Blazin A Trail Through A Soil Coco Setup - Mystery Strains - An Alien Kush 2016

Figured I'd do a small update on the ones doin really gud in the green forest they r stayn really bunched up so I did some light lst on them and they r doin great




Thanx 2 all those tht stop by and check out the green forest ur incouragement keeps me going and :thanks: :420: for being here lol n gud growing to everyone:Namaste:
out of the 2 I been germinating 1 popped n is stretching nice and tall. I hope it's a female since it's one of my bag seeds I got from some really gud bud. It's a hybrid I believe. A more indica then sativa tho I feel. :Namaste:

K so I jus went ahead and went 2 the hydro store yesterday n was talkn with the guy about how he does clone setups n we came up with this plan 4 doing clones its able 2 do 7 ata Tyne n I also put rooting hormones in the 1gallon of ro water in the lil reservoir I also went and got a 200 dollar ro water filter system so I can start makn my own ro water instead of buying it n spending 20 bux a week on jus water lol way 2 much but all gud now or will b later 2day wen its up and running it can produce up2 a 100 gallons a day way WAY more then I need so we will even b able 2 drink purified water for the family so tht is a plus as well
Can any1 tell me bout how long it takes 4 clones 2 grow roots again I'm using simple path brand cloning hormone called starter juice if tht helps any1 in being able 2 give me a rough estimate at least.

And the 2 above r my lovely babies at about 2 Ana half months old roughly and r doin amazing I can't wait 2 throw them in the forest and start 2 flower them they are guna b monsters the one in the white bucket is doin WAY better then the 1 in the blue bucket she is like twice the size of the other 1 it's guna b fun doin less plants but jus make them into monsters anyway here they all are so enjoy

This is my newest 1 added 2 the baby monster chamber about 2 weeks old

The 3 pics above r the rest of the green forest man they are coming along I can't wait 4 the buds 2 get nice n fatt they already r showing them nicely

This 1 as well she was one of my not so gud 1s and now she is one of the wider ones not quite so tall but nice and wide:)

This was 1 of my girls tht was havn issue's but now I put her into straight soil she is now one of my better 1s

And the pic above is one of my babies at about 2 Ana half months old roughly and is doin amazing I can't wait 2 throw them in the forest and start 2 flower them they are guna b monsters the one in the white bucket is doin WAY better then the 1 in the blue bucket she is like twice the size of the other 1 it's guna b fun doin less plants but jus make them into monsters but yea here they all are so enjoy


The 2pics above r the rest of the green forest man they are coming along I can't wait 4 the buds 2 get nice n fatt they already r showing them nicely

This 1 as well she was one of my not so gud 1s and now she is one of the wider ones not quite so tall but nice and wide:)

This was 1 of my girls tht was havn issue's but now I put her into straight soil she is now one of my better 1s anyway tht is my latest update and :thanks: to all who have helpful insight I'm still learning but I hav come so far since I joined:420: I jus Wana say:thanks:for this site being here its an amazing place 2 learn all u need 2 grow this beautiful medicine anyway :Namaste: and great growing 2 all:volcano-smiley:
and this is the newest addition 2 the baby chamber coming along fast I hope it's a girl I can't wait to find out it was from sum amazing smoke so I hope it's a female so I fa. Continue 2 have tht strain it was really stinky 2 :)

this is my other baby in the mini monster baby chamber almost 3 months old I'm thinkn if I have the room tht is 2 switch both of the ones I got in the baby chamber over 2 the forest at 3 months but i dnt think i will have the room yet so for now im jus guna keep them in the baby chamber and jus make em into freaks

These r the clones I took a few days back bout a week or so ago seem 2 b doin gud atleast I hope so

this is 2 of the ones in my forest I forgot 2 put in my previous post both r doing great:)
Awesome thanx angry bird they seem 2 b doin gud no algae as far as I no n no mold at least it don't look like it and it don't smell weird or nuthn so I'm guessn its all gud lol and as for my plants the ones in the flower closet are doin great one is drooping alil but I jus transplanted her the other day into straight soil so she jus alil stressed 2day still but lookn better :thanks: for stopn by hope u have a great :Namaste::volcano-smiley:

