Trala’s Tent

I've always wanted to try growing auto's. Thanks T, you're a gem.
I was really happy to do it.

It’s like paying it forward. My first 5 successful seed grows were gifted to me from the UK. It was a game changer grow wise, it really was. From crackwhore bag seeds to the high class hookers you see today. They changed the way I grow. I have to be honest tho. I really miss cloning.

Joe, I treasure my seeds so much, I plant them one at a time in desperate hope I can wake them. And I feel genuinely sad when I can’t. I hope you not only wake them, but you can make them sing.

I’ll be watching :)
I was really happy to do it.

It’s like paying it forward. My first 5 successful seed grows were gifted to me from the UK. It was a game changer grow wise, it really was. From crackwhore bag seeds to the high class hookers you see today. They changed the way I grow. I have to be honest tho. I really miss cloning.

Joe, I treasure my seeds so much, I plant them one at a time in desperate hope I can wake them. And I feel genuinely sad when I can’t. I hope you not only wake them, but you can make them sing.

I’ll be watching :)
Well Miss voyeur, I'm sick of $5 blowjob's, so you can watch me tango with some 'high class hookers' all you want, since you paid their fees :rofl:
I just hope I can do them justice. :thanks:
Omg it’s a sunny day! So I’ve hit the garden running!

No place turns a perfect winters day on like Queensland when Mother Nature gets it right!

My little Justine is out of the bassinet and into her cot and is still drinking Tega Brop *taps nose*


My little bit bigger June is from her cot into her single bed and had her first big girl nute sprinkle. She’s not far off a topping.


My little bit bigger big girl Greg is responding really well to training and got a 4 week top up nute sprinkle. I can see so clearly now what I did wrong training Cleo at first. Even tho she is missing arms, she has a good frame to Carhook on.


And Cleo, well she’s just a motherfucking boss! She got a flower nute sprinkle.


The Familam soaking up that beautiful sun ☀️ ♥️☀️♥️☀️♥️☀️♥️☀️♥️

Eughh, really? lol
More sickening though is the erroneous apostrophe, which means 'blowjob is' or 'blowjob has' as opposed to the plural 'blowjobs', or is Blowjob a friend of yours? :rofl:
Do you know what I enjoy most when I log into my weed forum? Reading posters make fun of those who sometimes struggle with literacy - said no one ever.

I think that’s a mean comment and I don’t think it’s funny.

As an uneducated welfare sucking bogan, people with brilliant educations and vast knowledge always intimidated me, and this is exactly why. I felt they looked down at me like I was the shit on their shoes just because I don’t know words.

I think you should say sorry to Joe.

Oh, and the word literacy sort of typed it’s self. If it doesn’t mean spell good, swap it with spell good.
Omg it’s the end of an era.

I have one more jar of my Peyote Critical and one jar of Tangerine Dream left, and they are being collected tonight.

It’s officially a wrap.

Time for a new generation.

Do you know what I enjoy most when I log into my weed forum? Reading posters make fun of those who sometimes struggle with literacy - said no one ever.

I think that’s a mean comment and I don’t think it’s funny.

As an uneducated welfare sucking bogan, people with brilliant educations and vast knowledge always intimidated me, and this is exactly why. I felt they looked down at me like I was the shit on their shoes just because I don’t know words.

I think you should say sorry to Joe.

Oh, and the word literacy sort of typed it’s self. If it doesn’t mean spell good, swap it with spell good.
Sorry Joe - I was only joshing with you
Apologies Trala
Sorry Joe - I was only joshing with you
Apologies Trala
Good morning Growings :)

It’s all good. I think I was just feeling overly protective. I don’t mind people having a dig at me, I take it on the chin, and if I think it’s unfair, I have a big mouth and will speak up. And I know you were joshing, but I know like me, Joe had a super hard start and wasn’t exposed to education and encouraged to do well in school. And for me I always felt less than around educated people. Even now I struggle to pronounce smart people words lol.

I’m all for friendly banter and sledging if there is that kind of rapport, and if you and Joe do have that kinda put shit in each other relationship it’s me who needs to apologise.

Anyway trama averted. Hope you have the best day. And thank you for saying that Xo
^^^ I just reread that.

EDIT: And while I think it’s okay to put shit on each other, it’s just wrong to put it “in” each other.

Putting shit in each other is defs tooooo farrrrrrrrr! And fo sho an infection risk.

L O L L I N G !
Warning contains Stage 5 Trama

Short Version: Trama averted

Long Version: Fun fact about me. If I can hate myself, I do so with gusto. So since holding Billy down while the vet brutally murdered him (<—see what I mean? Lol) Billy was gently and peacefully euthanised as I lovingly held him close, I have been fucking torturing myself about opting to pay for him to be cremated, but not have the ashes. So since then every single fucking day, I hate myself. Constantly reminding myself I have nothing of his DNA to bury, despite bagging and tagging dead people almost weekly and knowing DNA is literally an empty bag of skin and hair that leaks awfulness and often stinks and is only good for crime solving, hey but why let the truth get in the way of hating myself? Lol.

