Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Hey spimp and invi no sirs not yet....
But I have bought the materials :) I have been literally up and down the country in last two days
The seedlings apear happy so that is great.

Things are going along fine spimp thankyou for asking sir
good weed alex my friend,

@invi, sun light might be a bit much to start with as the plant has been butchered so cfls or natural light will do it as long as its getting more light than dark then it will go back into veg,
its a slow process to start off with, the frist week you wont see nothing change but about week 2 you will see some single blade leaves starting to pot out the buds, once your at this stage the plant is well on its way to been back in veg,

let us know how you get on with it, having the plant near a window is fine as long as its getting enough light to stop it from flowering.
Happy 3 days till Alex's favorite day Alex, Rico and Jaga:)
Jaga RICO fish and everyone else :) heyyy
Fish my faverot day this week is Thursday
Good weed all
Really? You had to change it?
Well Happy 2 days before your favorite day:)Alex
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