The look has changed in the past 48hrs


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming these are good but I'm not sure. It looks like over the past 2 days my buds look has changed.. it looks like the trichomes have trippled and alot more new white pistils have showed up and almost all leaves have turned Yellow. These look OK to yall?


The new white pistils are foxtails, likely not an issue.

Could be environmental or just how that strain grows.

But, what are you feeding ?

They look Hungry !

I usually feed General hydroponics flora series but last time was just ph'd water no nutes.
it could probably have used another feed. were you on a f/w/f/w ?
have a peek at the trichs, i think you're close. it doesn't look like it can support a pile more build.
It looks like over the past 2 days my buds look has changed.. it looks like the trichomes have trippled and alot more new white pistils have showed up and almost all leaves have turned Yellow. These look OK to yall?
Depends on what you mean by "looks OK". As @Chuckeye says, they look like they needed more nutrients. The flowering stage is a severe drain on what the plant has stored and the plant rarely can make up for what it does not already have. Even if it were to be given any nutrients there is not much that will improve since harvest time is coming up any day now.

There is a bright side though. Properly trim the flowers to leave the yellow leaves that have trichomes on them. Then after the drying and curing you can grind the buds up and they will look a lot like the traditional Acapulco Gold of long ago.
Those things are just about done I wouldn’t worry about the leaves you’re growing buds. Check the trichome you should be close
Check the triches but you should also be able to tell from how the smell has evolved. Use your gut as well. Sometimes it's just time to harvest.
Depends on what you mean by "looks OK". As @Chuckeye says, they look like they needed more nutrients. The flowering stage is a severe drain on what the plant has stored and the plant rarely can make up for what it does not already have. Even if it were to be given any nutrients there is not much that will improve since harvest time is coming up any day now.

There is a bright side though. Properly trim the flowers to leave the yellow leaves that have trichomes on them. Then after the drying and curing you can grind the buds up and they will look a lot like the traditional Acapulco Gold of long ago.
I just took some more close up pics. What do yall think?








is still feeding ?

looks like it could use just a little more time. a wk or so at a flat guess. if it quit feeding you can't do much more than take it.
I fed March 1st then just phd water since.
No additional fertilizers or nutrients for a week could be a reason why the leaves are as yellow as they are.

If growing in soil there is no reason to stop feeding the plant the last week or two unless you want to starve the plant for some reason.

If growing in water or a hydro method there are recommendations to do a flush several weeks before the harvest to clear the system of excess salts which can cause problems. After the flush then back to the fertilizing program for the last couple weeks.
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