Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

I think I have to transplant at least 2 of the plants. The #1 plant is 'busting the cup' and I believe will get root bound if I don't do it soon. Tomorrow or the day after at the latest.

Some pics from today. Observe the #1 plant on the front left in the first pic. The second pic shows the 'hanging fan'.


haha yeah she doesn't live with me so i have times when i get free reign but haha my favorite hater comment that i get from my lady is when i come out from tending she'll be pettin my dog tosh and say "ah look at that toshy your dad loves his plants more then he does us" haha i just laugh at her every time oh and of course "why don't you have sex with your plants tonight cuz i don't feel like it" that one just pisses me off haha glad i have a friend with a signifigant other in the hater category lmao glad we can share our pain brotha haha
haha yeah she doesn't live with me so i have times when i get free reign but haha my favorite hater comment that i get from my lady is when i come out from tending she'll be pettin my dog tosh and say "ah look at that toshy your dad loves his plants more then he does us" haha i just laugh at her every time oh and of course "why don't you have sex with your plants tonight cuz i don't feel like it" that one just pisses me off haha glad i have a friend with a signifigant other in the hater category lmao glad we can share our pain brotha haha

Very funny!

When I think of all the girls I 'used to know' that were complete stoners.............. Life could have been different.....If only I had the foresight back then and saw their future potential!

Sorry to hear about your light troubles but at least the babies lived through it. You are a good daddy taking care of them.

As far as the significant others issue is concerned I can it is very nice to have a wife who smokes when you are growing. As much as I love showing you guys my plants it does not compare to the sight of my wife's face lighting up every time I bring the plants out of the cabinet for her to inspect and smell. She is like my very own :cheer: troup.

Sorry to hear about your light troubles but at least the babies lived through it. You are a good daddy taking care of them.

As far as the significant others issue is concerned I can it is very nice to have a wife who smokes when you are growing. As much as I love showing you guys my plants it does not compare to the sight of my wife's face lighting up every time I bring the plants out of the cabinet for her to inspect and smell. She is like my very own :cheer: troup.

Rub it in buddy, rub it in! LOL You lucky ******
haha yah woodsman i knew a few that couldve been but this one has been good to me and the funny thing is she smoked as much as i do for the first year we dated but then she got with the "better job" state of mind so she quit and ever since she only smokes on 420 and once every blue moon throughout the year haha i told her if you can't handle the grow then we can't handle a relationship and she backed off a lil and has been chill since.. but enough ramblin bout the old lady, and hear to learn your a lucky man, good growin guys :peace:
There's hope Woodsman! My wife was nervous as hell then I first started and as she saw how much I enjoyed it she got somewhat involved over time. At least she comes into the grow room to get some bud porn every once in awhile and is very appreciative for her medicine. Just keep having fun and getting into it!
Don't get mad man It just means you gotta come back to the Golden State where the majority of the population (male AND female) burn. If you choose to come back we will welcome you with open arms and rolled up joints.

Thanks for the invite HTL. I'd certainly love going back to the West Coast (too bad I'm not single!)

haha yah woodsman i knew a few that couldve been but this one has been good to me and the funny thing is she smoked as much as i do for the first year we dated but then she got with the "better job" state of mind so she quit and ever since she only smokes on 420 and once every blue moon throughout the year haha i told her if you can't handle the grow then we can't handle a relationship and she backed off a lil and has been chill since.. but enough ramblin bout the old lady, and hear to learn your a lucky man, good growin guys :peace:

Nice story, I hope she doesn't change on ya!

There's hope Woodsman! My wife was nervous as hell then I first started and as she saw how much I enjoyed it she got somewhat involved over time. At least she comes into the grow room to get some bud porn every once in awhile and is very appreciative for her medicine. Just keep having fun and getting into it!

You MC, I envy because of your wife..tell her that YOU are a lucky man!
Well you all are probably all asleep now, so you won't get this till later, but get this. The wife out of the blue, asks me, "So what kind of stuff is your smoke (she's referring to the Mazar)? So I'm like shocked, but I don't flinch a muscle. Then she says, "what do you think of your stuff after it cured for awhile?". She knows that I wasn't happy about it right after the initial dry (got better after the cure). So I tell her that it has improved quite a bit. Now I know what this is about, so I ask, "Do you want to smoke some?" "OK" she says. Like she doesn't want to ask me herself.

This is great, why? Because it's a rarity and now I get someone other than myself to test it out for me! Like I'm smoking the stuff every day now and I'm not sure how good the stuff is. Very curious to know what others would think. You know like if I had any smoking buddies around (not) I'd say "so what do ya think guys?"

Anyway she smokes a bowl with me and I start with the questions: What does it smell like? "Bark" she says. What? Bark, who knew, my wife knows what bark smells like? Is that a good thing, bark? She says yes. So what does it taste like? "Nutty" she says (the kind you eat). One of you mentioned this before (MC was that you?). I also taste a nutty and very light hash flavor and the smell of nuts and pine needles. Any way she says she is ripped from about five hits off the pipe. So I'm impressed (with the smoke and the wife). You know how it is smokin the same stuff every day, You wish you could take a break for a few days (or try something different) so that you can get ripped the first time you smoke it again. Well I gotta smoke something everyday and find it hard to take a break. I never thought I'd get a second opinion until tonight. And a good review to boot.

Hey, talk with ya later folks, thanks for listening to me ramble!
This is an a** kickin desk top background that I got off the net awhile back. Gandalf and Bilbo smokin some sh*t. You know that's what they were doing. Tobacco my a**!


