Tunkers Seedsman Neville's Haze - Refrigerated

I know its chilly over there, so pulling up a chair around the camp fire.

Your setup looks great. Those roots look good. Are you planning water in the bottom of plant cell or just fog with the condensation running back out to be re-fogged?

Hey justmeds great idea I haven't had a fire yet this winter I'm sure there's some scrap wood laying around the place. Maybe see if TS has a couple bunnies to cook up over it lol

The plants root chamber is just gonna have roots unless I decide to change to dwc and I'll pop in the plug and fill. Hoping it works well enough I won't need or want to..
Hey justmeds great idea I haven't had a fire yet this winter I'm sure there's some scrap wood laying around the place. Maybe see if TS has a couple bunnies to cook up over it lol

It's raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock here AtM. Going to see if I have any Dinte Moore Beef Stew left in "the pantry" (shelf on kitchen wall, lol). The varmints are safe today.
Homemaker of the century today. Dropped one kid off at a birthday party, made a party for the other 2 kids that missed out at home, did all the washing and cleaning etc, cooked dinner in time for the wife to return home and then fucked right off to get shit sorted at the plant house.

I changed my mind about the coolroom locale..

Back in high school I did a photography course so the old boy and myself made a darkroom out of the end room of this old granny flat. It's since been used as a band rehearsal space, a children's bedroom, and now it shall be the new home for my cool room.


I put Sal in there just to piss Scrogdawg off and arranged the wall panels to fit and now I have a plan of attack for when I find time to put it together.


A fair amount of fog is leaking around the edges where my big square netcup sits so I put on some window/door seal strips to reduce the moisture. Humidity will be bitch in flower otherwise. Bit hard to see in the photo but you get the idea



Finally arrived home and sat down to mull up a bit of bud before bed, and found another seed!


Not sure of strain but it tastes pretty nice so I've popped it in water. If its fem, cool beans! If it's male I'll pollinate the haze maybe... Hit one branch with red hair from Sal's partner and one branch with this random strain.

The plants root chamber is just gonna have roots unless I decide to change to dwc and I'll pop in the plug and fill. Hoping it works well enough I won't need or want to..

Yep, I think that is the correct way. What I am planning for a future project, and now thanks to you will have something to base some of my thoughts on.

I prefer plain old, massively effective DWC. But I'm... beginning to get a hint that this isn't the kind of answer that the man is looking for. Lol.

Stem rot is a possibility. If any part of the stem that's under the collar isn't showing root growth, why not raise it up so that portion of the stem is above the collar (and out of the humid fog)?

Ensuring as much dissolved oxygen in your nutrient solution as is humanly possible will help discourage stem rot. So will keeping that fog reasonably cool. I didn't type "prevent" because I'm guessing that there's always a chance of rot when something is constantly in a 100% humid environment. But hopefully you can keep that chance low enough to win.

I see very few aeroponics grows. There were a few here back around... IDK... 2011? The ones I paid attention to didn't end well. I don't really remember specifics, because it was just something that I was curious about (as opposed to something that I was taking mental notes on for my own future use). Rot, not being able to maintain adequate pressure (producing something less than fog), roots that were less protected from various nasties, clogs due to something that precipitated out of solution which would have gone completely unnoticed in a different sort of setup, IDK what all.

I'd have thought that aeroponics would be far more popular. No medium required. Kind of like NFT, seems great in principle, but people end up having issues when growing cannabis. Great for lettuce or other plants where the time from sprout to plate is much shorter. Maybe that's it? Extended time to encounter issues? Of course, if someone is growing 500 little lettuce plants and find ten having problems, it's hardly worth noting in the log when they cull those ten. We don't look at our cannabis plants with the same level of detachment, lol.

I'd just about guarantee you have more knowledge of the subject of aeroponics than I do (and I would absolutely guarantee that you have more experience with it). I went slumming to the Googlemonster just now and typed in "aeroponics cannabis" (without the quotes). Google returned 161,000 results. So people have done it and are, presumably, still doing it. I modified my search into a site-search of 420Magazine.com and here is the results page from that:
aeroponics cannabis site:www.420magazine.com - Google Search

I hope you find some useful information from that. I hope you come across a few successful journals. Or, failing that, I hope you see issues that people have encountered and how they overcame those issues (if they did).
I prefer plain old, massively effective DWC. But I'm... beginning to get a hint that this isn't the kind of answer that the man is looking for. Lol.

