Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm Makes 3 - Perpetual 2000w

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Hey Papa. Just have to say what a valuable contribution you're making to this forum and to the overall world of cannaculture. You, and the other senior growers on this forum, make this the best place on the internet for your fellow ganja farmers.

Many thanks to you.
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

*edit* Sorry, this post went from a simple question to a thin book.. Your grow gets me thinking and asking questions *edit*

So Papa, You talk a lot about the transition time. Maybe in all my readings I have never heard of it referred to as that (or quite possibly I just forgot). But essentially what you're calling "transition week(s)" is just the time between switching to 12/12 and seeing the first pistols? Is it at the first sign of pistols which you begin the flowering day count, or like some others do you extend transition time to when you first see baby buds starting to form on the colas?

How does this work if your plant has been vegging for awhile (3 or more months) and is already pre-flowering?

Also, you mention how volde is much more temperamental in regards to PPM, especially in respect to U.H. What have your observations been thus far in regards to the optimal PPM for each? I was under the impression (from Barneys website) that volde is supposed to be fairly easy to grow, provided it gets attention. Maybe the definition of fairly easy to grow differs from ours.

While my brain keeps coming up with these questions....

The Utopia Haze is supposed to have two phenos. Not sure if one is better than the other, as I can't find a whole lot of info. How many UH beans did you pop and did you notice any differences between them?

You mentioned a high times print article about UH from 2008. Do you have that article, or can you point me to the issue that has that info so I can order a copy.

For now, that's all I got! Keep up the great work!
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

So, when I posted that last reply, I forgot to add in some photos I got from my buddies UH grow. 66 Days after 12/12

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

yo papa how bout a clear storage bag over some bamboo poles like put 1 in each corner and make a frame then put the storage bag over it? that might work :grinjoint:

Yeah. I'm a lookin! I just don't have anything handier than just picking up the mister. She's holding her own I think. I was thinking maybe a dry cleaning bag.

Hey Papa. Just have to say what a valuable contribution you're making to this forum and to the overall world of cannaculture. You, and the other senior growers on this forum, make this the best place on the internet for your fellow ganja farmers.

Many thanks to you.
Thanks man! That means a lot. I get as much out as I put in that's for sure!

Hey Papa,

Thanks for checkin out my grow as yours was one I read extensively for ideas. Anyway I really dig your setup. Homemade ebb and grow huh, that's moderately impressive :bravo: . I'll be following along for sure.
There's two different DIY Ebb & Gros there ;) One is my gravity version that requires the buckets be above the res, but only needs one pump. The other is a used E&G controller on my 5G system. Actually, both are using my modified 5G Hempy/E&G system. Thanks for noticing !

Hello my friend Papa Green I can say that you left no stone unturned in your opening. Well done. I have so much confidence in you that I'm not wearing my life saving vest this time. Your completeness in the opening was brilliant. You've done the home work for us already.:cheer:

With all the mods you have made in the sub, it's a much better place to grow in.
There's room for all that you intend to do and the equipment is place, thanks to your attention to detail.:cheer:

It is with pleasure I that I look forward to learning even more from you.
You don't mind that I take the center front row seat do you? I want to see it all as it grows and grows. :cheer:
Thanks OMM! Coming from you that means a great deal. I too am struck by how much your current grow is different from the last. For one thing it didn't start out with a hurt back! That's gotta make all the difference in the world right there. Roller coasters are fun and make for a good read, but I think we're both looking forward to some smooth sailing for a while.

Nice papa great start buddy i''m def in:cheer: and awesome info and strains man you really got this one goin in pro mode:welldone:let me know if homegirl the top survies I'm rootin for her before my G-Ma passed she taught me how to clone plants in general with just water and a bit of baking soda on the basal end of the clone and then just stickin em dirt; I have tried a couple times with some tops and every time they come out just like that one and i never have had the skills to keep em alive so i stopped & just use regular cloning methods haha;) Great job though my man good growin to yah:grinjoint:

That's good stuff from G-Ma. I did use the cloning gel on the bottom of the plant. And I stripped down the outer bark by pulling down from the branch nodes to help with roots. And the Pro-Mix was watered with a mild Olivia's nutes.
I prolly coulda just used baking soda. :smokin:

*edit* Sorry, this post went from a simple question to a thin book.. Your grow gets me thinking and asking questions *edit*

So Papa, You talk a lot about the transition time. Maybe in all my readings I have never heard of it referred to as that (or quite possibly I just forgot). But essentially what you're calling "transition week(s)" is just the time between switching to 12/12 and seeing the first pistols? Is it at the first sign of pistols which you begin the flowering day count, or like some others do you extend transition time to when you first see baby buds starting to form on the colas?

