What's hand rolled mean????

I've grown that strain before, great medicine and made some great oils
Around the 21:00 mark on the video.

Here ya go. They start talking about charas at around the 20:00 mark. Then they go to a field and demonstrate.

also associated with this information...
In Jamaica they employ workers in the cannabis fields to rub their hands up the branches, lifting oils and depositing them on their ever-moving appendages. It's at once painful and fascinating to watch. Lol! They do this for hours and then scrape the accumulated material from their palms with big-ass knives.

Turns out that when the tiny bulbous trichomes (which are found all over the arial part of the plant) are ruptured it signals an increase in nearby capitate stalked trichome expression - they'll grow larger in size, and may be producing a more potent (to humans) oil in those chemical factories we grow in hopes of harvesting. Jamaican cultivators already know that the abused plant rewards with more oil. We're the ones pampering our plants and missing out on the opportunity. Jamaicans do it to get supplemental product. Two oil harvests from the same plant.
Wow, that 'Dry House' is a dream goal, LOL. Great video. That plant stressing is outstanding. My buddy is gonna head back to his garden in the meadow to experiment the process with a runt. I'm saving up my monthly VA checks to get some seeds. I love the info & knowledge base here at 420 Mag.
Wow, that 'Dry House' is a dream goal, LOL. Great video. That plant stressing is outstanding. My buddy is gonna head back to his garden in the meadow to experiment the process with a runt. I'm saving up my monthly VA checks to get some seeds. I love the info & knowledge base here at 420 Mag.

Oh my gosh! Get me all excited with this new interest. Tell your friend I thank him in advance for contributing the information he's about to gain. Keep us in the loop OT. :hug: I'm going to pm you in a minute. Watch for me. :battingeyelashes:

@BobbyZ.......I'm a little stunned, as I imagine you are too. Lol! Brix's eyes got real big when I showed him your initial results. I was expecting increased trichomes. Hadn't occured to me that it'd also mean an increase of leaf growth. Hmmm.....interesting.

Thank you for doing this Bobby. I think we may be onto something here. :battingeyelashes:
Oh my gosh! Get me all excited with this new interest. Tell your friend I thank him in advance for contributing the information he's about to gain. Keep us in the loop OT. :hug: I'm going to pm you in a minute. Watch for me. :battingeyelashes:

@BobbyZ.......I'm a little stunned, as I imagine you are too. Lol! Brix's eyes got real big when I showed him your initial results. I was expecting increased trichomes. Hadn't occured to me that it'd also mean an increase of leaf growth. Hmmm.....interesting.

Thank you for doing this Bobby. I think we may be onto something here. :battingeyelashes:

You're smart enough to do the homework and I'm dumb enough to try it. What a team... :rofl:
Nothing ventured nothing gained! I've come to embrace failure as I age. It's nothing to be ashamed of, if you learn from it.
You're smart enough to do the homework and I'm dumb enough to try it. What a team... :rofl:
Nothing ventured nothing gained! I've come to embrace failure as I age. It's nothing to be ashamed of, if you learn from it.

I don’t call this a failure, do you? This is an investigation into how to increase oil production and potency by roughing up the plants at particular stages.
I had to double check different bud spots. The first three photos are of untouched buds. The next 3 are of hand rolled or clapped or roughed up...
It appears they are putting out more or a different growth. Still early in the process.

I’m looking for the best simple infused oil tutorials on the site to share with a member who’s completely naive about canna cookery. If anyone reading this knows of one, please let me know. Mine are lost in the data stream.

Ok Ive concluded it will be faster to rewrite this rather than try to find places where Ive posted it before. Also there have been many variations so this is the latest. What Ive learned trying different methods is the plant is very forgiving. You get good results without being too scientific about it. I dont measure anything any more, just eyeball it.

My latest method involves the use of whole dried buds. Air dried for a couple weeks and then lightly trimmed. My goal is to melt all the cannabinoids off the sugar leaves and the calyxs. I dont grind them up anymore because Ive found that it doesn't improve extraction efficiency that much and requires straining and filtering. Also it minimizes chlorophyll which is not the best for taste.

I usually make small batches in little jars. This was especially useful when trying out new methods and not wanting to possibly ruin a large quantity of buds. Add bud to the little jar to about 1/3 full. Then add the oil (olive or coconut are my favs) to fully cover the plant material plus a little extra.

The time and temperature for the baking of the buds is where you get a lot of differing opinions. There is a broad range of good, better, best recipes out there. Another benefit of small batch processing is that you can try several until you find the one that you prefer.

