Water only bud wash to get rid of active bugs?


Well-Known Member
I just chopped my stunted Auto plant. I was looking at it with my scope and I saw a thrip crawling on it. I don't want to hang it with this thrip and possibly other thrips in the buds. What should I do? I don't have the ingredients for bud washing. Would just dunking it in plane tap water or spraying it with the faucet spray be a good or bad idea? What else could I do?
The thrips will leave as the weed dries, but it wouldn't hurt to rinse the plant off with plain water..I wouldn't blast it too hard with the faucet sprayer, don't want to knock any trichomes off...
The thrips will leave as the weed dries, but it wouldn't hurt to rinse the plant off with plain water..I wouldn't blast it too hard with the faucet sprayer, don't want to knock any trichomes off...
I've heard they will just leave as the plant dries. Do I risk a lot of damage as that happens or would the damage be minimal?

So if I decide to rinse should I just use the kitchen faucet? Should I use lukewarm water?
The thrips stop eating as soon as the buds start to dry, so the damage would be minimal..
Yes, water should be on the cool side of lukewarm- maybe just fill the sink and swirl the plant around in the water a bit...gently, to protect the trichomes.
I've seen thrips on leaves doin' leaf damage. can they also damage buds?
I think they do. I see bud damage. I was seeing bug damage on this plant but just couldn't see any bugs no matter how hard I looked. I have a couple of spots where parts of a bud is completely brown. After I chopped and was able to view it from all angles, I saw a least one thrip crawling around. I couldn't find any others no matter how hard I looked.

I wonder if the damage I've been seeing could have been caused from one thrip or if there had/has to be more? I have a usb microscope and I would search the plant, buds, leaves both on top and underneath and could never see anything until after I chopped.
I think they do. I see bud damage. I was seeing bug damage on this plant but just couldn't see any bugs no matter how hard I looked. I have a couple of spots where parts of a bud is completely brown. After I chopped and was able to view it from all angles, I saw a least one thrip crawling around. I couldn't find any others no matter how hard I looked.
This brings up an interesting topic which is bud necrosis – dead spots. Is it a thing? Recently on some buds that I let go beyond the optimal harvest window, I saw some dead calyxes in the buds. The plant also showed some completely yellow leaves in the upper canopy. So, just as the stigmas (hairs) die off and turn brown, so it appears other parts of the bud can as well. Dead material invites mold to form... these buds were all infected with bud rot, though in the early stages.

Sooooo... is bud necrosis a thing, i.e. due to insufficient nutrients late in flower? Or are dead areas caused by bugs or fungus? I am betting on the former... lack of nutrients.
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