8000 Watts 6 Strains

Wow, it's gotta smell like the promised land in there! Beautiful set up, kudos :thumb:

I'm thinking the meter reader was just setting you up for a seat at the head of the table at the next stockholder's customer appreciation dinner... and if they ask what you're doing with all them watts, just tell them your children are very, very, very scared of the dark :)

Wow, it's gotta smell like the promised land in there! Beautiful set up, kudos :thumb:

I'm thinking the meter reader was just setting you up for a seat at the head of the table at the next stockholder's customer appreciation dinner... and if they ask what you're doing with all them watts, just tell them your children are very, very, very scared of the dark :)


Yeah, you are right. They are just giving him the VIP treatment like they do the high rollers in Las Vegas.
sounds like a fun grow with that many watts.

They probably just hooked up a smart meter and were giving you a heads up the power would be out. I am 100% legal but i here you still better to stay on the Down low and not deal with any drama.. i truly dont think they care as long as you pay ur bill! once you miss that bill they the trouble will come. I have friends you work for the elc company and this is what they told me. always pay that bill on time.. you should be good
the smell is really starting to come on in the last couple days,makes me glad i spent the money on the filter cuz ya cant smell it outside !!!!!!!!!
big thanks for taking the time to phone a friend tell em thanks a bunch !!!!!!
time for some day 16 pics didnt get many as today is watering day had to make up 25 gallons of juice what a bunch of thristy girls i have !!!!
this is the kim dawg not bad for 16 days 12/12 :tokin:


In most states, a higher electric bill does not provide probable cause for a search warrant. The states that allow these warrants should also contain a clause that the electricity used must peak over 1000 bucks a month for it to even be considered. Hell, my electric bill was 500 bucks in the month of July and its usually 250. I ran my AC all day and night to stay comfortable and I have no plants here. No one is knocking on my door with a warrant. And some people have indoor pools and jacuzzi that eat a lot of juice. If you turn it on, does someone raid your house? No. You would have to be running that setup X 5 and 25/8 to even be noticed by the local government. Then they would have to obtain a warrant to search. The feds are pretty much leaving the whole thing alone these days too unless your stashing 1000 lbs or more because its not worth their time.

Irishboy is right, no sense in worrying if ya pay the bill. :wood:
its all good here, but thanks Herbs,
i got a question how long is a gallon of mix good for ? should i keep it or toss it ?
its contains ff bigbloom, tiger bloom, carboload,and grow terra,oh and beastie bloom.
thanks in advance goodnite.
the big lights make a world of difference this is beyond the grows ive done before its like they are 2 weeks into the future....lol oh and heres another laugh for ya
the frame that holds up the lights has a story too !!!!!!
i spent about 2 weeks trying to figure out how to put the lights up, ceiling wasnt strong enough to hold em.so the light bulb goes off and i go shopping for an outdoor canopy the ones you sit under for shade,first 3 places were out of stock the 4th place i went had 1 left the display model on sale for 99.00 bucks down from 399.00 i jumped at it.this lady that worked in the garden dept told i would have to take it apart myself i said np went in the store bought a ten buck socket set and proceeded to take it apart in the parking lot.all i needed for my plan was the 4 corner post and the 2 ten sections along the top that hold up the canopy so i load these up in the mini van and drive away as the lady is standing there shaking her and pointing the rest of the stuff on the ground, i gave her the old MAC ARTHUR " I SHALL RETURN" although i never did !!!!
I learned once upon a time that any environment pertaining to an ecosystem of sorts (ie. aquarium, terrarium, etc.) should not undergo any sudden changes. Therefore changing the water all at once is never a good idea. The best plan is to do it in multiple steps.

In about a week after first nutes mix is used, remove only half and replenish system with fresh nutes. Again in about a week, do the same thing. This way the habitat is never fully changed, only modified slightly. After doing this multiple times, the system is always given more time to equalize rather than change suddenly. You would never change ALL of the water in a fish tank or the fish will die. Same principle applies to a hydro system or nutes solution I believe.

If its just a jug of nutes left over from a grow never used, I don't believe there is an expiration date. I don't think bat or bird crap goes bad.
the lady is standing there shaking her and pointing the rest of the stuff on the ground, i gave her the old MAC ARTHUR " I SHALL RETURN" although i never did !!!!
:adore: You're my new Hero, Floroman!
Goal oriented guys like you make dumpster divers' dreams come true ;)
I bet the electric guys were putting in the new meter that they can read from the street. We had them here last year or the year before. Then just last week the gas company came out (by appointment) and the guy changed out our old gas meter with a new one that they can also read from the street. Then he had to go down and light the pilot light and check the water heater. They gave us a heads up though and it was 'at our convenience' Needless to say with 7 Christmas trees on the back deck I was a little nervous!
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