The 2 pics above r the same plant I have been veging her for 3 months and she is now more then ready 4 the green forest so I switched over to it las nite so today is the first whole day she guna get 12/12 let the giant show start lol I can't wait to c how she turns out she guna b massive I only hope the others r done b4 she startsgettn 2 big so I dnt hav2 chop as much away 2 control space issues I already took out 3 other plants tht were my weak ones to have room for this monster woman lol

These r my other ladies already in the green forest doing great nice fat and bushy I can't wait till the buds start getn even bigger :)





The las pic here is of my baby chamber still leaving the bigger one (now lol) in there 2 get alil bigger plus dnt have room yet and the other 1 is coming along fast and great I hope its a female idk since its the 1 I got from sum bagseed I had so there is the latest update and :thanks: to any1 tht stops by and gives advice and keep it green every1:Namaste::volcano-smiley:
Yeah I let her grow nice and fat and I been doing lst on her tht seems 2b the best way of training for me and my grow style but this is the biggest plant I'll ever have grown so far and as soon as I put her in the forest with the others she took up almost all of the space I had for her so I hope the others hurry up b4 the giant starts pickn up pace lol but yea thank u for gud juju lol appreciate it


I figured I'd do a post with my root growth on my clones I'm doing I did 7 and 5 have roots showing tips and 2 of which have lil roots already starting but not very long so I figured they had alil more 2go idk how long the roots have 2 b b4 I can put the clone into soil. If any1 cud answer that 4 me I wud greatly appreciate it :thanks: and :Namaste::volcano-smiley:
K so I jus talkd wit my friend who has a credit card since I dnt n he is the 1 who orders my stuff I need online an I jus giv him the cash 4 it I told him I wana go organic n start growing los so he guna come over 2nite n we will order the first few things we need 2 start doing all organic so this harvest will b semi organic lol so really not at all I guess haha but I figured it wit help improve taste. at least I hope!! So we will c!! but the next harvest will b straight up organic!! :volcano-smiley: I'm excited I can't wait till everything gets here n I get 2 use it all:circle-of-love::cheer::Namaste:
K so I was in the green forest 2day n noticed sum frost showing up so figured I'd do a frost warning lol n figured I'd do alil bud porn to show it starting enjoy





On one of my plants I seen this n it fell off rite away wen I went 2 touch it none of the other leaves really had nuthn wrong with them tho cept 2 of the leaves had alil browning on them but wen I did my foiler spray the other day I think I did 2 much n plus I forgot2 leave the fan on over nite 2 help dry them out n wen I wen into turn the lights on the nex day I seen water still on the leaves so I took a paper towel n tryd getn as much as I cud off of the leaves but I mite have missed those 2 n mayb Thts y the discoloration?? sense no other leaves r affected n new growth seems gud Thts my thinking.

This is the plant with the leave issue but poss. Water damage from lights hitting them with water on them??


Here is the green forest after I did alil light rearranging. I moved one of my mars hydro light cubes 2 the front side and left the other 3 hanging above in hopes to help get light underneath the girls since they seem super tight N bunched up. Tht cud also b bcuz I have them in small containers so they are not branching out as much as thy cud be. I also know leds cause the tighter bunched up nodes i jus didn't know if mine where cuz of a def. Or sumthn else I did wrong??

And this is one of my healthy girls jus she has super tight bunched up spacing between her leaves. I'm wondering if I shud cut sum away 2 clear it up in there alil?? Or shud I jus leave her the way she is?? I'm doing lst on her but I dnt think it is enuf or is it?? If any1 cud point me in the right direction I wud greatly appreciate it thank you
Hey blazin. I'm not sure about the leaf spots. It's got the appearance of calmag deficiency, but -difficult to tell under the led lights. I wouldn't worry about it much unless it gets worse. Just keep an eye on it.
Also keep an eye on those downward pointed tips. Usually a sign of too much nitrogen (especially if the leaves are an overly dark green colored) though in my experience the tips can also do that when ph is a little too high.
Hard to diagnose for certain though. I have enough trouble diagnosing my own plants, let alone other people's from pictures.

Yes if it was me I would remove some growth where it's very dense- in close to the stem and anything that is very shaded and crowded. It's good to have airflow through the plants. Shaded areas won't produce well and are at more risk from mold.
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