How does this work if your plant has been vegging for awhile (3 or more months) and is already pre-flowering?

Also, you mention how volde is much more temperamental in regards to PPM, especially in respect to U.H. What have your observations been thus far in regards to the optimal PPM for each? I was under the impression (from Barneys website) that volde is supposed to be fairly easy to grow, provided it gets attention. Maybe the definition of fairly easy to grow differs from ours.

While my brain keeps coming up with these questions....

The Utopia Haze is supposed to have two phenos. Not sure if one is better than the other, as I can't find a whole lot of info. How many UH beans did you pop and did you notice any differences between them?

You mentioned a high times print article about UH from 2008. Do you have that article, or can you point me to the issue that has that info so I can order a copy.

For now, that's all I got! Keep up the great work!

Great questions! Never worry about writing too much in this journal.

Transition is a nebulous term. And yes - I basically count it as over when I start to see buds, and the stretch starts to slow. Basically I've discovered that if I use the seed manufacturers' numbers for flowering period - my plants always come in at the end. Maybe that's cause I like 50% amber so it makes sense that I would be at the end of their flowering period. I find that if I think of that 7-10 days after switching to 12/12 as transition it helps me get the timing right. Also, some of the nute schedules call for different nutes during this time - moving from a high N to a higher P-K.

As far as the Volde. I think she likes right at medium nutes. For me that's 1200ppm mid Veg and 1500ppm mid Flower. She likes less Cal/Mag than the others I think. Still confirming that. Her pH needs to stay right at the baselines I think. In hydro 5.75pH, Soil 6.25pH. That part on the site cracks me up. "With a little care". Notice its the only one that says with a little care. That's advertiser speak for you gotta baby this one. Aside from that - she has indeed been resistant to rot and mold - but that having been said - all my plants are. Knock on wood - I've never had a problem with either on any plant.

The Utopia has been just a great plant. I've seen no issues with her. I had not heard that there are two phenos, but I guess I would believe it. I only flowered 3 seeds and 2 were very similar and the other a little smaller and significantly less bushy. Not much experience growing them from seed. The clones are all coming from the biggest and nicest of the 1st three plants, and they are all very regular obviously.

Your buddies plants look friggin awesome. I'd be hitting him up for tips, 'cause he definitely knows what he's doing. If mine come anywhere close to those I'll be thrilled.


Edit: I was just re-reading that description and I see some UH in OMM's future ;)
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Yeah. I'm a lookin! I just don't have anything handier than just picking up the mister. She's holding her own I think. I was thinking maybe a dry cleaning bag.

Thats funny man exactly what i was thinkin had one hangin on my door and looked over when i was posting that but good to here she's holding her own

That's good stuff from G-Ma. I did use the cloning gel on the bottom of the plant. And I stripped down the outer bark by pulling down from the branch nodes to help with roots. And the Pro-Mix was watered with a mild Olivia's nutes.
I prolly coulda just used baking soda. :smokin:

Yeah she was def my garden guru btwn her and my uncle i had a master cannabis gardener anda master flower and vegetable gardener she had an azalea bush that was 32years old from the same original mother when she told me this i was in such shock no rooting compound no humidome just baking soda and stick it on in the soil and she had kept that same genotype alive for that long pretty damn good fo sho:slide:

Edit: I was just re-reading that description and I see some UH in OMM's future ;)
I sure hope so man that strain would get huge down in the islands
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

32 years! Wow.

Sky rocket is jumping aboard for this journal. I'm digging your thourough write up of your journal.

Thanks! I am fortunate enough to be working out of my house these days, so I have time to do the garden and the journal. Also, I find it really helps me to think out loud. You never know when you're gonna get a good tip up here.

Welcome Aboard!

Mini Update: All seems to be good in the Sub. The Lakers won. And I made brownies and cannabutter.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Mini Update: All seems to be good in the Sub. The Lakers won. And I made brownies and cannabutter.


Them some good vittles you got cookin' up in the galley Papa!

Wow - these brownies are intense. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I may have made them too strong ;)

I used about 5oz of good trim to make the butter. Heheheheh. :smokin:

One little brownie makes me sweat and gets me high and takes away all arthritis pain. Two brownies and its a light acid trip. Kaleidoscope lights, trails, the whole kit and kaboodle. Intense.