Didn't they call the strain "Old Toby" or something? "The finest weed in the North-Farthing." or was it "in the Shire?" Correct me if I'm wrong, please!
Hey Woodsman. Sounds like you have a very cool wife there.
A couple of months before my fiancee passed away suddenly almost two years ago, she had mentioned that she wanted to try some of our home grown. She hadn't smoked weed in a very long time. She loved how "into it" I was. She thought it was fantastic that my brother and I were so close and that we were devoted to learning how to grow to our full potential.

Anyway, I thought she was so cool when she took a puff. I made sure that she was trying our "best" stuff. Fully cured and ready to rock. She loved it. But I could tell that her true goal was to be a part of something that I loved to do.

Reading how your wife is helping you out and participating brought back that memory. Thanks!

BTW...missing her is why I don't sleep well and why I'm up at this hour most nights so it made finding your post that much more enjoyable.
Hey Woodsman. Sounds like you have a very cool wife there.
A couple of months before my fiancee passed away suddenly almost two years ago, she had mentioned that she wanted to try some of our home grown. She hadn't smoked weed in a very long time. She loved how "into it" I was. She thought it was fantastic that my brother and I were so close and that we were devoted to learning how to grow to our full potential.

Anyway, I thought she was so cool when she took a puff. I made sure that she was trying our "best" stuff. Fully cured and ready to rock. She loved it. But I could tell that her true goal was to be a part of something that I loved to do.

Reading how your wife is helping you out and participating brought back that memory. Thanks!

BTW...missing her is why I don't sleep well and why I'm up at this hour most nights so it made finding your post that much more enjoyable.

My sincerest condolensces for your loss Skooter. Seriously bro. I never knew. You've always been a class act bro.
hey skooterclowns im real sorry to hear about your fiancee... lost a brother a few years back, but that is great to hear woodsman! glad she partook with ya. my wife never did try our first batch. she had a bad time last she smoked so she has sworn it off.

nice pic! looks like their are enjoying the finest weed in the south shire!
Thanks DroJo and HealingKronic

My apologies Woodsman. I didn't mean to divert focus from your thread or post.

It's a wonderful feeling to share your crop with someone that close to you and whose opinion matters.

Slappy and I will be growing many different strains (hopefully in mass quantities) so that we will be able to "rotate" what we smoke so that we can avoid that same thing you're going through. Easier said than done based on how fast we go through it ;)
Hey Woodsman. Sounds like you have a very cool wife there.
A couple of months before my fiancee passed away suddenly almost two years ago, she had mentioned that she wanted to try some of our home grown. She hadn't smoked weed in a very long time. She loved how "into it" I was. She thought it was fantastic that my brother and I were so close and that we were devoted to learning how to grow to our full potential.

Anyway, I thought she was so cool when she took a puff. I made sure that she was trying our "best" stuff. Fully cured and ready to rock. She loved it. But I could tell that her true goal was to be a part of something that I loved to do.

Reading how your wife is helping you out and participating brought back that memory. Thanks!

BTW...missing her is why I don't sleep well and why I'm up at this hour most nights so it made finding your post that much more enjoyable.

That is very tragic my friend! My heart goes out to you. I know what its is like to have a loved one be gone. You must have loved her dearly. I can imagine the gut wrenching feeling you get.

My wife is cool only "sometimes"!

You are not diverting any 'focus' from this thread, your only adding a great 'human touch' to it!

My sincerest condolensces for your loss Skooter. Seriously bro. I never knew. You've always been a class act bro.

Thanks for droppin in DroJoe, nice to see you here!

hey skooterclowns im real sorry to hear about your fiancee... lost a brother a few years back, but that is great to hear woodsman! glad she partook with ya. my wife never did try our first batch. she had a bad time last she smoked so she has sworn it off.

nice pic! looks like their are enjoying the finest weed in the south shire!

You too buddy, sorry to hear about your brother, I can't even imagine it!

Isn't it something like "the South Farthing". Damn, I've watched the whole trilogy at least 30 times, read the book several times starting when I was twelve years old some 40 years ago, just can't remember what Bilbo said! Have to watch it again!

Thanks DroJo and HealingKronic

My apologies Woodsman. I didn't mean to divert focus from your thread or post.

It's a wonderful feeling to share your crop with someone that close to you and whose opinion matters.

Slappy and I will be growing many different strains (hopefully in mass quantities) so that we will be able to "rotate" what we smoke so that we can avoid that same thing you're going through. Easier said than done based on how fast we go through it ;)

"Ration" is a word I don't know!
Hi everyone, new here and I just finished catching up with this thread... It has become a very touching one indeed!

Reading this has reminded me to be thankful for my wife, friends, of course the wonderful 420mag community and all the other blessins in life.

Hi everyone, new here and I just finished catching up with this thread... It has become a very touching one indeed!

Reading this has reminded me to be thankful for my wife, friends, of course the wonderful 420mag community and all the other blessins in life.


Welcome to the thread and the 420magazine.com community. I'm very glad to have you here with us. Are you a grower, a toker or both? Chime in here anytime you like chili bowl!
Thank you Woodsman! I'm happy to announce that I am now BOTH :yummy: grower and :grinjoint:toker!! :cheer: I'm also very happy about you and your wife being brought closer together by sexy miss cupid cannabis. I love love increasing and being spread around :peace: :smokin:
Thank you Woodsman! I'm happy to announce that I am now BOTH :yummy: grower and :grinjoint:toker!! :cheer: I'm also very happy about you and your wife being brought closer together by sexy miss cupid cannabis. I love love increasing and being spread around :peace: :smokin:

Thanks chili, are ya growing something right now? when ya feel like it start a journal up!
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