UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GSC

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Unfortunately its not a theory but everyone is different, alot of users experience short term memory loss etc. Regardless I hope you find your excuse.

On second thought, I think you may be right. About an hour ago I caught myself standing in my kitchen wondering what I went there for. I stood there for a few seconds trying to think what the hell it was that I went to get but I was at a loss. Oh well....fudge it.....I did a 180 and went sit outside on the patio. While sitting outside on the patio I had a couple of pulls of my glass pipe when all of sudden I remembered what it was that I had gone in the kitchen to get earlier. Coincidence??
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

On second thought, I think you may be right. About an hour ago I caught myself standing in my kitchen wondering what I went there for. I stood there for a few seconds trying to think what the hell it was that I went to get but I was at a loss. Oh well....fudge it.....I did a 180 and went sit outside on the patio. While sitting outside on the patio I had a couple of pulls of my glass pipe when all of sudden I remembered what it was that I had gone in the kitchen to get earlier. Coincidence??

Uncky C, This happens to me regularly but eventually I usually figure it out while doing something totally different. (In my mid 20's) aka yougin :) Is this the only major side effect? (Short term memory loss)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Uncky C, This happens to me regularly but eventually I usually figure it out while doing something totally different. (In my mid 20's) aka yougin :) Is this the only major side effect? (Short term memory loss)

I've been a regular user of God's green gift to mankind for over 30 yrs now and so far this is about the extent of the noticeable side effects.

I went to the hospital back in April for a complete medical checkup. They had me do cardio with a bunch of wires connected to me, took xrays, EKG, blood test....the whole 9 yards and more.
When they finished poking and prodding me and the results were all available the doc told me I was in better health than most folks 20 years younger than I am and asked what I did to stay in such good health. I told him the truth. "Well Doc, I eat right, I exercise regularly, and I smoke lots of pot."
He had a good laugh and told me to keep on doing whatever it was that I was doing.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I've been a regular user of God's green gift to mankind for over 30 yrs now and so far this is about the extent of the noticeable side effects.

I went to the hospital back in April for a complete medical checkup. They had me do cardio with a bunch of wires connected to me, took xrays, EKG, blood test....the whole 9 yards and more.
When they finished poking and prodding me and the results were all available the doc told me I was in better health than most folks 20 years younger than I am and asked what I did to stay in such good health. I told him the truth. "Well Doc, I eat right, I exercise regularly, and I smoke lots of pot."
He had a good laugh and told me to keep on doing whatever it was that I was doing.

Right on! although I'm still rather young I've also been using cannabis since I was 14 (Against my parents wishes) But I can recall being sick maybe 4 times in my whole life! I also smoke them nasty cigs.. and stay fairly active. But on the other hand my mother who has never used cannabis is sick every other day.. hmmmm
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

These were some pretty good ideas guys. I look like a sweet Grandma type. No one even suspects what I do as an obsessive hobby. :laughtwo: Sad to say, I have no social life and therefore no need to share. I'll have to change that.

Sounds as though you need to zip up the tent every now and then and get out of the house a bit more.
Since you are blessed with such a lovely personality not to mention having some really fine gravity grass to share you should have no problem being welcomed into social circles with open arms. As the old saying goes, "A friend with weed is a friend indeed".
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I hope I'm not repeating anyone but I'm a little behind on this beautiful show, I wanted to know if you ever tried using industrial sized coffee filters in your wicker baskets instead of newspaper?

Bunn 23X9 Biodegradable Coffee Filter for 10-Gallon Urn, 23" x 9" (Case of 250)

$31.75.... about $.13 a filter, can probably re-use a few times and you know it drains water and breathes. I was thinking about this the other day then I saw your wicker baskets.

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I hope I'm not repeating anyone but I'm a little behind on this beautiful show, I wanted to know if you ever tried using industrial sized coffee filters in your wicker baskets instead of newspaper?

Bunn 23X9 Biodegradable Coffee Filter for 10-Gallon Urn, 23" x 9" (Case of 250)

$31.75.... about $.13 a filter, can probably re-use a few times and you know it drains water and breathes. I was thinking about this the other day then I saw your wicker baskets.


Welcome aboard ColoradoGriz. Glad to have you onboard for the ride.

The coffee filter idea is one that I hadn't thought of. Great idea! As long as the filters would be a good fit for the baskets that are used this should work better than newspaper.

The thing is if there's something laying around the house that I think could be put to good use I prefer to "re-purpose" whatever it may be if possible instead of tossing into the trash bin. That's where the newspaper idea originated.

Great!! Now I'm craving hot coffee.....
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

It's 12:30 AM here and you have me wanting coffee too! Drat! It's not like I'm actually going to go to bed before 4AM anyway, is it? Why not Girl?

Ok talked me into it. :laughtwo:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

As far as the filters, supposedly huge and also great for wiping up oily spills and lint free dusting lol. Ya if you click the link to the amazon page, some of the comments are pretty funny in how ridiculously huge they are. I like your idea about using the newspaper to re-purpose stuff, that's awesome.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

As far as the filters, supposedly huge and also great for wiping up oily spills and lint free dusting lol. Ya if you click the link to the amazon page, some of the comments are pretty funny in how ridiculously huge they are. I like your idea about using the newspaper to re-purpose stuff, that's awesome.