Stem rot is a possibility. If any part of the stem that's under the collar isn't showing root growth, why not raise it up so that portion of the stem is above the collar (and out of the humid fog)?

Ensuring as much dissolved oxygen in your nutrient solution as is humanly possible will help discourage stem rot. So will keeping that fog reasonably cool. I didn't type "prevent" because I'm guessing that there's always a chance of rot when something is constantly in a 100% humid environment. But hopefully you can keep that chance low enough to win.

I see very few aeroponics grows. There were a few here back around... IDK... 2011? The ones I paid attention to didn't end well. I don't really remember specifics, because it was just something that I was curious about (as opposed to something that I was taking mental notes on for my own future use). Rot, not being able to maintain adequate pressure (producing something less than fog), roots that were less protected from various nasties, clogs due to something that precipitated out of solution which would have gone completely unnoticed in a different sort of setup, IDK what all.

I'd have thought that aeroponics would be far more popular. No medium required. Kind of like NFT, seems great in principle, but people end up having issues when growing cannabis. Great for lettuce or other plants where the time from sprout to plate is much shorter. Maybe that's it? Extended time to encounter issues? Of course, if someone is growing 500 little lettuce plants and find ten having problems, it's hardly worth noting in the log when they cull those ten. We don't look at our cannabis plants with the same level of detachment, lol.

I'd just about guarantee you have more knowledge of the subject of aeroponics than I do (and I would absolutely guarantee that you have more experience with it). I went slumming to the Googlemonster just now and typed in "aeroponics cannabis" (without the quotes). Google returned 161,000 results. So people have done it and are, presumably, still doing it. I modified my search into a site-search of 420Magazine.com and here is the results page from that:
www.420magazine.com&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM8aXz6qDVAhUP84MKHaYQBnUQrQIIVigEMAI&biw=1025&bih=505]aeroponics cannabis site:420 MAGAZINE (R) - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking - Google Search[/url]

I hope you find some useful information from that. I hope you come across a few successful journals. Or, failing that, I hope you see issues that people have encountered and how they overcame those issues (if they did).
Yeahhh I'm not one to do the normal and effective. I wanna do odd but awesome lol still in odd zone atm. I have the will though. And I am awesome... Cough cough..

I have researched a large amount of aeroponics that's for sure and have attempted a few forms of it. The fog was a stumble upon and decided to roll with it. Theres only so far I can scroll through the aeroponics forum searching for more info before just "tinkering" with it myself.

If I either pull the plant up higher so most me stork is above me balls and collar it off, or I fashion a new lid with smaller net cups that I can block off more effectively, I'm sure I'll put my mind at ease with something
Haven't got a timer that does less then 15. I did buy one but it broke instantly and I said heck with spending money on another lol

I'm as cheap as the next guy (and more so than most). But, for aeroponics, I'd guess that a timer that can be set by the minute (and to have several events per day instead of just a few) would be extremely important. Seconds might be better, but those are a couple hundred dollars and up AfaIK. I suppose you could build your own using an arduino computer or something like a Raspberry Pi. The former might be better, because you'd probably find more industrial type components that'd directly interface. But the latter has the advantage of being usable for more things, and the user can install linux on it. I wouldn't have thought they'd have the power to do much, but people end up doing all kinds of stuff with them.

Yeahhh I'm not one to do the normal and effective. I wanna do odd but awesome lol still in odd zone atm. I have the will though. And I am awesome... Cough cough..

The best thing about the combination of odd and awesome is that failures are usually spectacular and highly entertaining. So... I hope you do well. But if you don't, the mess could end up being quite entertaining (says a man with scars aplenty, who knows what he's talking about). So it's a win either way. <GRIN>

<~TS~ pauses to remember a friend asking, "Hey man, are you okay? Open your eyes or something. Make a noise. At least twitch. C'mon, let me know that you're okay so I can start laughing.">

Kind of thing. But, seriously, I hope you succeed. I like seeing people do well, and if/when you do so, I will have learned a lot just from following your journal.
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