Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

:passitleft: High Jim... Glad to see you about and pray you are feeling much better....:circle-of-love:

Good first day of the new year to you all!

I'm chopping a plant, and might just make a batch of oil as well. I'm going to mix some buds this time. Will let you know later what I mixed and why.

I splurged at the liquor store the other day, intending to buy a bottle of M & R Asti Spumante for a glass at the hour.....I wound up skipping that for some Everclear. My return investment brain at work.

Dennise, that's MagicJim...were you thinking it was WildJim? There's so many Jim's! It's a good thing.....

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Well, you know folks....I'm going to take a chance here and let you all know how Cajun is doing and where he's been. Maybe some of you already know from private talking with him....but some of us have been pretty worried not knowing.

I accidentally reached him yesterday, I won't explain that....but it is funny.

He responded to me with this after I apologized for an accidental email to his name, and I asked how he was doing...etc.

Mine is great news.
I'm in (name hidden) Cancer Center.
Looks like I finally might've beat cancer, but now liver isn't cooperating.
I just got my phone now. I might pop up when my browser's on, but I can't get online now.
I'm good though.

I'm sorry Cajun, I just had to let people know the great news on the cancer.

I am praying for you that the liver issues are corrected! Get better soon and we miss you.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I had to thank you twice for that Canna. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you for the info on Cajun, Canna....and yes, I was worried :thanks:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Speaking of CBD vs THC:

Here's a clip from the news article below:

“This is likely the most CBD-rich strain in the world, though it’s difficult to know for sure because testing is not as rigorous and transparent as it should be,” he said.

The two primary medical components in a cannabis plant, CBD and tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) are sometimes used to treat different ailments. THC is used in cancer treatment, while CBD helps patients with seizure conditions.

What makes Katelyn Faith special is its CBD to THC ratio. Most medical cannabis has a 1-to-1 ratio.

Katelyn Faith has a ratio of 34-to-1, according to third-party lab testing.

Such a high ratio is “highly unusual,” Kingsley said. America’s most famous medical cannabis strain, called Charlotte’s Web, has only about a 20-to-1 ratio

Minnesota: New Marijuana Strain Provides Help Without Any Intoxicating Effects
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey everyone.

Thanks RSoiler for directing me to this thread.

So i am a commercial grower that hasnt consumed cannabis in any form for more than 5 years. I stopped smoking because i couldnt handle the anxiety it gave me. it made me extremely anti social and i couldnt face anyone.

flash forward to now.... I am quite sick at the moment and altjough i am still undiagnosed the symptoms and blood results are pointing to a problem witj my pancreas. its very painful. I have gone from being a super active athlete to almost chair bound in a month. The health system is slow and just gove me meds without even having diagnosed me. it doesnt make sense.

so after some slight research i thought id give oil a try even though i have no idea if it will work, my thinking is its safer than the pharma drugs prescribed to me and if it works great, if it doesnt im no worse off.

But and its a big one, im afraid to take it because i really hate being stoned. I spent years as a recreational user with no probs until one day i had the worst panic attack. now i hate the stoned feeling. So does tacking really work or what? ?? forgive me if im skeptical. also how much of an effect does different strains have on what it does. i only grow hybrids. normally indica dominant.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey everyone.

Thanks RSoiler for directing me to this thread.

So i am a commercial grower that hasnt consumed cannabis in any form for more than 5 years. I stopped smoking because i couldnt handle the anxiety it gave me. it made me extremely anti social and i couldnt face anyone.

flash forward to now.... I am quite sick at the moment and altjough i am still undiagnosed the symptoms and blood results are pointing to a problem witj my pancreas. its very painful. I have gone from being a super active athlete to almost chair bound in a month. The health system is slow and just gove me meds without even having diagnosed me. it doesnt make sense.

so after some slight research i thought id give oil a try even though i have no idea if it will work, my thinking is its safer than the pharma drugs prescribed to me and if it works great, if it doesnt im no worse off.

But and its a big one, im afraid to take it because i really hate being stoned. I spent years as a recreational user with no probs until one day i had the worst panic attack. now i hate the stoned feeling. So does tacking really work or what? ?? forgive me if im skeptical. also how much of an effect does different strains have on what it does. i only grow hybrids. normally indica dominant.

