The Butcher's Slaughter (Breeding Journal)

Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

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Sounds scary good. :yummy::peace:
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

that does have a nice ring to it..

this is my sole reference at this point for breeding information
im still confused as hell

have you thought about doing like an instructional thing, like one of those "stickys", just a plain and simple how to guide, cuz you seem to have your shit together and that would be real cool.

im sorry if this has been covered in class mr butch, but im a bit in the dark about pollen and storing it. what should it be stored in/cut with and how long will it stay good? do i need to keep pollen from the original father or does it matter? or do i really need to keep him or a clone of him around? i was gonna cross my best f1?? female with it, but then i was wondering if i should use a male from that generation, then i started getting all befuddled.

sorry if this is intruding on your log
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

that does have a nice ring to it..

this is my sole reference at this point for breeding information
im still confused as hell

have you thought about doing like an instructional thing, like one of those "stickys", just a plain and simple how to guide, cuz you seem to have your shit together and that would be real cool.

im sorry if this has been covered in class mr butch, but im a bit in the dark about pollen and storing it. what should it be stored in/cut with and how long will it stay good? do i need to keep pollen from the original father or does it matter? or do i really need to keep him or a clone of him around? i was gonna cross my best f1?? female with it, but then i was wondering if i should use a male from that generation, then i started getting all befuddled.

sorry if this is intruding on your log

Ask away Raisin. Its cool. That what this journal is all about. Educating everyone on the simplicity of breeding. And the stabalization of not only my own strains, but all of yours. I feel the best way to really improve upon not only the thc, cbd, cbn contents and medical purposes is by breeding. Hey who know one day one of yours or mine or the next AM. breeder can come up w/ a strain that could help change medicine as a whole. But we never know if we all dont even make attempts. And yeah I'm currently working on a whole how-to-guide. I want every detail gone over and info collected properlly. Along w/ making sure I give every person who contributed to the collected info givin their due praises. So once I'm done then I'll get w/ 420 and set up a sticky. I know the mods get crazy busy sometimes, so its best to put it together first, then cordinate w/ them out of respect for all.


1) Use a small glass jar if you can. The smaller the container the better. But glass is what i go w/. Baby Jars work great. Big but good. Just make sure to clean and steralize them. I clean them, put them in the dishwasher for a heat treatment. This ensure their cleanliness.

2)Munki Put it best w/ this:
If you do collect the pollen, you can cut it with corn starch when storing it. That should help in moisture control and make it a bit easier to apply to the female flowers. You need so little pollen so adding the corn starch makes it easier to apply.

3)If Pollen is kept in a very low humidity or frozen enviorment, the pollen itself or its sacs can be will keep for months if not longer.Heres a great link Munki Found a while back:Storing pollen

4)If you desire a certain trait from the father, then yeah your going to want to keep the original fathers pollen and "back cross" your chosen mother w/ that pollen. This is how certain desired traits are more pronounced then others. And cloning males can be difficult but doable. If I can keep a bow around I do, on the other hand If you get enough pollen stored up from him and are confident you wont be needing him anymore. Then it would be cool to chop chop so to speak, thats if you choose to do so.

5)See Number 4

Well I hope this answers your questions. Ask away anytime. If theres anything I missed just let me know..:thanks:

The Butcher
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

great info butch.

@ my pruney brother raisin hell out there:
every good scientific paper has many references. . . like a good research artical, butch has many resources. he has his, i have mine, and so too, in time you will have yours. breadth of knowledge is as helpful as depth.

that being said, breeding is an art, and will take time to master. . . for a beginner breeder I wouldn't worry about back-crossing and inbreeding. while it is easy enough to perform, the skill of it to fine tune an attribute is not in the hand, but in the eye of the breeder. it is not always easy to choose the right man for the right job, and takes a ton of time, patience, experience and vision.

Fortunately for beginners, F1 hybrids is where all the real fun is at anyways!!! when you cross two different strains, the infusion of differing genes results in a little sumthin sumthin we like to call "hybrid vigor". The term heterosis, also known as hybrid vigor or outbreeding enhancement, describes the increased strength of different characteristics in hybrids; the possibility to obtain a genetically superior individual by combining the virtues of its parents, and neglecting their weaknesses.

the power here is to be able to select a superior "mother" plant for cloning and get a much better result thereafter.

if you cross two plants and get 100 seeds total. the next time you grow from seed, you grow. . . say 10. then from that ten, you take a clone or two from each and label them, and flower them. The one that grows the best, smokes the best, tastes the best, you get the idea, you take one of those clones and turn it into a mom for further cloning. bam! now you have a sweet ass plant, and you are the only one with those genetics.

this is how most of the best strains are made, oops i found something amazing!!! (then when you are advanced like the butch is, you might try to backcross this amazing specimen to save it's genes)

one thing to remember though, you can't rub two nickles together and make a dollar. if you want great weed you have to breed great weed. A chef can only be as good as the ingredients that he uses, so make sure you start out with quality genetics.

have fun bro, that's the best reason to do this in the first place!
also, explore the net!!! if only these kind of resources were around back when I was in HS and just starting out. I had to read a 200 page text document by ed rosenthal and mel frank, and while i respect the hell out of those guys it was dry as hell. lol. but i read it all.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

great info butch.

@ my pruney brother raisin hell out there:
every good scientific paper has many references. . . like a good research artical, butch has many resources. he has his, i have mine, and so too, in time you will have yours. breadth of knowledge is as helpful as depth.

that being said, breeding is an art, and will take time to master. . . for a beginner breeder I wouldn't worry about back-crossing and inbreeding. while it is easy enough to perform, the skill of it to fine tune an attribute is not in the hand, but in the eye of the breeder. it is not always easy to choose the right man for the right job, and takes a ton of time, patience, experience and vision.