So we are having his funeral today. Just us and the kids. And yesterday I was looking at my yard working out where to bury his jumper coz I’m an unfeeling cunt who has nothing of his true body, coz I let a stranger burn him then do god knows what with his ash (<—again see what I mean? Lol). So I clock his spot. He literally pissed there every day. So I walk over to prepare a plot, and just behind where I’m gonna bury him I see white hair, like a clump. So side story: every 2-3 weeks I would crudely try and groom Billy coz the would become so upset with the clipper and I thought he’d have a cardiac arrest, and I’d randomly cut his fur, ball up what I cut off him, and toss it in the garden. Omfg! I have DNA people! I have something of him to bury ☠️♥️☠️♥️☠️♥️

Couple of nice things. I was going to maybe use his dog dish as a headstone or something. I was trying to find it and oh my heart. It’s become a man cave tribute. I have a tribute in our study with his collar, and I got a pic made for the kids. Pics here

Anyway that’s enough of that. Back soon with a Sunday summary. I’m getting in early coz I’ll be busy funeralling later with the kids. I’m making a roast dinner for the wake. Scoobs and wine/bourbon will flow. We have so many Billy stories. Some really funny ones. If I log in all munted and messy later, just call me a taxi lollinggggg!
Sunday Summary


This plant continues to dazzle me :)

Cleopatra Bee aka Wedding Cake
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 100
Days in flower - 32


Greg is starting to show promise. Her CarCanopy is kind of taking shape. All my veggers are really slow starters because of the cold. Thankfully every girl has good colour.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 50


Little monsters are about the long game, not the short game. No signs of regrowth yet.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days Reveg: 28


Junie is heading for a topping and wanting a drink lolling

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 27


This little girl is easily the prettiest seed I’ve ever awoken. Her green is bang on.

Justine Bee aka Wookie F2 Auto
Unique Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Days above ground - 10


The Familam ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️


So that’s it for me this Sunday unless I stumble back in later lollll. If you have a dog, please hug them close. If you don’t have a dog, and you see one today, make sure you smile at them. That would mean so much to me.

Please raise your blunts/bongs/pipes/beverages to Billy! May he RIP.

Sunday Summary


This plant continues to dazzle me :)

Cleopatra Bee aka Wedding Cake
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 100
Days in flower - 32


Greg is starting to show promise. Her CarCanopy is kind of taking shape. All my veggers are really slow starters because of the cold. Thankfully every girl has good colour.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 50


Little monsters are about the long game, not the short game. No signs of regrowth yet.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days Reveg: 28


Junie is heading for a topping and wanting a drink lolling

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 27


This little girl is easily the prettiest seed I’ve ever awoken. Her green is bang on.

Justine Bee aka Wookie F2 Auto
Unique Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Days above ground - 10


The Familam ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️


So that’s it for me this Sunday unless I stumble back in later lollll. If you have a dog, please hug them close. If you don’t have a dog, and you see one today, make sure you smile at them. That would mean so much to me.

Please raise your blunts/bongs/pipes/beverages to Billy! May he RIP.

RIP Billy!

The girls look good Mum gonna have lots of trimming soon!
So that’s it for me this Sunday unless I stumble back in later lollll. If you have a dog, please hug them close. If you don’t have a dog, and you see one today, make sure you smile at them. That would mean so much to me.
I think your tribute to Billy is perfect, and I am so glad you found DNA! I miss my animals so much. I had a strong emotional memory about my last Liezl (she was called Diesel when I adopted her but she was such a gentle girl and I thought Liezl would suit her better and fit her German Shepherd heritage... she was a cross English Collie and GS. I can't allow myself to think too much about my animals... see I'm already tearing up!) I think your man's tribute is wonderful indeed and so is yours. Billy was a well loved dog! (more tears prickling). I held mine when they were euthanized too. The place I live now is too small and doesn't allow pets, but maybe one day... I hope you are doing good and you are NOT a cunt! More on that... I think most people who consider themselves cunts are actually more self-reflective than the average person, and probably more considerate as a result and less cuntish.
Eughh, really? lol
More sickening though is the erroneous apostrophe, which means 'blowjob is' or 'blowjob has' as opposed to the plural 'blowjobs', or is Blowjob a friend of yours? :rofl:
My bad.
English was my best subject in school too, maths not so much. Please don't ask me to put two and two together :rofl:
Do you know what I enjoy most when I log into my weed forum? Reading posters make fun of those who sometimes struggle with literacy - said no one ever.

I think that’s a mean comment and I don’t think it’s funny.

As an uneducated welfare sucking bogan, people with brilliant educations and vast knowledge always intimidated me, and this is exactly why. I felt they looked down at me like I was the shit on their shoes just because I don’t know words.

I think you should say sorry to Joe.

Oh, and the word literacy sort of typed it’s self. If it doesn’t mean spell good, swap it with spell good.
The erroneous apostrophe...'
It's okay T, I can hold my own, but I'm sure glad you're in my corner. Roy was having a laugh, it's what we do when we come to see your garden, no hard feelings. Scrolling through your journal always gives me a chuckle, and I'm sure others feel the same.
I held on at school till I was 15, (looking out the window mostly:rofl:) and self educated after that. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I make up for it with brute force.
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