Who Let The Dogs Out? Chem Comparison Grow!

But wait, there’s more...... here’s the same plant at week four. Getting frosty for sure. She doesn’t smell like ginger snaps anymore. She has a very distinct smell. Maybe some of you will relate to this description.....Have you ever gone up into an old attic and found an old chest that hasn’t been opened since 1962 when your grandmother put the “JFK ASSASSINATED” newspaper in there? That’s what this Star Cookie smells like. But in a good way. Not moths balls, no, perish that thought. Just old, attic chest. Or if you ever bought an old dresser from an antique store. An old dresser that’s been in storage since 1955 when it was moved out of little Billy’s bedroom. That smell..... (in a good way)....But when you lightly touch a bud and then smell your fingers, you get the strong after scent of pine. Man, it’s a great, unique, crazy smell that has me doing monkey spins. If looks could kill, then this plant is going to club me like a baby seal and make me run for the covers. I’ll keep you guys informed. I’m looking forward to the swelling stage.

This is how Star Cookie finished out. Beautiful Indian corn colors. Super dense buds. The old attic chest smell has diminished. The final dominate smell is of a piney sort , followed by black pepper and finally that funky smell that I assume is associated with Chemdog. This plant is my first exposure to Chemdog genetics. Up until now, I’ve only read about the legend of Chemdog.

Vegged for 60 days @30 inches, 63 days of flowering @ 36 inches. Organic. 4 gal container. 1000 watt hps.

Smoke report after she’s dried. Pleasure to grow.


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I just put 3 seeds in to soak in springwater and all the hardware is cleaned and ready. The rockwool will be soaked and fed with Rapid Start (calls for 1ml to a gallon).

2 of my northern lights Xpress.
1 of my Auto White Widow CBD

I'm relieved to realize = No grow room adjustments will be necessary!

I'm relocating to my Skid Row closet grow, thread. Please follow me there because I'm still a rookie grower (in my 2nd year) and "I just might have a problem that you'll understand"
I hope everyone is ok. I don’t really know how op is doing but sending out love. If it’s ok i’m just gonna keep attaching some pics from time to time because i love my dinachem and i’m making crosses with it so i’ll have many chem photos. And because i think this sativa leaning sub-strain of chemdog is just a wonderful plant. I’m flowering one dinachem and one northern lights x dinachem cross.
the nl x dc cross seems a bit hungry at the moment so i’ll feed it in a couple of days. Just been busy.
both grown from cuts. Dinachem was trained just a bit and the cross was topped twice.

Northern Lights x Dinachem

Warezaholic here. I am not growing Chemdog until late summer alongside of some Maui Waui. I wanted to grow 3 autoflowers and are in new seedling stage.

From here on I'm posting this particular grow on my original thread.

Warezaholics Skid Row Closet Grow.

I'm always seeking and sharing advice and new ideas so please check in on me from time to time.

Here’s my smoke report on Star Cookie from Top Dawg Seeds. GSCxStardawg. 6 week cure. The dominant smell is peppery, like black pepper. Followed closely by pine and finishing with a sweet smell. It’s a frost monster. Pure crystalline beauty. Even at six weeks of curing and burping the jars, the buds have a consistency of a hunk of bubblegum. It absolutely chokes my grinder. The smoke burns smooth and cool, it’s easy on the throat. Medium expansion in the lungs. A bit of coughing but in that welcome kind of way. The taste is void of pepper but the flavor of sweet piney is the dominant flavor. There’s another flavor there too, but that flavor is best described as a feeling of super potent weed. That flavor that says “take one too many hits and you’ll be hiding under the covers”. The sweet piney taste lingers for a long time on your tongue. Thick smoke, can’t seem to breathe it all out with one breath. It’s an uncommon flavor, non generic. Not skunky at all. Just that taste and smell of strength.

Buzz kicks in fairly quickly. Real fast in fact. Had me feeling like Spock in no time. Captain, I think I need a bike ride. Half way around the block and this buzz is slamming into me like a Mac truck. Kept thinking my front tire was flat. Get off the bike, check tire, tire fine. Get back on bike and feeling every crack and pebble in the asphalt. Damn I’m stoned. Did you want to be this stoned? I better get home. Yes, safer at home. Damn these trees are beautiful. Get back home. Damn this shit is potent. Sit down for a minute. Now I’m seeing animals in my tile floor that I’ve never seen before. No shit, a fully detail lions head.....strange I’ve never noticed that before, but there it is. Body is feeling zero pain, feels like my joints and muscles are lubricated. I feel like the Tin Man that just got oiled by Dorthy. Kick back on the bed. Bed feels better than ever. Let’s watch a little TV. Funniest shit I’ve ever watched. Laughing my ass off. Adventure Time. Why is that shit so funny?

