The 4x4 Grow Tent Club

I'm looking into switching to a 315w cmh personally. I'm not sure why but I just believe the hype more than for LED. I found some testing done for the Phillips lamps in these forms and they seem the best by far, and so just finding a good ballast is all that's needed. I'm not putting down LED'S but with so many on the market and such wide price ranges I was at a loss which direction to go, plus it seems the general consensus is that heat output with the cmh would be lower than led.

Not sure which hood and ballast set I will go with. The hydrofarm phantom 315 and sunsystem lecture 315 are right around 400 bucks and come with the phillips. Plus the sunsystem is made in my home state.

I have heard good things about growers choice too though, although the testing I saw, their lamps came in 4th place behind phillips, Maxspar and ushio lamps. Still at 270 they're the best priced and most reputable I have seen, and I could probably get a Phillips to swap out with.

Still not sure I wanna pull the trigger on such an expensive lighting system though. It could be worth it over my 400 w hps, and since I can't exceed 400 w draw it's the perfect power output.
Hey, I just flipped my tent to 12/12 and I'm using the Sun Systems 315. I love this light so far. I also took of the outer glass cover to get better U.V output and more light.
Just remember, there's a reason that unjacketed metal halides aren't judged to be safe in areas where people are. Your plants can take a lot more UV than you can - and won't develop skin cancer, either.

I used to pay some attention to such warnings/recommendations. Then I used a little "insignificant" 18" supplemental UV bulb - and the skin on my (exposed) arms has aged at least 25 years in months' time.
You should have seen my wife's reaction when I had her read the warnings on her curling iron. Used it for years and years, never knew it said " do not use internally" lol. Her reaction was priceless.
Yeah lots of people don't read the warnings or literature that come with products. Some are hysterical!
curling iron. Used it for years and years, never knew it said " do not use internally"

Man... I got this thing called teh Internets, ya know? And I'm guessing... that that's a fairly recent warning.
I got my CLW SS400 LED a few years ago at a reduced cost around $600, just had to give a review of the unit. Used it a couple of grows, only prob is the heat it produces, but that is workable.
When I got into Vertical growing I first went with a 400W MH/HPS combo. Was not satisfied with the results. Then I started reading about the 315's. I was discussing it with my hydro store guy and he said they had one that they had put in a tent as a demo. Only used it a little over a week and took it out because they were worried that the brightness could damage customers eyes.. Sold it to me for $200 with the Phillips bulb. It was the Nanolux 315W CMH NC, I ran that with the 400W LED in a horizontal grow last fall/winter. Had seed delivery problem so got started to late to do a Vert grow. Got 15 zips from two plants (0.61 g/w). Decided to run stacked 315's so I began searching for a second Nanolux and found one for $215 + the bulb $65. So this summers run was 35.5 zips total and of that 24.5 zips was trimmed smokable in jars. and 10 zips of larf/untrimmed buds/and 2.5 zips of Critical Kush that did not make well at all so it went into making Cannabis Oil along with 4.5 zips of smokable buds.
The smokable buds ended up being over 1.1 a G/W and counting everything in that grow it as 1.6 g/w. Not too bad.
You can find my journal at roll it, Vertical Growing, GR's Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017
I know that the Sunsystems product is good but I like the Nanolux, I can separate the ballast from the fixture which allows me to keep the ballast outside the tent to aid in reducing heat in the tent. And the price is right.
About to start a 5 plant vertical grow with screens in 2 gallon Smart Pots in coco. Going to be growing Barneys Farm "LSD", short plant indica dom so I will be vegging for a min of 6 weeks.
Does 420 have a vertical forum section?

took it out because they were worried that the brightness could damage customers eyes.

Too much is never enough ;) . I'd have wanted it too, with that kind of recommendation.

I know that the Sunsystems product is good but I like the Nanolux, I can separate the ballast from the fixture

It used to be relatively common to have to "remote" the ballast yourself with HIDs. because they weren't exactly being sold by grow shops. I'm assuming that it can still be done to any with built-in ballasts. IIRC, there's even a thread or two around here somewhere on doing so.

Does 420 have a vertical forum section?

