The VipersNest Continuous

LOTS of Dirt Pit!


Looks great. Will you be sharing the outdoor grow? Can't wait.

Best man.

sure this is hole 1..doing 3


finished hole 2 today, ill do hole 3 tomorrow. 2 bags each and some of my sandy soil. they will have 8 solid hrs of light daily
What sets off "Flags" at the Electric company is not just the amount of power used, but when its used. The electric company keeps a month to month catalog of your power uses to compare to the previous year. Dont think for a second these are not gone over. The thing that puts you out in the open is if there is "spike" in the month to month preview. And if your using say 3000 watts, while your neighbor may use the same but at different times it wont be a big issue. However if your using 3k watts one month and you harvest and have the 3k of watts down for another month while you veg. Thats a RED flag FORSURE, even if your using only 1500 watts. You can get info about your utility company over the internet or call and ask questions. Were I live we have a teared system, the more people in the house the less your looked at. So naturally I added a few more people. So now my electricty is cheaper & I can use more Watts without having to worry about any spikes. Since I run the room constantly, I just play with what watts I use already. One thing that I was taught was to slowly up your electric bill, then addd your new light or set up, then bring it down slowly. Even if its $25 you bring it down, this will make the electric co. think twice about what your doing. Just some insite on how the electric co. works. This info was provided by an employee of theirs who happens to grow.

I dont think a 3K watt spike would trigger any red flags. Think about the common house... here's mine for instance.... these watts are just averages, not exact.....

Refrigerator - 350 Watts
Computers - 90 watts each - I have about 5
TV - 500 Watts - I have 2 big and a few small
Mircrowave - 1300 watts

I'm already at about 3,000 watts just right here. That doesnt include my dishwasher, my washer or dryer, my 4000 watt A/C unit, water heater, small appliances, vacuum, hair dryers, stereo systems or any of that. I have a portable heater that uses 1200 watts just by itself.

So I think even if there are spikes, you need to be spiking much more than just 3000 watts. If the wattage was that low to raise a flag, there would have to be thousands and thousands of red flags constantly going up.

In my old house, which was huge, I had 2 A/C's. One for up stairs and one for down stairs. So I was looking at 10K watts just from the AC being on. Then if I wanted to heat my pool, which took about a half day to heat, that alone would add a nice $300 to my electricity bill. I only did that every once in a while when I would have people over, which would cause big spikes.

So I think it has a lot to do with the average consumption of the community that you live in. Im thinking more along the lines of 10K-20K watt spike increase to get flagged, unless your living in a small apartment. Then maybe a 5K watt increase might get you flagged.

Growing weed period, whether your legal or illegal, makes you paranoid as hell. People think that after throwing a couple thousand watters and a few fans up that there going to get flagged by the electricity company and then raided by the DEA. Its not going to happen unless you have a serious energy consuming setup going on and are careless with other stuff, like smell, your trash and with who you tell. An energy spike alone isnt going to get you raided. It most likely wont even put you under the radar unless your running factory amounts of power out of your 3 bedroom house.
My opinion on the electric thing is this:

The elec. Company is SELLING electricity. As long as u pay for it, y should they care how much you use? When u go to the grocery store, they don't go " hey buddy, you're buyin a lot of tweenkies there, what are u up to? U better slow down on the tweenkies pal.". Gardens lookin great pit. Thanks for the pics, been havin withdrawls!
I agree with you in what the power usage of a kitchen or laundry room would be, however, No 3k isnt going to get you popped. what I meant was if your using 3K say for a year then you add 2k worth of lamps for 2 months then bring it back down. Then keep this schedule up on a regular basis. Thats just plain obvious whats going on. without any sarcasm intended; Its not like every 2 months someone ads a washer then takes it down and continues to do this patern. This will bring attention to your bill. Now how the energy co. Uses that info is on them. But from what my source told me(and yes he works my power co.) It will get noticed, just not to the point to where there foing to go get the DEA on you. But it does raise an eyebrow, rule of thumb is 1k for each bedroom(give or take for which room kitchens' are expected to draw more). This is what the power co. expect. Now if your fallow that guideline, your not really going to have to worry much. However if you've never used the extra 3k before then that will spike so just raise it slowly. And unless I learn otherwise, I will continue to engourage people to watch and build their consumption slowly before going crazy and adding a load of power out of nowhere and not expecting to raise an eyebrow. That would be a false sence of hope. Just be careful on how you make your choices. I was taught this way and it was completely reinforced by my "friend" out the power company.