Good strong buzz for a solid three hours. I did have some serious Innerspective feelings, some of them were heavy duty and uncomfortable. For example, the buzz seemed to find it necessary to show me how it would feel to receive a bad diagnosis from a doctor. Weird right? I know, tell me about it. This strain speaks. Overall it was a happy, laughing, beautiful buzz...... but with a little seriousness mixed in for perspective.

Several hours later the munchies kicked in. They kicked in hard! Hyperactive munchies. Couldn’t turn those fuckers off either. I was eating shit I hardly ever eat..... and it all tasted amazing! Man, I got into everything. Big ass plate of stir fried chicken, granola bars, Raisin Bran. Munchies would cease for maybe ten minutes and then come marching back with force, demanding a plate full of saltines covered in Nutella and a big glass of cold milk. Fuck me running. The munchies didn’t quit until I finally fell asleep. And that’s the other part of the buzz.... kept me awake for a long time. I guess there’s enough sativa in this strain to keep me awake. Relaxing, no couch lock, but no sleeping either. Up til 2am, and I’m one of these early to bed types. Had the next day off, so it was ok.

Overall, enjoyable buzz. Nothing subtle about it though. You’re going on a ride with this one. It’s a keeper for me. Forgive the long winded report, but it was required to be accurate.

Stay Well Friends,

This is how Star Cookie finished out. Beautiful Indian corn colors. Super dense buds. The old attic chest smell has diminished. The final dominate smell is of a piney sort , followed by black pepper and finally that funky smell that I assume is associated with Chemdog. This plant is my first exposure to Chemdog genetics. Up until now, I’ve only read about the legend of Chemdog.

Vegged for 60 days @30 inches, 63 days of flowering @ 36 inches. Organic. 4 gal container. 1000 watt hps.

Smoke report after she’s dried. Pleasure to grow.


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Here’s my smoke report on Star Cookie from Top Dawg Seeds. GSCxStardawg. 6 week cure. The dominant smell is peppery, like black pepper. Followed closely by pine and finishing with a sweet smell. It’s a frost monster. Pure crystalline beauty. Even at six weeks of curing and burping the jars, the buds have a consistency of a hunk of bubblegum. It absolutely chokes my grinder. The smoke burns smooth and cool, it’s easy on the throat. Medium expansion in the lungs. A bit of coughing but in that welcome kind of way. The taste is void of pepper but the flavor of sweet piney is the dominant flavor. There’s another flavor there too, but that flavor is best described as a feeling of super potent weed. That flavor that says “take one too many hits and you’ll be hiding under the covers”. The sweet piney taste lingers for a long time on your tongue. Thick smoke, can’t seem to breathe it all out with one breath. It’s an uncommon flavor, non generic. Not skunky at all. Just that taste and smell of strength.

Buzz kicks in fairly quickly. Real fast in fact. Had me feeling like Spock in no time. Captain, I think I need a bike ride. Half way around the block and this buzz is slamming into me like a Mac truck. Kept thinking my front tire was flat. Get off the bike, check tire, tire fine. Get back on bike and feeling every crack and pebble in the asphalt. Damn I’m stoned. Did you want to be this stoned? I better get home. Yes, safer at home. Damn these trees are beautiful. Get back home. Damn this shit is potent. Sit down for a minute. Now I’m seeing animals in my tile floor that I’ve never seen before. No shit, a fully detail lions head.....strange I’ve never noticed that before, but there it is. Body is feeling zero pain, feels like my joints and muscles are lubricated. I feel like the Tin Man that just got oiled by Dorthy. Kick back on the bed. Bed feels better than ever. Let’s watch a little TV. Funniest shit I’ve ever watched. Laughing my ass off. Adventure Time. Why is that shit so funny?

Good strong buzz for a solid three hours. I did have some serious Innerspective feelings, some of them were heavy duty and uncomfortable. For example, the buzz seemed to find it necessary to show me how it would feel to receive a bad diagnosis from a doctor. Weird right? I know, tell me about it. This strain speaks. Overall it was a happy, laughing, beautiful buzz...... but with a little seriousness mixed in for perspective.

