Urdedpal's fun pics

that steamroller is preety cool.... nice oil too, looks yummy
A new toy today.

You open, Put weed in. Lick paper and put in. then you close it.

Now its done. Time to enjoy.
that is a tight ass box right there, as it has been said before you are a lucky man
well than good job for making your lifestyle
I bought a CO2 injection system and another 600w hps for the next grow.
I am so excited. Should be a nice harvest.


I decided to make a cone style blunt with pineapple flavor. When I was in Jamaica, the locals sqeeze pineapplejuice on ther ganga for flavor along with other fruits. I went ahead and setup a Blueberry XXL cyclo compare. I also mixed a 1/4 gram of kief into each blunt, yum. Enjoy the pics while I enjoy the smoke, hehe.


Awesome pics like usual Urdedpal!

The keif must just rain down from those homegrown buds in that box.

BTW, the blunt that you hand rolled definatly looks much nicer than the Cyclone next to it, I have tried them too and I see what you are saying about them now, hand rolling one is much better.
those cones are crazy lol.... you need to make a tutorial on how to do that, Co2 is gonna pay off for ya when your harvest those freakishly huge buds
Did you roll 2 blunts with one wrap?
^^^ lol hell yeah

::walks over to uderpal's place::

ahhh good times lol
ill take the nug.. you can have the rest... [not much fond of chocolate with nuts and allergic to ice cream.. :( ]

one time i made brownies with an ounce and a small bag of mix. those were some potent brownies!!! one tiny sqaure and off to couch lock city!
wow that looks soooo fucking good and im so hungry right now nice blunts man
Dude you need your own T.V. show ,shit you need your own channel .
i can see it ... comes on the air at 4:20 am with early bird wake and bake exersize show tell 5 am (4 min of exersize mixed with 36 min of bong hits).
5am -6am cooking with cannabis cooking hour with your host urdedpal
6am-12noon off the air ,whats the point ? j/k
12pm -1pm wake and bake show wave 2
1pm -2pm grow show
2pm - 3pm THE WEED SURVIVOR SHOW (8 people on island 8 strains of bud and they have to cut 1 strain a week tell there down to only 1
4pm - 5pm the 4:20 Power hour (it would be like the letterman show but you would have on 420 times members with grow tips ,and sample there best and pull out the BONG OF THE DAY :cool:
ect. ect. ect.
i would order it :cheesygrinsmiley:
OHHHH the new seeds came in the mail, looking forward to the process and the end result man
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