COorganics - No-Till Organic - 2nd No Till Run - Indoors - GSC Forum Cut

What do you guys know about Bruce banner #3 pheno?
I think I'll trade my GSC for that cut. I just smoked some it was pretty and dense and tasted good. The other grower is excited to get my forum cut as well.
Hi CO,

I've never seen Bruce Banner. However, I'm a big fan of giving or trading cuts, seeds, and weeds to people that need them. I'd go for it, when Bruce turned into the Hulk it was pretty cool (and very GREEN).

You guys get pm with it pretty bad someone said. It's a CO poly hybrid, why not add some more frosty frankenstrains to the mix. LOL!

I'll have a humidifier in the flower room while growing it here, lol. 16% RH is pretty darn common here.

Doing shots of botanicare here tonight, don't worry man, it's organic. My secret is a tall glass of wet Betty right before bed, hangover helper.

Seriously though, yeah trading is cool and selling clones is lame. I like the herb too, bonus.

Still curious if anyone has any experience with her, the #3.

My current system of vermicomposting couldn't be simpler.

I have a planter I fill with this leaf mold/leaf mix.

The the worms and larger particles are separated from the castings/cocoons/smaller particles of compost using a 1/4" screen.

The worms are put in the new bin along with a dusting of oyster shell flour on the top.

The VC is used or stored in a similar pot with a damp unbleached paper on top.
The new worm bin gets a cardboard cover and a new date on top. One month later I'll repeat process.

Soon I'll use compost in my worm bin in place of the leaf mold/leaf mix. That is just what I have available during the winter. I'm just starting to see my compost pile again.

I will start more and larger smartpot worm bins this summer. Grow my herd a bit.

Edit: soon I will be adding a bit of grit to the bin(s) as well. There is an alpine stream I know of that has very fine sand in some sandbars on a couple stretches of it. This stuff is going to be a nice long term addition to my soil, in addition to providing some added grit to help the worms digest and process. One of the best things about growing in living organic soil is being able to source things locally and free and also having additions to the soil that serves multiple purposes.

Fresh worm shit is delicious and nutritious!
-the soil
Thanks CO. That taught me just how to do it properly. Reps!
Lots of cocoons destined to live in my pots, 1/8 screen might capture many of them, I don't mind though right now. This little worm bin will only hold/support so many worms at once. It has quite a healthy population in there! My worm farm has been going since I started growing herb.

That reminds me time to PH adjust my soil and flush the worm bin, and bake the compost in the oven to kill the bugs. Lots of important gardening tasks to do.

Grizzly purple kush is starting to get some nice stacking and frost. Gonna be a nice pull off of this one it is looking like. My room is staying between 25-45% RH and 63-75 last couple days. Outside temps make for a little temperature fluctuation in the grow room, but not much. I am growing in a much nicer environment than I could ever get in the the Attic. Loving it.
Thanks man. They really are. I've been smoking my purchased forum cut buds around town and everyone says, "I've gotta get some of that weed".

I'm holding strong that what I grow will be much better than what I purchased. I am offering to trade labor for clones of the GSC. You can bet I have lots of work to do here, first spring in my new home. The yard is large and a bare canvas right now.

It's a great time to be in the mountains, nature kicking into high gear. Runoff and mud season gives way to beautiful early summer days that become monsoon season and in good years we are pelted with powerful rainstorms almost daily in the afternoons. This quickly transitions into fall. My favorite season. Then we hunker down and slip into 7-8 months of winter again.

This winter was the mildest ever. We will be counting on a wet summer this year or we will certainly be in nasty drought conditions in the high country. A dangerous thing. Our alpine forests are littered with standing dead lodgepole pine, and lots of fallen dead trees as well. Dry summers in Colorado are scary. Feels like playing Russian roulette.

Everybody should think about that for a moment. Take a few steps to conserve water at your own residence, no matter where you live. It's smart and good practice.
Hi CO,

What a great description of the Colorado summers in high country. I have tons of family in CO and lots and lots of experience with those daily rain storms. When you're in the city it just seems to clean the place. When you're in the mountains the rain storms just bring the countryside to life. I've never been there in the winter, only the summer, but I have fond fond memories.
You transported me back 30 years CO. Thanks. " ...7-8 months of winter". We got a good laugh out of that. May your first spring in your new home be magical.
Grizzly purple kush is starting to get some nice stacking and frost. Gonna be a nice pull off of this one it is looking like. My room is staying between 25-45% RH and 63-75 last couple days. Outside temps make for a little temperature fluctuation in the grow room, but not much. I am growing in a much nicer environment than I could ever get in the the Attic. Loving it.

She does really look and smell like a winner now, the frost really starts kicking off after the first week or so since seeing first development. The aroma is very citrus like would you agree bro? :)
Mild winter = wet summer, that's how it works here, but winter was normal this year, so I expect hot summer :)
Lots of horses get deworming treatments and using their shit (fresh as a worm bin input could be disastrous! Also, fresh, horse shit in a worm bin could go thermo and the heat could also kill the worms.

Gather it, and use it carefully.

I just took a worm bin class (lol) from a place that does large scale worm farming,
and they do use horse manure, but they let it sit for some period of time till it cools down
and then they use that at the bottom, then worms and either newspaper or leaves on the top.
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