Made these today :thumb:
Reeses Squares - 5 Ingredients And No Bake Reeses) Recipe -
Used Recipe but substituted same amount melted CannaButter for the regular butter
..Very easy even though I had to make my own peanut butter. :)

What? Of course I tasted it. :) Its delish!!! :thumb: effects havent hit yet..

Wow, those look good! Let us know what those were like. Making your own peanut butter is fun. Guaranteed to know who's hands have been in it. LOL

Thanks for the pics! I'll check out that recipe tonight for sure.

hey thread!

here's my first and second attempts at making edibles out of cannaoil that i made using unrefined coconut oil. ended up using some male plants and harvested hermie plant waste using the shake/flowers/seeds/stems etc which did have some nice trichomes but really not sure of potency. what is this suppose to taste like?? never had edibles before and this has that green taste...something to get use to for sure.


then made some tea and added some along with a lot of honey/milk and it almost taste like a nice earthy chai tea ...

also mixed into coffee

now the second batch was made using a crock pot this batch using unrefined coconut oil so it had the great smell and had actual flower/seeds/shake from the hermie plants..

that's my solidified cannaoil...and i have some more in the fridge.
brownies: i can really taste the that green earthy taste and is quite noticeable...

and for the butter cake (the yellow cake on top ia the control and doesnt have any oil (for the kids)...the bottom greenish cake is the good one and the taste isnt too over powering at all. i did add some extra vanilla extract and some far this is my preference as far as taste..hah

again...not sure if it's even gonna get me high but will certain keep trying and hope to be able to grow some nice females instead of hermies so i can get some quality oil/ butter made!

Were the stems fresh? They look pretty green in the picture of them simmering. Fresher stems and buds can cause more green taste. Could be because there was too much chlorophyll and plant waxes still in the butter. (plant matter)

There are lots of ingredients you can use to help cover up the taste, like vanilla and other extracts...chocolate...cinnamon...peanut butter. Lots of different things you can experiment with.

Look around in the medical marijuana section for lots of info on making butters/oils for some great info here:
Cannabis Edibles

I also have a link here for a site you might get some great information from, it's called BadKat's CannaPharm, if the link isn't allowed for some reason. Just do a google search for it, you'll find it.

BadKat's CannaPharm - Medical Cannabis Oil

Let us know the potency of what you used, we're interested in what you experienced! Thanks for pics too.


Were the stems fresh? They look pretty green in the picture of them simmering. Fresher stems and buds can cause more green taste. Could be because there was too much chlorophyll and plant waxes still in the butter. (plant matter)

There are lots of ingredients you can use to help cover up the taste, like vanilla and other extracts...chocolate...cinnamon...peanut butter. Lots of different things you can experiment with.

Look around in the medical marijuana section for lots of info on making butters/oils for some great info here:
Cannabis Edibles

I also have a link here for a site you might get some great information from, it's called BadKat's CannaPharm, if the link isn't allowed for some reason. Just do a google search for it, you'll find it.

BadKat's CannaPharm - Medical Cannabis Oil

Let us know the potency of what you used, we're interested in what you experienced! Thanks for pics too.


yeah a bit of both fresh and dry stems as some were stored in the freezer once cut down and the rest from after harvest. i just cut down 2 plants that showed as males should i even bother for cbd sake or will these not have anything beneficial?

thanks for the direction and advise...this is easily one of the best hobbies ive stumbled upon for sure..stay tuned.
yeah a bit of both fresh and dry stems as some were stored in the freezer once cut down and the rest from after harvest. i just cut down 2 plants that showed as males should i even bother for cbd sake or will these not have anything beneficial?

thanks for the direction and advise...this is easily one of the best hobbies ive stumbled upon for sure..stay tuned.

Yeah, if the stems were still green you're going to get that chlorolphyll taste. :) Sometimes it helps to strain your liquid a couple of times to be sure all of your plant matter is out. If your butter turns out dark muddyish green, or you have a lot of "matter" stuck to the bottom of it after it cools, that tells you another good strain is in order with something finer. I have actually used nylon stocking material in the past, works well because it is such a fine mesh. :)

A lot of people think male plants are fairly worthless, but there is evidence that they are more useful than has been thought.

There is an article on a sponsor site, Sensiseeds, that you might read through. They give information from a study that was done a long time ago that might be enlightening and prompt a little more digging into if you have interest:

Males - not as useless as we think - Males — not as useless as we think!

Type into google "do male cannabis plants contain CBD", or something similar to that and you will find lots of info. Keep in mind this is not something I'm saying is fact, it's the internet. LOL

I have used male plants for infusing olive oils and such, but I make sure they are dried.

Let us know if you have any other questions. Looking forward to your report on the "high" or effects on what you made.

If any of you guys could please help me out a bit...:helpsmile: and hit the first link in my signature and hit like on the post I would be forever grateful... It is to win a Twilight light and I really would like to win this one and I could use some help... All ya gotta do is hit the link and hit like on the post....:thanks:.....:circle-of-love:
Well, I"ve been missing for awhile. I couldn't do any edibles or use oil or any MJ due to job pee tests for the past 6 to 8 months.
I'm back to work, drug tests are done and I'm back in the healing!

I made canna caramels today, and did a different recipe to try to get soft and chewy instead of the firm ones. They turned out a bit too soft.
Soooo, I decided to chocolate cover them with some cannabutter chocolate.

I started with two to three tbls. cannabutter and Bakers Semi-Sweet chocolate, chopped into small chunks in a microwave safe bowl. I also lined a sheet pan with parchment.


I Nuked the chocolate chunks for about 20 seconds at a time, stirring completely each time. Takes about 3 shots in the nuker, I had 12 oz. of chocolate. When it was about 1/2 melted, I added the cannabutter and mixed it in.


One more time in the nuker for about 20 seconds, then stirred vigorously until all the chocolate was melted smooth and it was glossy.


Now usually I would use the two forks method, one to dip into the chocolate and one to push it off the other fork onto the tray or rack. This was difficult because the caramels are so soft, they were sticking to the forks. (VERY humid here today too)
So, I just spooned a round base of chocolate onto the parchment paper and then set the caramel onto it and used the spoon to drizzle over the caramel until completely covered. A wire rack would not have worked for these as soft as they are. Let the chocolate set a few minutes and then sprinkle sea salt on top.


I put them in the fridge to firm up and then trimmed off the excess chocolate.


Not the most uniform of chocolate covered treats, but they are rustic looking. You can tell by the fingerprint on one of them. :laugh: That chocolate was getting soft fast in this humidity.


I could not resist, I had to eat the one I cut in half.

In addition to the trimmed pieces, I have lots of chocolate left over. That is going to be used for dipping some orange slices.


And yet, there is no scientific consensus on the actual harm of accidental ingestion.

I get so tired of 'Think of the children' legislation. It reminds me of 'Not in my backyard' and 'The Communist Menace.'

I'm all for protecting children, but since NONE of those 50 children admitted to Colorado hospitals have show injury, and they may actually be healthier for their 'overdoses' this looks like one more law based on puritan ethics rather than social good. Mentally contrast the 'harm' of marijuana edibles with deaths from alcohol poisoning. /rant off

At least they took a year or so to get the market switched to the new labelling.
If anyone interested I am a chef in proffesion for 14 years now...If you need any advice , recipe or some advanced culinary executions like molecular cuisine siphon etc. I'll be glad to help you out and give you tips on how you can get the maximum output from raw materials...
keep up

Morning. I sous vide my buds for butter at 80 degrees Celsius for 5 hours. Perfect . outcome.

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