Welcome Cultivator. I'm not a tacker yet, but I'm virtual friends of these Oilers and have been following them for months now and yes, tacking does work. This is beyond questioning, in our opinion. It's the place you want to start, with the hope that you won't need to go beyond this protocol, but if need be, we also maintain a thread dealing with more deep-seated concerns that may require a more intense protocol.

Your concerns are valid. This was precisely why the protocol of tacking presented on :420: was developed. It's necessary, in our opinion, to be able to utilize this invaluable medicinal source to greatly enhance your own compromised and overworked Endocannabinoid System without the fear of being euphoric. If we want to get high there are other ways to do so.

Strain choices are somewhat critical for the physical challenge you're trying to overcome, and the others are much more informed than I, but I will share that my next grow will be for oil production primarily geared to helping my daughter overcome her severe anxiety disorder, so I'll be listening carefully for that answer I know will come soon.

We have no problems with your skepticism. Please, feel free to ask anything. This is precisely why we're here.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for the warm welcome a few days ago, and happy new year, all!

I have everclear in the freezer, along with 1/2 oz each Tangie and Yoda to make my daytime and nighttime oils. This will be my first attempt at making oil. That amount looks like the bare minimum to use. I prolly should use an ounce for each batch, but my stash jars look so empty now. And Tangie is a delicious, sticky, citrusy bud. I need to convince myself that I don't actually smoke much bud, so it's better made into oil than sitting on the shelf. And I still have plants...

We have been tacking harlequin oil that has been cut (IDK%) with CO. Believe I mentioned this already. Might not be curing cancer at that strength, but we sleep well with it. And the cancer has been cured. :thumb:

So happy to hear that wildjim and cajun are doing OK. I read motoco's entire How To... topic, and they have come so far and overcome so much. :cheer::cheer:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Happy New Year Cannacar. Go ahead. Convince yourself you don't smoke that much bud. :laughtwo: Not having made oil yet myself I'd like to think getting that first time under my belt would take priority, and I can see where starting with as close the recommended quantity would benefit me in the learning stage.

It's a personal choice though. If you feel confident in your ability to pull it off with less..... :love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


Thanks to all of my friends here on the Oilers thread. I will have to thank each of you later. I am not allowed much computer time.

Bless you all for your thoughts and prayers. They certainly helped. I will be back in a couple days.

Love to all you Oilseeds.



re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


Thanks to all of my friends here on the Oilers thread. I will have to thank each of you later. I am not allowed much computer time.

Bless you all for your thoughts and prayers. They certainly helped. I will be back in a couple days.

Love to all you Oilseeds.




Glad you are up enough to give us a post!!!! Feel good!!! :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Wildjim :circle-of-love::love::Namaste::cheer::high-five::bravo:

So glad your doing good. :love::cco::love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

They wouldn't let me post from ICU either WildJim....glad you're here! I hope this is your best year yet!:thumb:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Happy New Year John, can you say a few words to our newest (soon to be Oiler)? Post #509

Thank you Johnnyeasyonthenewguyoilhead :drool::cco::drool:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

High Cultivator, glad to meet you.
I bet your indica dom hybrid would make good oil for anxiety.
Depression...sativa :cco: Anxiety........indica
Some epileptic disorders reverse careful. (ex. Ritalin, narcolepsy, ADD, etc.)
My Aspergers patient reports sativa oil making him lethargic. Stops tacking today. Reverse affect or sloppy tacking, I'll never know, patient wants to stop. My first disappointment. I know we can't help everyone, but I'm gonna try.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Happy New Year John, can you say a few words to our newest (soon to be Oiler)? Post #509

Thank you Johnnyeasyonthenewguyoilhead :drool::cco::drool:

Funny...just read this post after posting my last, Oilerissuchakindandcaringandcompassionatedubiebrother.

Oiler...stop holding your nose...that's weird!

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks John, please never stop.

And yes, your weird but I love you my 420 brother :circle-of-love::love::cco::love::circle-of-love:

Thanks again Johnnyneverstoptellingyourstorycauseitssocool :thedoubletake:

Johnnyslittlebrother :cheesygrinsmiley::drool:
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