1st Medical Grow, 3 Strains in 2x4 Hydrohut

June 21st.... the ladies are looking really nice and fat today...seem to really have swelled since the watering the other day. Tonight I will be mixing up another batch of nutrients to bubble for 48 hrs from now. Since the heavy defoliation and supercropping the other day, the plants have really started to respond positivly to there haircut...lol The buds on the supercropped branches are already starting to curve up to form that "L" shape, (quicker than I expected) as well as the lower bud sites are really starting to form quickly. The lower bud sites are recieving a lot more light now due to the defoliation, and with the supercropping, I was able to lower my lights a good 8" which really brought the intensity up. Took a trip to the hydro store today to pick up some more EarthJuice grow, but already have everything else I needed so it was a rather cheep trip this time..whew...lol...

Not much else to report today, thank you everyone who has stayed and supported my first grow!!! Much appreciation!!!
June 21st, Day 28 of flowering, Photoshoot of the ladies...

Tent overview


Blue Dragon's

University Hill's OG's

Blue dragon bud sideview

Blue Dragon twin tower side view

Chemband bud photo

University Hill's OG bud photo

Another shot of the supercropped University Hill's OG's

Lower supercropping of UVH OG's

Blue dragon supercropped..

Chemband supercropped

UVH OG supercropped, notice how the bud has already started to curve upwards...

Another photo of my blue dragon twin towers..

Full tent view, side shot
So, if I were to consider doing a SCROG like you suggested, when would be a good time to set it up, and at what height? Yours looks very organized, and mine are starting to grow into each other. So perhaps this is a way to make sure everybody gets enough light?

If you were to set up a scrog its very cheap and easy if you DIY. Mine cost less than 20$ to make and a local trip to home depot.. I gave some more detailed instructions back a few pages in my journal along with some detailed photo's of how I built it, they might help. If you set up your scrog I would recommend doing it about your canopy height where it stands now. You basicly will let the plant grow thru the screen 3-4 inches, pull it back under the screen and stretch it out as far as you can, and let it grow up again. You repeat this process until 1/2 to 3/4 of your screen is full and then flower... It will really help you maximize your yield as well as get even lighting to all of your budsites...the technique was not hard at all...it does take more daily care of training your plants than just letting them grow or LST, however, by looking at my photo's you can see how many cola's this method can produce just off of 6 plants...
Alright - you sold me - got myself a project tonight :) I am thinking sprinkler tubing though, would that work? Or does it need to hold a lot of weight? I wouldn't think so, since the plant should hold itself up, but you never know. Looks like about two inch holes in the net?

Yeah use at least 1" holes but I would shoot for 2" holes...just makes it easier to pull plants in and out of them...really all you need to do is build a semi- strong frame and support it somehow...for my screen I used this wire called concrete drywall wire, or somthing like that...was like 8$ for a big roll of it...was able to cut it to size...It does need to be semi strong because it will be holding your canopy eventually, so whatever material's you think could work with this will be fine...some people even use picture frame wire and make there own screen...I though it was easier just to buy screen and staple it down...
I think my holes are 1" x 2" holes in the screen.
Day 30 Flowering!!! June 23...

Today I fed the ladies there nutrient feeding that has been bubbling for a little over 24 hours. They were very needing the watering so dispite the ph still sitting low at 4.6ph I decided to give them there much needed watering. I so far have been relying on my soil to buffer the ph and the plants/soil have been doing an excellent job so far I know I will not have any issues. After watering my drain dishes were full to the top and within 2 hours, the girls sucked up all water in the trays...wow they were thirsty and with a RH of 45% today, I know most went to the plants and not the air because before the water used to sit most of the feeding day. I will have to mix up another batch of nutrients tonight or tomm to bubble for 48 hours since now it seems the 5 gallon pots go dry about every 3 to 4 days.

I also decided to change my 400w HPS back to my 400w MH. To me it seemed that even though the dual HPS setup was working well with swelling the buds up, the growth really was faster and more with the dual spectrum setup. I also noticed trichome production was much greater with the MH running and not so much with the HPS so today switched the lights back to runnning a Ushio Opti blue 400w MH with my 600w Ushio HPS opti red.

Not much else to report today, everything looks great, buds are really getting fat now, including the lower nodes now exposed to more light, due to the defoliation. All of the supercropped buds are reaching for the light and the lower nodes are getting very thick..
Amber hairs are now about 15% of my blue dragons, the rest are white, while the other chemband and university og are just starting to show some amber hairs...

Happy with everything so far, getting very anxious to sample!!

Right now I am shopping around, pre planning a veg tent/box as well as a drying solution...not sure if I want to used screened shelfs or hang drying...any recommendation on either option?
Photo's for Day 30 flowering, June 23rd...