The initial high is very fast, and then it kinda mellows and stays for a few hours. And great to sleep on.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

mmmmmm dude that looks good 5oz huh haha thats awesome man i once made four brownies with 4gs of hash oil and 7 grams oh keef and damn dude that was the strongest batch i ever made so you must have some real spacey cakes there my friend got me salivatin over here lol:grinjoint:
Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

They're very enjoyable indeed. I should be clear, what I did was use the 5oz of trim to make the butter. At the end of the making the butter, I took the still melted butter and used a cup of that in the brownies. So its not 5oz in the brownies, prolly closer to 1oz worth. Frankly I think the rest of the butter is prolly stronger!

I got generic waffles yesterday, cause I won't buy Kellogs any more. I was thinking should take a picture of the generic waffles w/cannabuter on top and send to Kellogs with a big FU!

Got another hour til the lights come on in the room. Then I'll be doing a little pic update of the clones. They are all doing well I think. Taking the domes of today for the first time. We'll see how they do. I will also try to get a few better pics of the rest of the plants.

So, now back to smoking and reading other journals.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Looking great as usual Papa. I personally appreciated the first picture on the first page. It is often difficult to get a feel for a smallish space (any room sized space or smaller really) based on a picture due to the reduced FOV. I can't wait to see how the UH turns out.


Thanks. I get lots of tips from your setups. I am soooo close to copying your electricity. And I know you're working on your master plan of which we've caught mere glimpses. I can't wait.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

let us know how the rest of that butter treats you man it sounds delectable:smokin: & what is the qualm with kellogs man? it sounds pretty heated

If Michael Phelps is in good enough shape to win 7 Gold Medals in the Olympics, and he wants to smoke pot in the off season or any other time for that matter - that should be proof to kids that pot is NOT a devil drug. Instead they dropped his endorsement. More of the same completely bass-ackwards thinking. Instead of seeing that pot is not bad, they punish him and reinforce to another generation that pot is evil. Fuck them. No more of my $ goes to Kelloggs.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

The clones are looking real good and I'll get pics up of them next. Figured I might as well introduce you to the supporting players.

Here are some other plants I have going in the flowering room. These are all about 3 weeks in 12/12:

Kali Mist:


Strawberry Diesel - she was a flowering clone:

A group shot. There's 5 plants in that pic.

Some Utopia Haze from the same mom as the new clones:

This one's gotten a little too bitchin' for her own good. Hard to tell from this pic, but she's about 1" under the light. So I've now moved her and put a little tomato trellis around her. Card was full on cam so pics of that next time.

Pics of the current scrog and the clones coming next.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

Thanks. I get lots of tips from your setups. I am soooo close to copying your electricity. And I know you're working on your master plan of which we've caught mere glimpses. I can't wait.


Me either. And hey, copy anything of mine you like. Heck, copy it down to the drywall brand and the cut of my hair if you want. That offer is open to all. I always say either someone will copy me and be helped, or someone will see how stupid I've been and steer me right. I can't lose.

I had an experience similar to this once before, where I contributed a large chunk of code to a community that was rabid about a specific game. I didn't try to sell my info or keep secrets there, and it was one of the most satisfying 'community' experiences I have ever had. I figured a group of cannabis-lovers would be a natural for such an approach. And in this community, I was clearly right.

I wish there was a safe way that people like us could easily visit each other in person somehow. I love it here.

Re: Papa Green's Utopian Sub v2 - You, Me, and Barney's Farm makes 3 - Perpetual 2000

If Michael Phelps is in good enough shape to win 7 Gold Medals in the Olympics, and he wants to smoke pot in the off season or any other time for that matter - that should be proof to kids that pot is NOT a devil drug. Instead they dropped his endorsement. More of the same completely bass-ackwards thinking. Instead of seeing that pot is not bad, they punish him and reinforce to another generation that pot is evil. Fuck them. No more of my $ goes to Kelloggs.


Damn dude and i didn't hear bout that? well call me a chicken and watch me run around with my head cut off but i totally missed that i'll join your fight against kellogs man i just can't guarentee they won't get me every once in a while with those damn cinnamon toast waffles i swear to god i've been trying to get off those longer than cigs haha but definitely fuck them for that, that incident single handedly changed my right wing republican dads mind bout budt, i'm pretty sure he said to me that if bode miller could win world cup medals stoned and michael phepls the human fish still had lung power and was able to rip a bong(i think he called it a water pipe for the use of marijuana haha) then it might not be so bad after all so if a guy that has never once questioned what the law says and follows it to the upright tee says that then freakin kellogs should to now you got me rantin and raving man that is some BS!
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