Colorfuldayze Aug-Dec 2014 Auto Grow

Wow... we have ICE! lol Cars smashing up all over the place..... good thing I'm in the hills and have no need to leave our house! (unless I run out of weed before harvest) :) I do have coffee though.... and a palm tree but it's on my screen saver. HA!

Thank you Green and likewise to you. Enjoying a lazy morning with coffee and sunny breezes through palm trees! Feeling the last lingering stress of 9-5 leaving my bones. all the best to you dear friend, cheers!!

Wow... we have ICE! lol Cars smashing up all over the place..... good thing I'm in the hills and have no need to leave our house! (unless I run out of weed before harvest) :) I do have coffee though.... and a palm tree but it's on my screen saver. HA!

Heya Beateo - ah, the freezing drizzle smash and crash. I can't wait for the day to come back home that I can run by the store and pick up some bud if I need to and/or just want to try a different flavor. Well cheers with mugs raised high on the coffee brother! Wishing all things sunny breeze and palm treeze to you my friend!

Hey Colorful :)

Glad you're chillin' :)

Thanks for your help mate. I have to consider what's next.

Anyway, that's all buy the you mate, should just be laying back, watching the palm tree's swaying...oh look that cloud looks like an it's more like a giraffe...

Hope you're having that kinda day... :)
Hey Colorful :)

Glad you're chillin' :)

Thanks for your help mate. I have to consider what's next.

Anyway, that's all buy the you mate, should just be laying back, watching the palm tree's swaying...oh look that cloud looks like an it's more like a giraffe...

Hope you're having that kinda day... :)

Thank you Tassie, you are a saint and a keeper my friend. Going to go do a cannon ball in the pool just for you and then take a nice long walk and some shopping w/ Mrs. colorful before dinner! Best to you my friend! Oh, and that one just looked like a rhinocerous - and actually a White Rhino maybe :) Life is good and lazy right now!

Crazy they called me. Nuts even....

Squirrels like nuts!.....

Hey BEATEO, it's a good kinda nuts isn't it...cashews are good nuts....

...distant fading fits of maniacal laughter....
Crazy they called me. Nuts even....

Squirrels like nuts!.....

Hey BEATEO, it's a good kinda nuts isn't it...cashews are good nuts....

...distant fading fits of maniacal laughter....

TassieDevil, Yes... cashew... that's what you are.... cashew! (good nuts) :)

Hahahahaha! That is too funny, ya'll talking about each other's nuts. LMNO! hahaha :)
Remember B, your ancestral name is 'he who dances in the snow with his hands on his buds' ! :) lol

Good schtuff, good times! Best to you brothers!

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