1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Thanks guys. I appreciate it. UltraDan, A buddy of mine said the same thing we he saw it. Had to have him explain it to me lol
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company


Its day 32, things are looking great. my guess is im roughly 5 weeks away from harvest...good estimate? I figured I would need about 10 weeks, guess we will see when the trichs start ambering up on me. CANT WAIT!








A Little Night time pics immediately after lights went off
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Thanks Dan, that's what im hoping for. Everyone told me how fun this stage was, but I didn't realize how MUCH fun this would be. My girls are the closest thing I have to having kids lol They are getting so grown up ;)
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

wow beautiful plants man good job!
looks like youre getting close are you getting anxious to chop? I started an Incredible Bulk myself this go round hopefully I have the same results you got. Are you thinking of doing another run when these are finished? Is there anything you would do different next time? Keep it up youre almost there!
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

I have found that as you gain experience and you figure out what works for you and you know you can complete a decent grow, it becomes even more fun to start finding new ways to experiment with your grows. It seem like someone is always coming up with new things to try that I want to try next time.

Absolutely on point there CO. Couldn't agree more.

Have a great Friday surf. Hope all is well I your world and garden buddy.
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

wow beautiful plants man good job!
looks like youre getting close are you getting anxious to chop? I started an Incredible Bulk myself this go round hopefully I have the same results you got. Are you thinking of doing another run when these are finished? Is there anything you would do different next time? Keep it up youre almost there!

Hey thanks! Yes, I'm very anxious to chop lol that's like asking me if a bear shits in the woods haha

You will like growing the incredible bulk. Very easy,can withstand a ton. I'll def be growing it again.

As for things I would do different, I would have less plants going at once, only doing 3 or 4next go around. Now that I can tell when a plant needs water, watering will go much smoother and I plan on adding additional perlite to my roots organic soil next time too. I would like better drainage and air circulation. I may even try a plant in a smart pot instead of a plain nursery pot like I'm using now
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Absolutely on point there CO. Couldn't agree more.

Have a great Friday surf. Hope all is well I your world and garden buddy.

Thanks,have yourself a great Friday as well! All is well on this end. Perfect gorgeous day out!
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Looking real good, Surf. I can relate, being a novice grower, it's such a fun time. :high-five: Have a good weekend. :cool:

Haha it really is the best time. Most fun I've had as an adult in years!lol have a good weekend yourself bud
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

I love the boredom updates :thumb:

Nothing else to do? Show off the garden! I do it all the time lol

You really did a great job for a first grow man. You have a great yield coming :rollit:

Thanks brother! I owe a lot of my grow to you all! Without you and all the others, I'd be lost. You all gave me a new hobby and I'm loving it. I appreciate the help and all the kind words of wisdom. Have a nice relaxing weekend
re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company


Sorry I haven't replied lately, Absolutely perfect weather this weekend finally and didn't want to waste it lol



So, The lovely ladies are looking so sexy, seems they are working on their bodies for this summer, so far so good, in Cannabis terms of course lol

White Widow is looking the best to me. Colas are stacking and the canopy is very even. Colas are half the size of my arm already.




Pineapple Chunk has a bunch more growth and starting to finally fill in. I was getting worried she was too stretchy! But she is coming along nicely now


Incredible Bulk is....well doing just that, bulking up. Resin production seems to be on the rise. Getting more and more frosty by the day.



Green Crack Clone is still looking ugly, still a weird shade of green (Lime greenish) and still not taking more than one watering a week. However, the buds are still fattening up and trichs are getting heavy.


Took some others and had my flash on accidentally , but the pics looked cool



re: 1st Grow 1st Journal - White Widow & Company

Ok so as you all know,I'm 5weeks into flower. At what point do I start checking the trichs? Just curious so I know what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance. Happy. Wednesday
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