The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

That's the message I'm getting from them scrubby. :laughtwo::green_heart:
My oh my! How did I miss the start of this thread?! Anyway, I am here now ready to scream when my brain gets too full. :) So many ways to grow! I had no idea. I'm subbed now and hope to learn a great deal!

You go girl! :circle-of-love::cheer::circle-of-love:

Welcome Tranquilgreen. I didn't do this with much fanfare I'm afraid. It was a last minute thing, actually. I'm so glad you found us. Make yourself at home. :love:
It's 1:30 in the morning and I'm just not ready to turn in yet so I was scrolling through the shots from yesterday and zoomed in in some trichomes.




No better way to light her up, is there?


Hope you enjoyed that. I know I did. :green_heart:
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 51

Everything looks good in here. I like having all this space. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I started with a 1/4 turn. Good morning my little Devil.


We've crossed into serious flowering with my girl. Tomorrow I'll change out some of the lights to get more red. I need to add another rack to the ceiling to give me more points to hang lights.

She's holding back on me again. No increase vertically from two days ago. Either she's pausing, or she's done growing tall and will now focus on blooming. I'm good either way.





Nobody wants to come out and play yet. I need to consider a rotation of these SWICK pots to make light access more uniform. Let's see who pops before we start playing around like that. All pots are still evenly moist, not wet, so no need to water. I'm actually very impressed with how stable they're performing on this shallow tray. Not that it should have mattered. The only difference is that a shallow tray needs watered more than once. Before I go out this morning I'll top it off again.


Just a bit of leaf porn indulgence. :laughtwo: See that piece of last harvest's trunk decomposing there in the lower right? That was some seriously healthy cannabis. The stem was almost completely solid. That Bomb was something, that's for sure.


One last indulgence.


You're welcome scrubby. :love:

We have overcast with scattered sunshine and much more reasonable temps than the last few days. That heat wave was a bear, eh? Get out there and spread some joy in unexpected places. Let your intuition guide you. It'll be great fun and everyone wins. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Im excited for the little ones to pop up. :blushsmile: What happened to the living mulch in Devil's pot? She is starting to get fat, btw. :)
Im excited for the little ones to pop up. :blushsmile: What happened to the living mulch in Devil's pot? She is starting to get fat, btw. :)

I trimmed it way back Sorenna. There's still some growing, just little for now. I let it get away from me when it took so long to get another seed into the pot.

Yeah, I'm excited too. :slide:
I just realized that the increase in income means I can spring for a nice rack for the tent! WooHoo!!!! Once the money hits the bank I'll be able to do the T5s and the CFL array for seedlings. Then the tent will be set until I can get another big light panel in July. After that it's just "wash, rinse, repeat" as Ziggy puts it.

Can you believe how this all came together? Makes me wonder what the universe has planned for me. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Can you believe how this all came together? Makes me wonder what the universe has planned for me. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Boy, does that resonate wit dis guy! :laughtwo:

When your standout success over a period of a year or more is growing pot, a person has to wonder what God has in mind ...

Seriously? :hmmmm:
Boy, does that resonate wit dis guy! :laughtwo:

When your standout success over a period of a year or more is growing pot, a person has to wonder what God has in mind ...

Seriously? :hmmmm:

I know Graytail. This level of activity is unprecedented in my life, and I've had some doozies happen. Unbelievable things. Kind of like this stage right now. I've learned to be grateful and not question, but just let it roll. Today I'm on a nice, bubbly wave. There's lots of joy being spread. :laughtwo::green_heart:

There you are. :circle-of-love: Please forgive my oversight in not inviting you earlier. This was spur-of-the -moment and I had to set up the tent and plant seeds. I'll be more prompt next time.
For all the new's hard to create a "schedule" for feedings. The plants demands change over the course of the grow. When real small, they may go over a week without drying out. When ready for a transplant, they will need water every day. I think it is easier to make a list containing the sequence of feedings and cross them off when done.

for example....simplified, didn't allow for transplant or foliars. Foliars I do one of each per week, pick a day and repeat.
From seeds or clones
Phase 1
water (repeat till 5 nodes)
Phase 2
Growth Energy+ Tea
Transplant+ Tea
water (Repeat till recharge)
Phase 3 (flip to flower happened about 3 weeks ago)
Cat+ Tea
Cat+ Tea
Phase 4
Growth Energy+ Tea (repeat till harvest)

Make the schedule your own, it is quite adaptable. Feed(drench/soak) the plants when they dry out. I'm in 7 gal cloth pots and give each 1 gallon twice a week basically. On a SWICK, you would just top feed at the same frequency, but maybe use less water (1/2 gallon each time?). Foliars are important and just get done on a fixed schedule.

My 2 cents
Here's hoping those little seeds kick out some serious roots and raise their beautiful heads! That pixie monster is amazing. It's going to look like a huge cola sitting upright on the dirt. :thumb:

Oooo, I hope you're right Tranquilgreen. I just planted 9 more that should turn out the same. :cheesygrinsmiley: She is the most beautiful thing. You're right - she does have a pixie quality. I can't wait to get her into the sunshine again for update pictures. I need to rearrange the tent ceiling to make it easier to hang lights where they work best. Maybe design something that sits on the floor. Hmmmm. That set the brain clicking. I've lots of short wood pieces that could be....... There goes creative mode. :laughtwo:

I want to make it possible to lift that pot out with ease, onto a dolly, and into the sunlight. I'm getting excited about what sitting in full sunlight for a few hours a day could do for her.

Sorry, got into something of a ramble there, didn't I? :laughtwo::green_heart:
For all the new's hard to create a "schedule" for feedings. The plants demands change over the course of the grow. When real small, they may go over a week without drying out. When ready for a transplant, they will need water every day. I think it is easier to make a list containing the sequence of feedings and cross them off when done.

for example....simplified, didn't allow for transplant or foliars. Foliars I do one of each per week, pick a day and repeat.
From seeds or clones
Phase 1
water (repeat till 5 nodes)
Phase 2
Growth Energy+ Tea
Transplant+ Tea
water (Repeat till recharge)
Phase 3 (flip to flower happened about 3 weeks ago)
Cat+ Tea
Cat+ Tea
Phase 4
Growth Energy+ Tea (repeat till harvest)

Make the schedule your own, it is quite adaptable. Feed(drench/soak) the plants when they dry out. I'm in 7 gal cloth pots and give each 1 gallon twice a week basically. On a SWICK, you would just top feed at the same frequency, but maybe use less water (1/2 gallon each time?). Foliars are important and just get done on a fixed schedule.

My 2 cents

How wonderful of you to share that OG. Reps! That makes it real simple to follow. I was commenting earlier at Ziggy's that I amend the LOS on a regular weekly schedule, regardless of the stage of plant development. As I was doing so it occurred to me that this is one of the differences I have to take into account. The kit soil, using the wet/dry cycle, requires an attentive gardener. Do you find that plants dry at different rates, or do they behave pretty consistently as a group? I guess what I was asking is do you find you treat them as a group or as individuals?
On a SWICK, you would just top feed at the same frequency, but maybe use less water (1/2 gallon each time?). Foliars are important and just get done on a fixed schedule.

I found with my LOS on a SWICK that a quart worked well without polluting the reservoir. Applied slowly and carefully. In other words don't dump and drown, something none of us is prone to anyway.
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