Those are some BIG ASS coffee filters. It's hard to image the the uses I'd come up with for those things. It could get dangerous with something like that laying around with no adult supervision to keep me in check. Homemade parachute anyone....??
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

It's 12:30 AM here and you have me wanting coffee too! Drat! It's not like I'm actually going to go to bed before 4AM anyway, is it? Why not Girl?

Ok talked me into it. :laughtwo:

Sorry :passitleft:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Those are some BIG ASS coffee filters. It's hard to image the the uses I'd come up with something like that laying around. Homemade parachute anyone....??

lol right? Some science teacher said his class uses them for that. They don't even make a coffee pot big enough to use them. I think someone lost a Military contract lol.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

It's 12:30 AM here and you have me wanting coffee too! Drat! It's not like I'm actually going to go to bed before 4AM anyway, is it? Why not Girl?

Ok talked me into it. :laughtwo:

Thanks to CoGriz it seems as though we'll both be awake past our bedtimes. Fudge it! It's Friday anyways right?

How times have changed. Many moons ago back during my runnin' days I would have been twisted up like a sock in a lawnmower blade by this time on a Friday evening hitting the bars with the boys and causing mucho mischief.
A late night coffee and few bong hits seems so tame. I need to get out more often.....I'm turning into my dad......
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

No apology necessary. :laughtwo: When my husband went into his death spiral he was in a nursing home for four months. I survived the separation by sitting up all night long on this site, running from journal to journal. It got me through a wrenching period in my life and kept me from feeling alone. What I didn't take into consideration was how easy it became to stay up later and later. Now I have no real reason not to. I'm living alone and have no schedules to follow and no responsibilities beyond seeing that I eat. Apparently I'm not very consistent in that either. Hahaha! Coffee after midnight is just a bonus.

I make really good coffee too. Fresh ground from fresh roasted beans, steeped in a French press for 10 minutes. The men in my family can't drink it. Too strong for them. It's steeping now and the whole apartment smells like a combination of coffee and the plant I harvested yesterday that's hanging to dry in the hallway. Like a little slice of heaven. :battingeyelashes:


Op! There goes the timer. BYB.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Mmmmmmm. Good coffee. Thanks for the inspiration. :love:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Ganja Garden Update - End of Week 5 of Veg from Seed

LA Chocolate - DNA Genetics
Vanilla Kush & LSD - Barneys Farm
Girlscout Cookies - BC Bud Depot
Jack Herer - Greenhouse Seed Co.

Artificial Sun - 2 x 105 Watt CFL's (210 Watt), Cool Daylight
Light Cycle - 18 on / 6 off
Average Tent Temps - 72 to 83 degrees F
Average RH - 57 to 67%
Fert's - None to date. Watered by hand using straight tap water.

All of the young ladies along with some young cuttings that have been taken.

Vanilla Kush (Barney's) - This girl is 2 months old. She was planted a month before the others. She's the big sis in the garden.

LA Chocolat (DNA Genetics) - This girls is one month old from seed.


LSD (Barney's) - This girl is also one month from seed.

Jack Herer (Greenhouse Seed Co.) - This girl is one month from seed also. This is seed #3 of a 3-pack freebie so I call her Jack #3.

She'll be getting her wings clipped soon but I'm letting her go a bit longer so that I can use her 4 tops for clones.

Girl Scout Cookies (BC Bud Depot) - One month from seed.
This is seed #3 of a 3-pack freebie so I call her GSC #3. She got her wings clipped earlier this week and is now beginning to recover and sprout some new wings. :)

LA Chocolat Clone - She's just been topped for the first time this morning.

My dill plant. She looks after the girls when I'm away. I call her Scruffy.

Well that's about all for End of Week 5.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Ganja Grove Update - End of Week of 5 for some & End of Week 3 for the others

Soviet Ripper - Soul Breeders (Jack Herer x White Russian)
Amnesia - World of Seeds
Girlscout Cookies - BC Bud Depot

Artificial Sun - 4 x 300 Watt (1,200 Total Watts), Mars-Hydro Sun Series LED's
Light Cycle - 13 on / 11 off
Average Tent Temps - 68 to 78 degrees F
Average RH - 52 to 62%
Fert's - None to date. Automated watering by Trompf Blumats system using straight tap water.

For those who may not be aware, all of these girls are clones of my last batch of girls who all died prematurely.
UncleCannabis had to go out of town for a while during the last bloom cycle and because my trip was extended and my water reservoir ran dry I did my first ever vine dry. Unintentional of course. :)

Here are a couple of pics of the scene that awaited me when I returned home.

Now for the current Ganja Girls. All clones of the vine dried girls.
All of the Ganja Girls chilling in the Ganja Grove.

The Sative Side of the Grove (Soviet Ripper and Amnesia)

Soviet Ripper

I just love the bud structure of this plant not to mention that she taste great and packs a really nice buzz.

This girl is trying to reach up and grab the roof of the tent. I hope she slows her stretch soon.

The GSC Side of the Ganja Grove


Girl Scout Cookies

Well, that's about it for End of Week 3 & 5 of Flowering in the Ganja Grove.

Have a great weekend :420: Friends!

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I think I'm in love with your GSC UncleCannabis, that Soviet Ripper looks like she's ripping it up too. Great pics and always a pleasure to see your grows. All the best :thumb:
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