Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Cultivator, welcome to the thread. I know how much pain that pancreas can do to a person! The first thing that oil is going to do is help with relieving that.
Tacking does work, this is coming from someone who does tack and is like you in the fact that I don't like being stoned. I don't mind being mellow, and a little energetic...but I don't like stoned.

I was seriously skeptical about the oil not getting me high, but when I did it for the first time...there was no high. This is not something you need to worry on if you do the tacking correctly, and the thread MOTOCO has for how to tack is chock full of information on that. Believe me, I feel your hesitation. I had not smoked or tried any kind of marijuana since my teens, a long long time ago. LOL
I started growing to relieve pain, White Widow is my strain of choice for that. I vape it, I don't smoke it. Much easier on the lungs.

We'll be here to help you out, and answer any questions outside of the tacking method and how to make the oil. The threads dedicated to that are in the intro post, and I believe you said you've already been through some it. First step, read read read....LOL

Have they said what kind of testing you are going to have? They will be looking for Pancreatitis or damage to the pancreas among other things. I've been through all of the testing, slight damage to mine but there was no sign of pancreatic cancer or anything that would be long term issues for me at this point.

I am so sorry you are going through this and I sincerely hope we can get you moving in the pain free and healing direction!


Discussions on different strains and CBD's vs. THC are open here. So ask away!


Thanks for the reply.

I have had gastroscopy and ultra sound. waiting on an mri scan. fortunately treatment is free in uk but the nhs is slow as its overworked. its frightening how much pain in in with no answers. my bloods showed high liver enzymes and high calcium. i hope i can get some answers soon.

Im 3 weeks away from a healthy harvest and i will definately try tacking. i hope it will help me.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for the reply.

I have had gastroscopy and ultra sound. waiting on an mri scan. fortunately treatment is free in uk but the nhs is slow as its overworked. its frightening how much pain in in with no answers. my bloods showed high liver enzymes and high calcium. i hope i can get some answers soon.

Im 3 weeks away from a healthy harvest and i will definately try tacking. i hope it will help me.

No need to "Hope" it will help Cultivator, it "Will" help, believe in power of CCO. :love::cco::love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hi Everyone

This is a GREAT thread!! The last time we were in here there was like 10 pages. I couldn't find this thread this morning. Thanks for the thread, now I have to remember to bookmark it. I am trying to get on a schedule and am looking forward to checking in and sticking my nose in (even if it doesn't belong).

You guys should all be very proud of yourselves. I love the emotocon! I look forward to visiting with you all more and getting to know you new comers.

Motoco underlines a point someone mentioned recently, It would be good and appropriate to have this thread under something besides miscellaneous.

I think this thread belongs with the two recently reorganized Tacking methods and CCO making threads Medical Marijuana - Methods of Medication Cannabis Oil maybe with the Cannabis Oil sub-forum heading relabelled "Tacking and dosing to cure cancer (and more!)" rather than "Consume to cure cancer"

When I first got here, I looked under Medical Marijuana to learn stuff.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That's a good point Radogast, we will be looking into that very thing.

Again, thank you Radogast :love::cco::love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

How strange. Most people, myself included, experience energetic. The oil took away that lethargic feeling after a couple of doses. My lethargic problems were from my illness.
Did the patient possibly have their night time meds mixed up with daytime?

I need to read up on Asperger.

Asperger is an autistic disorder that can also present with reversed reactions to stimulants/sedatives. It starts getting real tricky from here.


Just read Mo's post on same...aren't WE big brains.:rofl:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Asperger is an autistic disorder that can also present with reversed reactions to stimulants/sedatives. It starts getting real tricky from here.


Just read Mo's post on same...aren't WE big brains.:rofl:

I have lived with an Aspie... all smoked marijuana mellowed him out.. but the indicas went all the way to couchlock.
Other ADD and some autism spectrum disorder males have reported pretty much the same.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

A family member is an aspie. Probably two of them are, but the diagnosis is younger than the person by a decade or two. Would like to give my aspie kid cannabis, but we wonder if he might be given a pee test at his crappy retail job.

I didn't know where this thread was located bc I followed a link to it. I have had some trouble finding info on this site because of how it is organized. I agree that this thread should be with the other medical topics. I intend to share this info with my sick friends.

I made my Tangie CCO this afternoon. Took about 90 min total, incl prep. Smells great and tastes all right; way better'n my Harlequin oil/coconut oil mix. It was disappointing to watch a bowl full of bud, then 400ml of liquid, shrink into a tiny puddle of goo. (Somebody must have cooked down a garbage can full to yield that Harlequin oil that I used during chemo!) I cut my oil with coconut oil, doubling the volume, and got enough to fill 2 little concentrate jars. I will use this "pseudo-oil" (?? CCCO?) as I use my other oil, only earlier in the day. These "hybrid" oils take the place of most edibles and smokables for me. If I want to use real CCO, I will have to use a lot more bud. This Tangie was my only sativa that was ready to go.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Motoco underlines a point someone mentioned recently, It would be good and appropriate to have this thread under something besides miscellaneous.

