Colorfuldayze Aug-Dec 2014 Auto Grow

Hello friends and 420 folk. Thank you all so much for being part of my journey. Mrs colorfuldayze and I are packed and headed out the door. I can't wait to come up for air on the other side tomorrow and say howdy. I am so looking forward to catching up on your journals as well as reminiscing my own. Looking forward to sunshine and calm. Sending you all best wishes to the New Year and all things Kind!

:Namaste: :high-five: :blunt:
Hey Hey and Good morning Colorful :)

Hope your day of packing has gone well, and you've had a little time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour :)

Hiya Tassie and thank you!! I thought I had previously liked and responded to your kind post but I think my iPhone is to blame...I've noticed a lot of glitches when viewing 420 on my iPhone. Anyhew, getting caught up and just wanted to say thanks! I did get to enjoy sampling 3 of the 12 phenos which had dried enough prior to leaving. They were all very good and I can't wait to try the others. Two of them, pheno-O (the one that made my eyes tear up when trimming) and pheno-N (the big sativa dominant) were so sticky and dank when I took them down and trim cut the stems out and placed them in their bins. It's going to be a long 30 day wait of relaxing, golfing, and fun to try them :) yum yum :) Cheers ol buddy!

Hey Colorful.....dont feel bad that you are a cheap high as i like to say.....your meds will last you a lot longer than say someone like her or even me for that matter.......i dont smoke that much.....well probably average 3 to 4 bowls a day off the water pipe.....but its better if it takes less :)........i am gonna send LB your way to get some advice on her amarillys......i know i butchered the spelling but i think you can figure it out:)lol......

Happy New Year to you and yours vibes and safe travels my friend:)

Hi Green! Thank you for your kind words and affirmations since I had always thought exactly the same - that I am fortunate to be able to adequately manage my pain with what I have - and for that I am very grateful! On an average work day, I smoke about 1-2 bowls in the evening and 3-4 throughout the days I have off. It would be an honor to share anything I know about amaryllises w/ LB. Hopefully our housesitter will get photos of the remaining four flower stalks that were opening up when we left. One of them is a cavalier which is red and white varigated. Happy New Year to you and LB as well Green, cheers and the best to you both!

Sorry guys dumb ass question..what do you mean by bowls and is a water pipe what we over the pond call a bong?? Just curious..
Heya Wild! No dumb ass questions here my friend - just dumb ass answers from me lol! It sounds like we call things much the same as ya'll over the ponders and GD summarized it well! Actually, I think I may have misused the term 'bubbler' as I understood that to be the same as bong/water pipe but not sure. Cheers WWM!

Hey CD have a great and relaxin vacation. I can relate after the last 4 days of trimming I'm ready for a vacation aswell. Hope your curing goes well while your gone and you get home to some ready meds. :Namaste:

Hi Subnoise and thank you for your kind words! Our trip went smooth and we're relaxing on a lazy New Year's day and letting our bones acclimate to the warmth and humidity. Congrats on your harvest and trimming and looking forward to heading over and catching up on your grow. Wishing you all the best Sub! Cheers

A bowl is just packing your bowl on your bong/water pipe.....same thing.....normally i call it a bong....:)lol

Well said GD and thanks for clarifying! :) Cheers to you and LB!

I'd kill to have no tolerance again.
I go through dispensary grade medicine in almost the same way. Although I try to space it out to every 2-3 hours because I can't afford to smoke what I'd need.
which is why I started growing again. Being a lightweight is a blessing!
Happy THC tuesday

Thank you jinn. Your affirmation was much appreciated. I definitely consider it a blessing that what I've grown so far is able to adequately manage my pain needs since I have not had other options to acquire medicine. Happy THC New Year's day to you my friend! Cheers

Lovely harvest colorful. Looking forward to the smoke report.

Congrats on the wonderful buddage!


Hi drcannabi and thank you for your kind words. I will make a complete evaluation of all 12 phenos when I return. Unfortunately, Mrs colorfuldayze's friend who is housesitting for us laughed at me when I asked her if she would just make some mental notes of any characteristics of any of the 12 phenos that really stand out...sigh...oh well, I am grateful and consider it an honor though that what the garden provided with give her all the medicine she will need this month - even if she has to consume 2/3 of it. I asked her to please save at least 1/4 of the bud from each of the 12 so that I can make a thorough evaluation when I return. I can't wait to share it with all of you. Thank you again dr and all the best to you.

have fun, be safe!

thank you jinn! as long as I'm w/ Mrs colorful then that means safe fun...I think :) Cheers my friend!

Haha old friend you got that right on - that's going to be heard coming from me a lot around here until I get my warm weather swing back - or just my swing while hanging on to the club would be good enough for the first day :) Best to you too old, cheers!

Happy New Year Colorful :party:

Hi Cronichemphog, kind thanks and likewise to you my friend!