Fortunately for beginners, F1 hybrids is where all the real fun is at anyways!!! when you cross two different strains, the infusion of differing genes results in a little sumthin sumthin we like to call "hybrid vigor". The term heterosis, also known as hybrid vigor or outbreeding enhancement, describes the increased strength of different characteristics in hybrids; the possibility to obtain a genetically superior individual by combining the virtues of its parents, and neglecting their weaknesses.

the power here is to be able to select a superior "mother" plant for cloning and get a much better result thereafter.

if you cross two plants and get 100 seeds total. the next time you grow from seed, you grow. . . say 10. then from that ten, you take a clone or two from each and label them, and flower them. The one that grows the best, smokes the best, tastes the best, you get the idea, you take one of those clones and turn it into a mom for further cloning. bam! now you have a sweet ass plant, and you are the only one with those genetics.

this is how most of the best strains are made, oops i found something amazing!!! (then when you are advanced like the butch is, you might try to backcross this amazing specimen to save it's genes)

one thing to remember though, you can't rub two nickles together and make a dollar. if you want great weed you have to breed great weed. A chef can only be as good as the ingredients that he uses, so make sure you start out with quality genetics.

have fun bro, that's the best reason to do this in the first place!
also, explore the net!!! if only these kind of resources were around back when I was in HS and just starting out. I had to read a 200 page text document by ed rosenthal and mel frank, and while i respect the hell out of those guys it was dry as hell. lol. but i read it all.

Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

Wow. Thanks to both of you! I will be crossing my best (by far) male satori with Jack herer and also an old local strain called bobo real soon, 6 days blooming for dad so far, moms are just vegging/waiting. I am as excited as daddy satori must be to get this started.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

Ok one more small question: what age should I start the females I wish to breed with into flower? My boy is 9 days into flower, not alot going on, and my females are vegging in little plastic cups, I want to toss them in with the male, and let it happen naturally, and then kill the boy at some point, and after I've collected some pollen for storing. I want to time it right.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

For Pollenation: I suggest 3-5 weeks into flower. These times have been successful for me. Week 4 is just about perfect for an 8 week strain. I've pollenated as late as ^ weeks and still was successful. However if you can sooner DO. 6 weeks is pushing the envelope.
As far as how soon can you flower: You can go from clone to flower and still produce seeds. Just allow your roots to get established before you switch to flower.

Hope this helps R.J. Let me know if you need more info. I can provide more if needed. :goodluck:
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

FYI, i find when using STS the fe->males like to start dropping pollen late week 5 or early week 6, this will line up the best pollen droping/accepting combination. . . also many strains don't really want to drop much pollen. Hand picking anthers as they start to open and then hand pollinating females will greatly increase your success.

so if you are gonna use sts and try to seed females as fast as possible, i would suggest the fe->male be planted 3 weeks before the rest (which means different feeding schedule as well!)
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

FYI, i find when using STS the fe->males like to start dropping pollen late week 5 or early week 6, this will line up the best pollen droping/accepting combination. . . also many strains don't really want to drop much pollen. Hand picking anthers as they start to open and then hand pollinating females will greatly increase your success.

so if you are gonna use sts and try to seed females as fast as possible, i would suggest the fe->male be planted 3 weeks before the rest (which means different feeding schedule as well!)

:bravo: :amen: :bravo:

WOF..Its always great having you around!!

Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

Ok so I don't need to hold off flowering my moms, they will go into hempy buckets and into 12/12 on the 9th, dad will be 2 weeks into flower.

Oh no, does it hurt the seeds if the mothers are fed chemically? They have been on gh hydro nutes. Thanks for being so helpful, it's funny how every question seems to lead to more questions when it comes to breeding. And looking at further generations/selections, it's something that a guy could really put some time and thought into! When can I name a strain? Is it tacky to name a baby before her ma's even pregnant? Like maybe bad luck?

Hope yours are all healthy and happy!
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

Ok so I don't need to hold off flowering my moms, they will go into hempy buckets and into 12/12 on the 9th, dad will be 2 weeks into flower.

Oh no, does it hurt the seeds if the mothers are fed chemically? They have been on gh hydro nutes. Thanks for being so helpful, it's funny how every question seems to lead to more questions when it comes to breeding. And looking at further generations/selections, it's something that a guy could really put some time and thought into! When can I name a strain? Is it tacky to name a baby before her ma's even pregnant? Like maybe bad luck?

Hope yours are all healthy and happy!

Its chill, again ask all the wuestions you want. I name strains after I get the idea.It helps me get motivated. And its easier for labeling. I use 3 part GH for my mother and DWC. I also use H&G in my flowering room though. the lant needs to thrive to produce those seeds. Now I'm not saying go crazy, but they need all the nutes they can get, so your cool. And trust me the questions have only begun.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

Well I'm on my way, got the girls in with the boy, he'll be about 2 weeks ahead and I figure he'll get offed as soon as the job has been done and I've gathered up a lil pollen. I plan to cross my best first gen female back with it. This journal is probably what pushed me from just talking to actually trying this.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

great work bro. Just keep in mind, that most males first pollen droppings' may not be potenet enough, so keep it on hand but I would have to suggest just mixing it w/ the next batch of pollen being collected. I'm sure you'll be fine when you pollenate. Great work R.J.
Re: Te butchers slaughter (breeding journal)

hey butch man. i hope everything's going well. thought i'd drop you a line and ask you a question. i've got a male Hindu Kush that's about 4-6 weeks from finishing up. the pollen has just started to become free. the plant smells fantastic. i noticed you said the early pollen isn't as potent. do you mean it's not as fertile? that kinda makes sense. my big question is, how much corn starch do you mix (what's the ratio) with the pollen to keep it from clumping and what not?

thanks duder
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