Not that I'm aware of. It doesn't seem to be a hugely popular method here (although we've had the odd journal here and there). It's definitely a productive one, though. Perhaps if more people start doing vertical journals and discussing it, things will change in the future.
I got my CLW SS400 LED a few years ago at a reduced cost around $600, just had to give a review of the unit. Used it a couple of grows, only prob is the heat it produces, but that is workable.
When I got into Vertical growing I first went with a 400W MH/HPS combo. Was not satisfied with the results. Then I started reading about the 315's. I was discussing it with my hydro store guy and he said they had one that they had put in a tent as a demo. Only used it a little over a week and took it out because they were worried that the brightness could damage customers eyes.. Sold it to me for $200 with the Phillips bulb. It was the Nanolux 315W CMH NC, I ran that with the 400W LED in a horizontal grow last fall/winter. Had seed delivery problem so got started to late to do a Vert grow. Got 15 zips from two plants (0.61 g/w). Decided to run stacked 315's so I began searching for a second Nanolux and found one for $215 + the bulb $65. So this summers run was 35.5 zips total and of that 24.5 zips was trimmed smokable in jars. and 10 zips of larf/untrimmed buds/and 2.5 zips of Critical Kush that did not make well at all so it went into making Cannabis Oil along with 4.5 zips of smokable buds.
The smokable buds ended up being over 1.1 a G/W and counting everything in that grow it as 1.6 g/w. Not too bad.
You can find my journal at roll it, Vertical Growing, GR's Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017
I know that the Sunsystems product is good but I like the Nanolux, I can separate the ballast from the fixture which allows me to keep the ballast outside the tent to aid in reducing heat in the tent. And the price is right.
About to start a 5 plant vertical grow with screens in 2 gallon Smart Pots in coco. Going to be growing Barneys Farm "LSD", short plant indica dom so I will be vegging for a min of 6 weeks.
Does 420 have a vertical forum section?


Wait, you got 15 zips off 2 plants with a 315? That's 1.3 grams per watt, not .6 o_O If you meant you used your 400, that's still closer to 1 than half. I'm not sure I'm doing this grams per watt thing right now.

Kind of interesting the SynSysttems has that little glass cover. I wonder if it really reduces the par that much.

The grower's choice models I'm looking at have a remote ballast setup. They have some others with it as ballast and hood but it kind of looks like it's just screwed on.

I'm looking at the Nano Lux too but they priced just the hood so much that it will cost just as much as the SynSystem when buying the lamp.
Hey all, today is day 3 on 12/12 I'm thinking I let them get too big before I switched. I live in Florida so I waited for my power to go out from the hurricane before I started the switch. I originally wanted to switch a week earlier, but figured waiting until my power shut down what's the best chance I had to saving them. Now I'm just worried that I'm going to have a problem when they start stretching. I might be able to get another 3 to 5 inches on my light but it's pretty much at the top of my tent
I'm thinking you waited too long, too. Maybe you can remove about half the plants and then do some heavy training to spread the remaining ones out? They're still going to STRETCH, though.

Same thing basically cost me a grow. I had three plants in a 3'x3' (and one of them was pretty small in relation to the other two). Had I removed all but one plant, I might not have ended up later giving up on the entire grow.
Hey all, today is day 3 on 12/12 I'm thinking I let them get too big before I switched. I live in Florida so I waited for my power to go out from the hurricane before I started the switch. I originally wanted to switch a week earlier, but figured waiting until my power shut down what's the best chance I had to saving them. Now I'm just worried that I'm going to have a problem when they start stretching. I might be able to get another 3 to 5 inches on my light but it's pretty much at the top of my tent

Yeah, you should flip them pretty soon. You could try super-cropping those bigger tops to be able to get them down closer to the rest of the canopy too
Wait, you got 15 zips off 2 plants with a 315? That's 1.3 grams per watt, not .6 o_O If you meant you used your 400, that's still closer to 1 than half. I'm not sure I'm doing this grams per watt thing right now.

Kind of interesting the SynSysttems has that little glass cover. I wonder if it really reduces the par that much.

The grower's choice models I'm looking at have a remote ballast setup. They have some others with it as ballast and hood but it kind of looks like it's just screwed on.

I'm looking at the Nano Lux too but they priced just the hood so much that it will cost just as much as the SynSystem when buying the lamp.

The 315W is 315W's but the SS400 is only 360 W +/- so that is 675 total Watts, 15 zips is 420 grams, that's cool, and divided by 675 that is 0.62 G/W.
Not sure on the glass cover but it may be used in case the lamp does not have the protective glass on the outside of the lamp.
If you search you can find Phillips bulbs for under $85.
Hey all, today is day 3 on 12/12 I'm thinking I let them get too big before I switched. I live in Florida so I waited for my power to go out from the hurricane before I started the switch. I originally wanted to switch a week earlier, but figured waiting until my power shut down what's the best chance I had to saving them. Now I'm just worried that I'm going to have a problem when they start stretching. I might be able to get another 3 to 5 inches on my light but it's pretty much at the top of my tent

LST, Supercropping, and binding can help.
Hey all, today is day 3 on 12/12 I'm thinking I let them get too big before I switched. I might be able to get another 3 to 5 inches on my light but it's pretty much at the top of my tent.

Ya think? LOL. I see supercropping in your future. :goodluck:
Hey all, today is day 3 on 12/12 I'm thinking I let them get too big before I switched. I live in Florida so I waited for my power to go out from the hurricane before I started the switch. I originally wanted to switch a week earlier, but figured waiting until my power shut down what's the best chance I had to saving them. Now I'm just worried that I'm going to have a problem when they start stretching. I might be able to get another 3 to 5 inches on my light but it's pretty much at the top of my tent

What strain are they? How many plants are in there? The one in the front looks like a Sativa in which case you will need to do something drastic.
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