Happy New Year Colorful and fam:)

Thank you Green Dreamz. I wish you and your family a wonderful and blessed New Year too. Here's to our hearts and hands in the dirt to make danky ladies with which we flirt - lmao ok and that was super cheezy but this is probably the non-medicated cheezball colorful coming out in full swing lmao - and no puns intended! lmao2 Best to you GD. Smoke one for me buddy!!
Happy New Year Colorful!! Glad to hear you're enjoying your harvest! Even if it takes your puppy sitter lady friend a bit extra hahah - as long as it works for you! Those pics of the "N" sativa pheno look nice and frosty :cheer: once again I'm dying to see you grow "better" genetics (I say this with total respect for your results! You obviously know how to grow! - just a lot of the end result is dependent on genetics) ... like maybe get a hold of some of your puppy sitter's seeds if she's gotten any out of her medical buds. I've grown lots of seeds I've found in my buds from dispensaries around CO, and they definitely grow some amazing plants, despite all the stuff you'll hear about "don't grow seeds you find in your bud, its probably hermie stock that will hermie on you" ;)
Happy New Year Colorful!! Glad to hear you're enjoying your harvest! Even if it takes your puppy sitter lady friend a bit extra hahah - as long as it works for you! Those pics of the "N" sativa pheno look nice and frosty :cheer: once again I'm dying to see you grow "better" genetics (I say this with total respect for your results! You obviously know how to grow! - just a lot of the end result is dependent on genetics) ... like maybe get a hold of some of your puppy sitter's seeds if she's gotten any out of her medical buds. I've grown lots of seeds I've found in my buds from dispensaries around CO, and they definitely grow some amazing plants, despite all the stuff you'll hear about "don't grow seeds you find in your bud, its probably hermie stock that will hermie on you" ;)

Happy New Year's day kind lady and thank you for your kind words! I cannot wait to add new genetics and diversify my future gardens. The N and O phenos definitely looked and smelled the best, were the stickiest, and highest yielding. Unfortunately they were still quite moist when I left but I decided not to rush and will enjoy sampling and sharing them with you and all once I'm back home. I also agree with you that unless you otherwise know that you've got hermies or ditch weed, then all seeds are a blessing waiting to be bestowed :) I am so thankful to have this month to relax and unwind and cannot wait to get caught up on your journal - as I'm sure you have continued to be a busy lady Bee :) All the best to you on our first feetz forward in 2015! It's going to be a great year :) Cheers dear lady!

A very happy new year to you CD and all others here as well!
Hey Colorful......hows it going my friend...:).......are you guys driving adn have you left yet?.....sorry....just curious as i am sure that you said already, but my memory failz me again:)lol......eitherway if you are safe......that is one long drive....i am guessing in teh neighborhood of 3,500 miles:)......i have been from the east to the west and back 7 or 8 times and really didnt care for it after the second time......first took the southern states...second took the northern:)......its a loooonnnnggg drive:)lol.....ok......i been typing this for a long time now and havent said anything:)lol.........Happy and Safe Daze Mr and Mrs Colorful:):circle-of-love:
Hey Colorful......hows it going my friend...:).......are you guys driving adn have you left yet?.....sorry....just curious as i am sure that you said already, but my memory failz me again:)lol......eitherway if you are safe......that is one long drive....i am guessing in teh neighborhood of 3,500 miles:)......i have been from the east to the west and back 7 or 8 times and really didnt care for it after the second time......first took the southern states...second took the northern:)......its a loooonnnnggg drive:)lol.....ok......i been typing this for a long time now and havent said anything:)lol.........Happy and Safe Daze Mr and Mrs Colorful:):circle-of-love:

Heya Green and thank you! We flew on the big bird and arrived last night. Your kind words make we 'almost' wish we would have driven because a nearly 5,500 mile drive from Anchorage would have been far worth it to 1) meet the Dreamz team :); 2) sample your fine deer jerky; and 3) eye and sample your sweet garden and herb (ok that's really two things) :) - oh and 4) to fist bump and 420 it up with ya on NYDay! I definitely can relate to your experiences with backcrossing our great land. I've made the drive from the southeast US to Anchorage and reverse 8 times in more than 20 years in AK. That's almost driving around the equator twice lol. Thank you for your genuine wishes to mrs dayze and I. The warmth and the humidity is working wonders on my joints and back and I haven't needed any pharms since arriving althought I don't have any cannabis so that is good! It is now questionable whether or not I'll have herb this month but I'll be ok. Cheers dear friend and best to you!
Hey Colorful Happy almost (?) belated New Years :)

Glad your doing fine, in the many ways mentioned :)

Happy Holidays :)

Hiya Tassie thank you dear friend! It is 20:55 on New Year's day on the east coast where I am now - four hours ahead of home in Alaska. As relaxing as it is here and being able to start non-stop golfing tomorrow, we miss our wonderful home and wagging puppy girls. But, we need this and will soak up 30 solid days of lazy healing. Was just over at your place and have to say WTG Tassie. You go dawg -you have done a great job with that build. I'm wishing you peace and all things happy and healthy in your garden! Best to you Tassie!
wishin' we were :passitleft:
Hey mate, well you just rest up then.

I reakon it's probably well deserved :)

East coast, cool.

105PM Tassie time. ...Well lunch time and a quick drive to the other house to check the temps and whatnot!

Have a good night mate....and non-stop golfing tomorrow :)
Thank you Tassie! And 1:05 pm in Tassieland I presume - meaning you are 24 hours - the whole day ahead of the future back home :) as it is also 13:05 there. That is just a boggling thought for me...that everything I do is in your yesterday. :) Mrs colorful and I haven't had a vacation in 3 years and haven't taken any extra time off from work in more than a year. Great relaxing way to chime in the 420 of 2015. Chomping at the bit to get home to sample all of my harvest and get to building my forever grow room. But I will savor the laziness for now! Cheers my friend!

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