1st Grow - Ebb-N-Grow : Afghan Kush, White Widow, Bag Seed!

Hey Guys.

So little progress for the LowRyder, mostly budding. I know this has not been the most "monitored" grow that I'm doing, for example; still no res change, but hopefully tonight (2 weeks and counting). The ladies don't seem to be complaining.

Quick re-cap for those just joining us.
-Two LowRyders growing under 20 on 4 off lighting cycle.
-These have been grown from the beginning with a 400w HPS.
-They are growing in Sure To Grow 6" Cubes in NetPots with CocoTek liners.
-The General Hydro EcoGrower is a drip-based system and I've gone from watering 24/7 to about an hour every 4 or 5 hours. Once the roots hit the water, I modified the time to save a few pennies of electricity.
-Room Temp is pretty constant at 80
-RH steady at 60%

Very little vertical growth, the largest of the two is now at 23" tall and the other one is about 20" tall, so pretty close in terms of height. They measure in total circumference about 46" (both plants / 23" each). In other words, the lateral branches are very manageable and don't hang all over like other strains. Very compact and bushy plants are what they are turning out to be.

Tomorrow we hit week 9 on the ebb-n-grow and I started the flush last night. Pending the release of nutes from the plants (plan to do three res changes), I'm planning on harvesting on Sunday. I'll have some pictures tomorrow of the room! Ah, also noticed that it was getting humid in the basement last night, hey it's warming up around here and we're getting frequent spring showers, so I actually kicked on the central AC. OMG, I think I'm nuts for doing this, I know the neighbors would think I'm nuts turning it on this early in the season, but I think it's necessary to try and keep the humidity down in the basement. Also postponed the cleaning lady until next week, :cheesygrinsmiley:.

I guess I'll just turn this post over to the pictures now, they speak louder than words at times.

Thanks guys!! Have a weekend!

LowRyder Pictures Week 6 - (4/5 More Weeks to Go!)










At the risk of showing my naivete, I'm taking one for the team here and hoping that this is a question others may have had or will have. On my flush, I'm doing 30 gallons of water and 10ml/gallon of GH FloraKleen (2tsp/gallon). Is it necessary to PH Down the water at all during the flush?. I wouldn't think so, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Hope someone can spell it out.


At the risk of showing my naivete, I'm taking one for the team here and hoping that this is a question others may have had or will have. On my flush, I'm doing 30 gallons of water and 10ml/gallon of GH FloraKleen (2tsp/gallon). Is it necessary to PH Down the water at all during the flush?. I wouldn't think so, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Hope someone can spell it out.


I typically dont pH adjust my flush water. I do use RO water though

At the risk of showing my naivete, I'm taking one for the team here and hoping that this is a question others may have had or will have. On my flush, I'm doing 30 gallons of water and 10ml/gallon of GH FloraKleen (2tsp/gallon). Is it necessary to PH Down the water at all during the flush?. I wouldn't think so, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Hope someone can spell it out.


I use unadjusted tap for my FloraKleen runs. Never heard any reason to adjust it for pH.
Stink your grow is looking great, like how you mix it up. I need to get on that.

Hey DS. Thanks man. It's easier to grow with little pressure when having some stash on hand, :cheesygrinsmiley: You look like you had a nice pull also!

Thanks for the update SF. Plants look great. Looking forward to the harvest.

Thanks man! Keep on Keeping On.

I use unadjusted tap for my FloraKleen runs. Never heard any reason to adjust it for pH.

#3, thanks for the info B!!

Awsome work SF!

I'll be lurking...:popcorn:

Lurking is allowed man! :welcome: you arrived at a good time.

Thanks Guys!!
Update 5/1/10 - Ebb-N-Grow

Hey Guys.

Yesterday was 9 weeks or 63 Days of Flowering on the 6 plants in the ebb-n-grow system. I've been through 2 res changes of water and FloraKleen and will run to do a 3rd one tonight with just plain water.

These shots are the PH and PPM of flushing solution


These shots are after a full 24 hours of flushing.


I actually just posted these for anyone that doesn't take any type of reading, or was more curious as to how the nutes get drained from the plants.

What I'm trying to do is basically have a reading pretty darn close to the original reading when I refill the reservoir. If the PPM's keep rising each day when I check, then I know the plants are still releasing nutes. I'm really hoping that by tomorrow (after 3 cycles) will be good to go.

And speaking of which, I'm really planning to harvest tomorrow. I know the Kush is as far as it's going to go, the leaves are pretty yellow and starting to die off, and fall off. The Widow might be able to go just a little longer, but I'm anxious to get things moving along.

I'll take pictures before we do the "ritual", hopefully tomorrow will be a great day!

I can't thank everyone enough for getting me to this point!!!

Things should time out nicely for the dry and cure on this harvest, and the completion of the LowRyders we've got going. So we'll still be here for another 5 or 6 weeks. Don't you go changing the channel!

Much Love!
You can count on me being here thru the smoke report on the lowryders brother. :nicethread:

Do you check your trichs before you harvest? Clear, cloudy, amber?

That's a nice looking meter. How do you like it? Got a link?
You can count on me being here thru the smoke report on the lowryders brother. :nicethread:

Do you check your trichs before you harvest? Clear, cloudy, amber?

That's a nice looking meter. How do you like it? Got a link?

Its a milwaukee sm802. Its a great meter. Stink, I'm so excted for u bro. Can't wait to see the pics.
Gonna be exciting tomorrow. Can't wait to see the graduation ceremony. :welldone:

Still haven't quick-dried a bud for a taste yet? :cool:

Thanks B!

:cheesygrinsmiley: Believe it or not, just haven't. Promise tomorrow, at least we'll try the bong.

You can count on me being here thru the smoke report on the lowryders brother. :nicethread:

Do you check your trichs before you harvest? Clear, cloudy, amber?

That's a nice looking meter. How do you like it? Got a link?

Hey Agent G. Trich check. Sort of. More by the look of the plant, as taught by PitViper. However, I'm still a newb, so I do a spot check. These pics were shot a week ago, look close you'll see amber, and by tomorrow should have enough amber for my taste.



Love the meter!!! Another PitViper recommendation. Gosh I sound like a shill, but between he and McBudz, they both helped me every step of the way. Big props to those two.

Its a milwaukee sm802. Its a great meter. Stink, I'm so excted for u bro. Can't wait to see the pics.

Thanks Bro. I'm a little anxious, but my fingers are nervous. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll hit you guys back, one way or another tomorrow! Won't let you hang.

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