Oh and sorrry PIT posting a grip of times on your thread.
So I finally found it. Been sitting here for a couple hours... but your Lemon Haze grow starts in the 40's and ends around the 140's. I've been sitting here trying to learn more about the Super Lemon Haze. I have a few of those girls going right now and the leaf shape looks exactly like your. Mine seem to be picky with high PPM. They dont seem to like it much and they are the first to show signs of burning. Did yours do that?

I cant wait for the end product.
i have absolutely no a virgin on this one...multiple strains....home made system....I want them to at least will do all exact cuttings next time.
I dont think a 3K watt spike would trigger any red flags. Think about the common house... here's mine for instance.... these watts are just averages, not exact.....

Refrigerator - 350 Watts
Computers - 90 watts each - I have about 5
TV - 500 Watts - I have 2 big and a few small
Mircrowave - 1300 watts

I'm already at about 3,000 watts just right here. That doesnt include my dishwasher, my washer or dryer, my 4000 watt A/C unit, water heater, small appliances, vacuum, hair dryers, stereo systems or any of that. I have a portable heater that uses 1200 watts just by itself.

So I think even if there are spikes, you need to be spiking much more than just 3000 watts. If the wattage was that low to raise a flag, there would have to be thousands and thousands of red flags constantly going up.

In my old house, which was huge, I had 2 A/C's. One for up stairs and one for down stairs. So I was looking at 10K watts just from the AC being on. Then if I wanted to heat my pool, which took about a half day to heat, that alone would add a nice $300 to my electricity bill. I only did that every once in a while when I would have people over, which would cause big spikes.

So I think it has a lot to do with the average consumption of the community that you live in. Im thinking more along the lines of 10K-20K watt spike increase to get flagged, unless your living in a small apartment. Then maybe a 5K watt increase might get you flagged.

Growing weed period, whether your legal or illegal, makes you paranoid as hell. People think that after throwing a couple thousand watters and a few fans up that there going to get flagged by the electricity company and then raided by the DEA. Its not going to happen unless you have a serious energy consuming setup going on and are careless with other stuff, like smell, your trash and with who you tell. An energy spike alone isnt going to get you raided. It most likely wont even put you under the radar unless your running factory amounts of power out of your 3 bedroom house.
On average I run aprx 2800w daly and will be adding another 1k.
dont steal the elec and pay your bill
there was a big bust recently where they got got caught by burning the trash in a fireplace....mmmm. pay your bill....grow more plants
So I finally found it. Been sitting here for a couple hours... but your Lemon Haze grow starts in the 40's and ends around the 140's. I've been sitting here trying to learn more about the Super Lemon Haze. I have a few of those girls going right now and the leaf shape looks exactly like your. Mine seem to be picky with high PPM. They dont seem to like it much and they are the first to show signs of burning. Did yours do that?

I cant wait for the end product.

my SLH loved very high PPM. i ran it at 2000 at the end. that one is a keeper. it was my sec highest yielder ever. it needs to be grown outside

Its important for people to realize "PPM" meters use a conversion factor to take "EC" and make an estimated PPM value. Most american TDS/PPM meters will use .5 conversion so 2.0 would equal 1000 PPM but if using a different meter with different conversion factor of say .7 that very same solution would read 1400 thats a big difference. when ever I talk about PPM on this site I'm usually going by .5 conversion as thats what my meter uses. Safest bet would be just to use an actual EC meter that reads in EC.

Great Chart
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