Full tent view


Blue Dragon's

University Hill's OG's

Blue dragon bud close up

Chemband bud close up

University Hill's OG bud close up

Blue Dragon twin towers

Full Tent side view
Thanks MacG....appreciate you stopping thru!!!! I can't believe how frosty they already are getting, especially the University hills OG which the small bud leaves are completely outlined in a white thick resin coating!!! They all smell so good and even the littlest touch releases a very sticky but great smelling resin!! About another 2-3 weeks for the Blue Dragons, I am hoping they really thicken up these last few weeks!!!
June 24th, Day 31 of flowering...

Not much to report on today, my nutrient mix is still bubbling away but ph is rather low (4.2ph), expecting to feed them on sunday, 2 days from now...which by then it should be within optimal range. The ladies are looking ever so beautiful today, really showing tons of trichomes as well as many of the lower budsites are swelling and some even connecting to the upper buds...!!! I am guessing that another 2-3 weeks should be it for the blue dragons since right now we are in early week 5 and they are supposed to be 7-8 week finish!!

Not much else though to report today, just sitting back in amazement at what I have done!!!
Here are today's photos, Day 31 of flowering!!! June 24th..

Full tent view


Blue Dragon's

University Hill's Og's

Blue Dragon Bud Close up

Chemband Bud close up

University Hill's OG bud close up

Blue Dragon Twin tower close up

Full tent side view
I just noticed today that my Blue dragon buds have very much purple showing as well as some red!!!! not amber but red!!! awesome!!!
I had to snap some photos to show the purple/red development on my blue dragon buds...





Very nice, buds, buds, everywhere. Very nice job. Bless.....:bravo:

Thank's Sonzor!!! Much appreciation for your good vibes bro!!
Yesterday went on a bass fishing tourneyment with friends at Irvine Lake and got skunked....Only 1 LM bass for the whole day for our boat and was similar for all parties involved.....at least I caught some good sun, a great buzz and had fun!! As the saying goes, that's why its called fishing and not catching!! sorry for not posting yesterday though....

Today June 26th, Day 33 of flowering!!! Decided to make some modifications to my tent to assist in cradling the heavier, supercropped branches. I also have been closely watching one of my Chemband plants because suddenly one of my lower branches, luckily not one of the big cola's, had stopped growing and almost looked like it was dying and drying out. The last few days the conditions had gotten worse, only on this branch, and it seem that at some point, the branch had twisted so much that it cut off the nutrient/water flow to the leaves.... So today was my first harvest....lol, nothing to be excited about, just one branch of one of my chembands....but at least it will give me some practice on drying and curing while I wait for the ladies to finish...

Here are some photo's of the branch that I cut off, and the "harvest" of the premature flowers and dying branch...

Here are 3 photo's of the branch I cut...notice where I cut on the cross-section, it looks like the branch was already dead...no green or moisture...dry inside...also If you look closely you can see a twist on the outside of the branch....??? I don't know what happened, Maybe it was from early off LST that broke and went un-noticed??



My first little harvest...might be enough for a few bongs....at least will get to try her before she is fully harvested, get a idea of how she will turn out..
I also added a much needed support system for my supercropped tops as well as the thin stemmed/very heavy nugs that are bending over..Mostly my University Hill's OG in mind...

I had some leftover screen from my SCROG build and it actually fit perfectly in my tent without any cutting...what luck!!! awesome!! With the help of my buddy, I hung the screen just below the lights, with some braided 30lb fishing line. The purpose was to make a sort of hanging rack so I could tie individual branches wherever I wanted to, to help open up lower light penetration, as well as support the heavy dense nugs to keep them from breaking branches.. Overall the screen worked perfectly, one thing I learned was work from the back first....I started from the front on one side and it makes things rather hard to get to after the front is all tied up....lmao!!

I also fed the ladies this morning there nutrient tea that has been on bubble for the last 3 days. I will be preparing another feeding batch today for 2-3 days from now, since the girls are really sucking up some water...

My question to you guys is...... I know most people say to flush 2 weeks prior to harvest (with chem fertz), and with organics, some say not to flush at all. I am not going to "flush" but would still like to water with distilled water and minimal or no nutrients prior to flower anyways, but how do you know when 2 weeks till harvest is?? I know you base your harvest of trichome development however, usually 1/2 to 3/4 amber trichomes means pull right?? So how do you determine 2 weeks prior to that point? Most of my buds are only less than 1/4 amber and most still have white hairs....I am on week 5 and my blue dragon's are supposed to be 7 week flower....should I start watering with distilled or wait until at least I see 3/4 orange hairs? What do you guy's use as your 2 week indicator??
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