Several hours later the munchies kicked in. They kicked in hard! Hyperactive munchies. Couldn’t turn those fuckers off either. I was eating shit I hardly ever eat..... and it all tasted amazing! Man, I got into everything. Big ass plate of stir fried chicken, granola bars, Raisin Bran. Munchies would cease for maybe ten minutes and then come marching back with force, demanding a plate full of saltines covered in Nutella and a big glass of cold milk. Fuck me running. The munchies didn’t quit until I finally fell asleep. And that’s the other part of the buzz.... kept me awake for a long time. I guess there’s enough sativa in this strain to keep me awake. Relaxing, no couch lock, but no sleeping either. Up til 2am, and I’m one of these early to bed types. Had the next day off, so it was ok.

Overall, enjoyable buzz. Nothing subtle about it though. You’re going on a ride with this one. It’s a keeper for me. Forgive the long winded report, but it was required to be accurate.

Stay Well Friends,
Got your message but can’t send pms. I haven’t run the Chemdog yet to make a reversal. I’m currently running GG4, Blacklime Bubba and Skittlez.
My closet (aka my grow room) is only 4x2ft and room for just 2 photoperiod or 2 to 3 small autoflowering

My last harvest of 2 photoperiod Chemdog4 and 1 autoflower Kosher (Jewish) Kush.

At this moment, I'm finishing 3 autoflowering strains.

1 Gorilla Glue, 1 Gelato and 1 Blue Tease

My next grow in about 4 to 5 weeks or so, is a full on photoperiod grow. I have 2 strains: chem4 and Mouie Woui, and I might grow 1 of each or any 2 combination there of.

Hi Commando,, What strain is the top photo? If it's a Chemdog, is it a fem autoflowering?

I stopped by here so I can share one of my maguiverig jobs. If anybody uses liquid fertilizers .

(I use: General Hydroponics TRIO),
As Well as. CalMag plus,
HydroGuard and of course PH UP AND DOWN. I utilize all 8 quart bottles.

ONE bottle for full strength PH down
One bottle for 50% diluted PH down
One bottle for 50% diluted PH UP=

One bottle for full strength each=
CalMag plus
(Plus, 1 bottl each) General Hydroponics
Trio= (Grow, Micro and Bloom)..

Along with my 10ml (long style) glass pipettes that reach all the way to the bottom of the "PLASTIC" bottles SEE PHOTOS. I never need to open bottles; Just measure and squirt. If pouring & measuring cups are required, that works perfectly as well, just remove the pipettes and pour from the spout.

Setup is TWO SIMPLE STEPS each bottle.

1--- Remove the bottle Cap; next snip the red stopper's off from "below" and (discard All Stopper peices), AND FILL WITH DESIRED LIQUIDS...

The plastic bottles protect the pipettes from any regular use damage. OH. I mark each bottle AND each pipett to avoid mixups...


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My regular thread AKA "Warezaholics Skid Row Closet Grow" 4' long X 2' deep Fully MAGUIVER'D Grow Room/Closet.
I use 3 or even 4, buckets (5gal) of premix nutes a week including weekly changes. My skid row DIY (MAGUIVER) D.W.C. setup is made from bare essentials Whisper AP (300 and 150) aquarium air pumps, flat, round air stones, 2 150wtt led's and some small fans and food!!! I think I wasted $$ on ExHale co2 because the summer heat keeps the closet doors open!

I strongly recommend Whisper AP 300 a d 150 it provides a 150 gph circulation to each plant/bucket (great aeration). Ive used Whisper brand air pumps on all my large aquariums going back 30 years and never had any issues. And these pumps have run continuously for over 2 years. WHISPER isn't just a name!

At first I tried to use a common hydroponic air pump but they cause to much noise any where I put it in my house plus, I had to deal with adjusting air hose splitters every day. WOW

I can only grow 2 photo's or maybe 3 auto's in my 4X2ft closet while trying to keep room to pull OUT the buckets at water changes.

My setup is dirt cheap but requires a lot of hands on every day.
My current grow of 3 autoflower exactly 8 weeks old is nearly mid flowering so I need to plan my next grow of maybe 4 plants.

I'm putting together a second growroom from a "cheap fabric wardrobe". I have 6 photoperiod seeds in storage and can grow 2 plants in each closet (2x chemdog #4, and 2x mouie Woui).


If I start the seeds mentioned above now, when will i reach harvest? I'm trying to see if i can avoid anual inspections.
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