I think this thread belongs with the two recently reorganized Tacking methods and CCO making threads Medical Marijuana - Methods of Medication Cannabis Oil maybe with the Cannabis Oil sub-forum heading relabelled "Tacking and dosing to cure cancer (and more!)" rather than "Consume to cure cancer"

When I first got here, I looked under Medical Marijuana to learn stuff.

I'm contemplating how to do this for sure. I may put a note in to the moderating team and ask for suggestions, maybe they can steer us correctly. We need for people who just want a support group to find us easily. Miscellaneous no worky....who looks in miscellaneous?

We'll get something going on it for sure, and thanks for those ideas! Perfectly reasonable. :)

Now that I've looked at that Category, it says consume...but there are a lot of threads that really aren't about consuming it. If we could get moved under that category, we're definitely more visible.
I'll ask a mod. If we get moved we'll have to change our siggy's.
Would be great to have it a "Sticky", but I think that would be asking a bit much. There's pretty strict requirements to "sticky's".
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

We're all capable of changing our signatures Canna. The visibility is the primary concern.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

A family member is an aspie. Probably two of them are, but the diagnosis is younger than the person by a decade or two. Would like to give my aspie kid cannabis, but we wonder if he might be given a pee test at his crappy retail job.

I didn't know where this thread was located bc I followed a link to it. I have had some trouble finding info on this site because of how it is organized. I agree that this thread should be with the other medical topics. I intend to share this info with my sick friends.

I made my Tangie CCO this afternoon. Took about 90 min total, incl prep. Smells great and tastes all right; way better'n my Harlequin oil/coconut oil mix. It was disappointing to watch a bowl full of bud, then 400ml of liquid, shrink into a tiny puddle of goo. (Somebody must have cooked down a garbage can full to yield that Harlequin oil that I used during chemo!) I cut my oil with coconut oil, doubling the volume, and got enough to fill 2 little concentrate jars. I will use this "pseudo-oil" (?? CCCO?) as I use my other oil, only earlier in the day. These "hybrid" oils take the place of most edibles and smokables for me. If I want to use real CCO, I will have to use a lot more bud. This Tangie was my only sativa that was ready to go.

Congratulations Cannacar. :party: You have taken a step that should bless you with better health. :cheer:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks, Radogast!

BTW, I licked the spoon. Oh, my. :blushsmile: Tomorrow I lick the bowl!

This memorial grow, any rules? (Start date, seed, or just designate a clone?)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Had no doubts, just an advanced reminder...I've already contacted Teddy. LOL Bad girl I am... for not waiting! :rofl:
Do you plan on growing a plant for the memorial grow, Sue? If so, what's your strain of choice for it?

I'd like to Canna, but I won't be getting home until early February (everyone cross your fingers on that) and I expected you'd have started by then. Can I come in late? I'm thinking an indica-dominant auto. My primary concern for my daughter is being able to sleep without nightmares. She hasn't had that blessing in months, and then it was only a few nights when she tried brownie bites to great effect.

Can anyone recommend an auto for oil production? I'll be restricting myself to using the tiny closet for the first run. I keep letting my daughter spend all the extra funds that I'd intended for a new cabinet, but if I'm moving this year I don't need to spend money on a cabinet, do I? I'm trying to divest myself of my possessions, not buy more.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I'd like to Canna, but I won't be getting home until early February (everyone cross your fingers on that) and I expected you'd have started by then. Can I come in late? I'm thinking an indica-dominant auto. My primary concern for my daughter is being able to sleep without nightmares. She hasn't had that blessing in months, and then it was only a few nights when she tried brownie bites to great effect.

Can anyone recommend an auto for oil production? I'll be restricting myself to using the tiny closet for the first run. I keep letting my daughter spend all the extra funds that I'd intended for a new cabinet, but if I'm moving this year I don't need to spend money on a cabinet, do I? I'm trying to divest myself of my possessions, not buy more.

You have the Carnival that you are "helping" me grow. Would you like to use that as your memorial to Tim till you get back? :circle-of-love::peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You have the Carnival that you are "helping" me grow. Would you like to use that as your memorial to Tim till you get back? :circle-of-love::peace:

Thank you supergroomer. If that's acceptable. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

LOL, Supergroomer touched on something that I've offered to do for a couple of other people. There are some that won't be able to grow for the memorial for one reason or another, so I've offered to grow a plant of their choice based on the beans I have available. They can name it, tell me how they want it grown and what manipulation to it they want during the grow. LST, Topping, etc. It will be their own "virtual" plant.

This might be something to consider for others who have the space and beans, to offer someone else. I think it's going to be very rewarding from my end, and of course to the person who might feel left out.


Edit: My "virtual" plant owners are RSOiler and Mo.
So far.....:laugh:
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