Bell Syphon - Flood And Drain System

What otter and shed said all in capitals 👌👌
Imagine what loss of fun we'd have if I didn't have sausages for fingers!
I thought you must have wrote it trying to be all young and hip "Njoy" then had second thoughts and went back in and put the E on the front giving you 2 capital letters 🤣
Imagine what loss of fun we'd have if I didn't have sausages for fingers!
Couple of update pictures of my single plant OG Kush grow via a bell syphon watering system.
Leaves looking shitty in the final stages not too fussed at this stage :passitleft:

@Mars Hydro i have a question if you dont mind probably a couple actually.
Firstly the light highlighted in the picture when I click on choose destination country there's no option for Australia, if I choose the other light it has the option for Australia and my second question is is there a way of getting it to show Australian currency?
I plan on possibly buying one soon. 😊
She'd be pretty much done by now yeah?
Guna be a cunt to trim!
Im thinking so, it didn't fill out as much as I thought it might but that just could be because its currently a hedge and kinda hard to see into it 💁‍♂️ i was thinking about taking a couple of collars off and having a good look .
Thanks @StoneOtter
And @Trala
And anyone else i may have missed 🙏
Imagine what loss of fun we'd have if I didn't have sausages for fingers!
THis place would be a desolate wasteland without you and your fingers! :circle-of-love:
One day I'll muster up the courage to write a small paragraph without editing just for kicks. You wouldn't believe what comes out! There were 4 edits to this. Five now. :laugh:
Couple of update pictures of my single plant OG Kush grow via a bell syphon watering system.
Leaves looking shitty in the final stages not too fussed at this stage :passitleft:

Gorgeous buds though!
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