowledge and research on the topic of topicals. So, first thing’s first: we can’t say with 100% confidence that using topicals with THC, THCa, CBD and other cannabinoids, will not result in a positive drug test.

Some cannabis topicals on the market do claim to be immune to drug testing, but don’t be fooled. Any claim that a cannabis-rich topical won’t cause a positive test is likely an over exaggeration.

Let’s break down the facts, shall we?

Cannabis topicals

When we talk about cannabis topicals, we are referring to cannabis infused preparations like salves, creams or lotions. Applied to the skin, these products are absorbed through layers of the skin and do not enter the bloodstream, which is what would cause a positive drug test.

Cannabinoids, on their own, don’t travel too far beyond the surface, but add a permeation enhancer (oleic acid) like coconut oil, shea butter, etc. and you now send the medicinal components on a deeper journey.

Transdermal Cannabis Patches

Transdermal patches are a whole other ball game. Unlike cannabis topicals, they do deliver cannabinoids to the bloodstream (which could produce a positive drug test result) and are known to cause some level of psychoactive effects if the THC level is high enough.

The patch works similar to a nicotine patch, sending the medicine through your whole body. Topicals on the other hand provide localized relief.

It’s important to understand the difference between topical creams and patches if you might need to take a drug test. Find more information about transdermal patches in this article by Alternet.

Watch Out for ‘Human Error’

The rule of thumb for topical marijuana creams and lotions is to consider the chance that human error can come into play.

For example, do you wash your hands immediately after using your topical? Do you get into a bathtub (which for some topical treatments can enhance the therapeutic benefits)? Do you touch your eye or bite your nails?

There are also other ways that cannabinoids could enter your bloodstream without you even realizing that it’s happened.

4 Steps to Avoid Testing Positive When Using Cannabis Topicals

It’s a bit unethical to claim that a cannabis-rich topical will not result in a positive drug test, but it’s safe to assume if you’re careful. Here are a few tips for using THC or CBD based topicals when drug testing is a concern:

1. Wash hands immediately after applying topicals.

2. Avoid bathing or steaming after use.

3. Be sure to avoid eyes and mouth during and after application.

4. Use non-porous gloves to apply topicals for extra precaution.

Know Your Source

One last thing to be careful of is where your products come from. Sweet ReLeaf’s body butters are made with raw cannabis trichomes, which are harvested from plant material originating from select farms in Northern California. Trichomes produce a viscous resin which is highly concentrated with cannabinoids such as THC and THCA.

You can read more about cannabis trichomes in this article from 420 Magazine.

Some products claiming to be cannabis-rich will actually have very small traces of cannabis. These products will not be very effective for therapeutic or alternative healing. Makers of such “novelty items” may boast with certainty that you will not fail a drug test.

You likely won’t feel much relief either.

If you are considering using topicals for pain relief, skin conditions, or a number of other ailments, make sure you follow our guidelines above, and you should be good to go!

For more helpful tips and information about the world of alternative healing with cannabis topicals be sure to subscribe to our blog!

Thanks! Good info. Do you have a favorite strain they like to use for topical cream? Loaded question right? :cheesygrinsmiley: My eyes turn to saucers when I seed shop and I start to drool...I am getting ready for my next couple of grows and the majority of my seed stock is all high CBD/Low THC. I want to punch up the THC for the topical.

Sorry to hear about your daughters guy. My husband was against the use of weed... the operative word being "was". He went from against, to tolerant, to open, to acceptance, to supportive all in a matter of a year. He has seen the improvement in my health, mind, and spirit. He even helped with my plants when I was recovering from surgery. :love:
Thanks! Good info. Do you have a favorite strain they like to use for topical cream? Loaded question right? :cheesygrinsmiley: My eyes turn to saucers when I seed shop and I start to drool...I am getting ready for my next couple of grows and the majority of my seed stock is all high CBD/Low THC. I want to punch up the THC for the topical.

Sorry to hear about your daughters guy. My husband was against the use of weed... the operative word being "was". He went from against, to tolerant, to open, to acceptance, to supportive all in a matter of a year. He has seen the improvement in my health, mind, and spirit. He even helped with my plants when I was recovering from surgery. :love:

Give that man a hug for me. :hug:

One for you too, Mr McCain. :hug: Jeff does try the soul. He makes it more difficult than need be to love him without condition. He's running scared, and the administration is looking for smoke screens. Jeff can stir it up with the best of them, but I think he's about to get an uncomfortable lesson in responsible governance. When you blatantly disregard the will of the people and you're talking about their right to choose a safe healing modality, you should anticipate some choppy waters ahead.

Lady G, when looking for a chemovar for a topical I want copious essential oil production and great yields. I recently grew a Thin Mint GSC that met both requirements in a spectacular way. It tested in other gardens in excess of 20% THC. I may make it a regular in my garden. Makes the tastiest brownies too, with just a hint of mint and an enhancement to the chocolate taste.

It was also one of the most beautiful plants I grew in 2017.
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