There are two things to be accomplished here. One is decarboxylation (converting the acids THCA to THC for example) and the infusion/extraction of the cannabinoids into the oil.

I do it all in one step. Many prefer to decarb the bud dry in a roasting bag first.

My preferred method lately is to bake at 200F for 200 minutes. Ill drain off the oil, then add some more oil and repeat the bake. This step is worth doing to pick up cannabinoids missed the first time around.

Sue if your member needs more lemme know :thumb:
Hi Shed - no I didnt change things because of that for 2 reasons.

I dont really understand how oil at 200F insulates or behaves any differently than air at the same temps.

Secondly, I dont know what I would do differently other than a dry decarb. Thats a problem for me because mdw is very sensitive to cannabis smells in a bad way.
Hi Shed - no I didnt change things because of that for 2 reasons.
I dont really understand how oil at 200F insulates or behaves any differently than air at the same temps.
Secondly, I dont know what I would do differently other than a dry decarb. Thats a problem for me because mdw is very sensitive to cannabis smells in a bad way.
Second reason is completely understandable. I was just wondering if their lab test results didn't give you any pause about recommending the in-oil decarb method as a general method of infusion.
You're smart enough to do the homework and I'm dumb enough to try it. What a team... :rofl:
Nothing ventured nothing gained! I've come to embrace failure as I age. It's nothing to be ashamed of, if you learn from it.
Very exciting stuff!
Very exciting stuff!

Absolutely! :circle-of-love:

Oldbear, thank you for taking the time and presenting us your thoughts wrapped in canna beauty. :hug: The longer I study the more value I see in simplicity.

Do you keep the two batches seperate or combine them in the end?

@InTheShed, you have me curious....have you changed your methods since reading the study?
I haven't changed anything because I have always decarbed before I infuse. I'm a foil pouch maker!

The smell is not a problem in my house (everyone smokes but me!) and I just had a feeling it was better than doing it in oil. I had taken OldBear's jar-in-the-oven method for infusing small batches but I never duplicated his decarb in oil method.
I haven't changed anything because I have always decarbed before I infuse. I'm a foil pouch maker!

The smell is not a problem in my house (everyone smokes but me!) and I just had a feeling it was better than doing it in oil. I had taken OldBear's jar-in-the-oven method for infusing small batches but I never duplicated his decarb in oil method.

That's what I love about the IP, decarb and infusion in less than two hours. I tried a couple times with 36 hours at 170° F. Nowhere near a complete decarb in my cases, but I now view that as a good thing, unless high decarb values are called for.

Doob and I have each other making infused sweetened condensed milk (Amy's working on a less decadent version), and the strained buds - which I leave pretty much unbroken, but small in size - get simmered in the sweet milk for three hours, essentially turning them into canna cremes. Lol! I keep mine pressed flat and wrapped tight, stored in the fridge. Every now and then I reach in and have a small chew.

Simple cannabis. :green_heart:
I'll combine them if the same oil. Sometimes i'll do one run with olive and a second with coconut.

Ever do it the other way around? Just curious.

Brix makes his oil on a larger scale, a stockpot filled more than halfway with trim, which is known to hold extensive bud mattter, covered with coconut oil, just a bit higher than the buds. Then he cooks it for a couple hours, stirring occasionally, cools overnight and repeats the heating/cooling cycle two more times. It makes a wickedly strong oil that makes mine look weak in comparison.
The friends Brix supplies with capsules have been trained to expect potent. Most of us grow with an eye on potent, and a good portion of us mean "Will it get me righteously high with minimal consumption?" Although canna therapeutics can be carried out effectively with limited euphoria, I don't see it as a necessity that getting high be eliminated. There's still a push out there to make cannabis strictly medicinal, which translates into "no euphoria necessary, buy all your drugs from us."

It gives me pause sometimes to consider how "responsible administration of cannabis medicines" and the appreciation for feeling euphoric seem to be at odds with each other. It's only a matter of personal balance.

We still hide our euphoria when out and about, if, in fact, we allow ourselves to leave the house when we're high. So much risk of exposure, censure, and social/legal repercussions. For me it's not much of an issue, since I'm retired. Not so for most of the membership. I'm gonna enjoy the years ahead when we've figured out how to safely integrate cannabis into our society without stigma.
I have a new batch to run. Ill try coconut then olive for this one just to see if there is any difference. I dont expect there to be.

I don't expect it either, other than flavoring from the carrier oil. Thanks for volunteering Oldbear. :hug:
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