Dr. Cannabi's Kali Mist - DIY Organic Soil - Medical Grow & Show

Hi DonTe,

Awesome post brother! My intent is to recycle the soil with amendments between grows but that adds time to an already slow process. I like what you're saying about the No-Till bed on wheels. Can you expand on that for me? Some pics or a diagram would be awesome. What materials are you using to build them?

I do use Dr. Earth Mycorrhizae every time I transplant into a new pot.

My nutrient pack contains the following ingredients:
KIS Organics Microbe Catalyst, Organic Alfalfa Meal, Organic Fish Bone Meal, Organic Crustacean Meal, Organic Kelp Meal, Organic Fish Meal, Glacial Rock Dust, Soft Rock Phosphate, Oyster Shell Flour, Ahimsa Organics Neem Cake and Karanja Cake, Gypsum, Natural Calcite, Mycorrhiza, and Beneficial Microbes.

The only thing I'm not seeing is the Diatomaceous earth, Green Sand, and the Insect Chitin. I have a big Ol' tub of green sand and some DE as well. Would you use those as a top dress? FYI - I have no pests so far, not even 1 black fly.

What brand of insect Chitin do you recommend and how do you apply that? Also, I'm interested in Aloe Vera as a root stimulator but have no idea what brand to buy for growing.

I think you have to have 25 posts or something like that to upload pics but I'm not sure. Here's instructions for uploading photos; Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Thanks again for the awesome information! :thanks:
Hi Doc,

My plez dawg!
That's quite the beautiful nutrient pack too, btw..
Many of,my faves in there.

But yea, great to hear about your myco use and interest in no tills

For me I built a bed on wheels using stuff around the yard.. total cost was ten bucks as i had to buy tuck tape for water proofing ..built the bottom (base) out of 3/4" plywood, 2 ft by 3 ft .. I added a lip to it made out of 2x2 SPF .. Drilled those to base then tuck taped it all

Now We have the red (taped), sealed base.. To that I added 4 castors (wheels) to it .. Now it rolls

Then I took 2x4's, cut to 2 and 3 feet respectively .. Built sides to match base.. 3 layers requires six (6) 2x4's of each length

For a nice touch I added spacing in between the 2x4's by simply framing them to some vertical 2x2's in the 4 corners, one foot tall..

So supersoil would not fall out in between cracks or slits, I simply tacked some strips of smart pot fabric all along the slits .. Two strips of this polyester felt fills in 3 layers of 2x4 sides.. Now we have a framed fence that can drop into or onto our red, wheeled, sealed base..

Essentially these two structures (the bottom and sides) are modular and is like a sandbox on wheels but the sides pop off and the bottom has a sealed lip all around, essentially acting as a water tray.. Being on wheels allows you to spin it around nicely whenever you need

Then I added 35 gal of living soil.. Worked some myco in, and planted my mothers in there or anything for that matter

The extra time and room it buys you is insane..

I have pics I will def add them ASAP
Great to hear about the no pests
Must be healthy with nice high brix levels

The greensand requires cooking or mellowing as I call it imo
..though some guys like to use it in a layer that roots can approach..
Normally on the bottom though I have heard top I think too.

It takes 2 years to break down fully and is great source of 30+ minerals and elements including K
Big weapon for us long term deficiency wise. You can always work it to a batch of soil on the side,
Then topdressing is np for sure

As for the DE, you can topdress no prob just wear a mask and mist it down nicely
It's multiple benefits are awesome.
You can always work it right into the soil too, anytime.

As for chitin we use BetterWorld Insect Frass with great results, though I'm sure many brands are good.. You ca compare them to these numbers, once again here they are:
*100 Billion fungi spores per gram
*6 trillion cfu/gm of microorganisms (including bacteria, protozoa and nematodes)

And as for aloe Vera, I would get any real plant
Ten dollars and you can grow real (organic, from that day on) aloe on a living cactus plant and it won't expire ..
You can blend a Tbsp piece up, peel and all, with a few gallons of water, and feed, foliar, or drench
They will love you for it!!!
Made some CocoVera'neem'mon water, and damn, it worked so fast.. Seconds.
Didn't even use frass or cucumber, or capsaicin, or pyrethrum..

It wipes out gnats, thrips, and aphids upon contact.. while making the garden smell like brunch.. Smelling that cinnamonny mist, I and I Almost started intercepting squirts with the mouth but then realized the neem ain't my diet's steez.

It also prevents root root and mold, while providing enzymes, b vitamins, amino acids, and sooooooo much more.

Just used 1/2 tsp cinnamon per litre
1/2 tsp pure organic coconut water
4 drops of org. neem oil (concentrated)
1/2 tsp Fresh aloe gel

Stir until well mixed..
Strain or scoop floaters out, and pour in mist bottle

Instant all natural, organic, human grade, pest and bio control
Blogged, thanxx Don.
Hello my beautiful people!:love:

I have been working way too much and haven't been able to participate in the community like I really love to do :)! I've got Saturday off so I'll update try my best to give an update this weekend and get back to everyone as soon as I can.

The plants are amazing! This soil is the real deal! I haven't spent more than an hour in the last 2 weeks taking care of the girls and they are kicking major booty! Just add water :)!

The baby Blue Dreams and Kali/HS cuttings are doing amazing as well. I'l get some pics up ASAP!!!
Hello DonTe:Namaste:.

I am so happy that you are contributing to this journal :thanks:. I urge you to continue dropping your wisdom on this thread my friend:thumb:

I'm very sorry this thread seems abandoned but I've been working so many hours and trying to keep the family together, I've been neglecting 420mag. I'll be back ASAP!!!:high-five:
Good morning Doc:)......sucks you havent had much time on here but your family always come first.....:)....Thank you for the advice for LB.....she has started reading your journal the other day from the beginning:)......have had a couple people chime in with great ideas to add in as well so right now i think she is a bit over whelmed with all the info:)lol.....but she is geting there:).....Ranger gave me a great idea for the vermi compost......clean out the gutter:)lol......i have one of those:).....so i think we got vermi compost down....now for the rest:).......i told her i would build her a big worm bin in the yard some place so i have to start researching that here soon:).....do you dabble in worm bins?:)
Thanks for showing me the same courtesy I tried to show you, in being polite and keeping things un personal! !!

I must be gulible!!! I am just sharing my honest understanding lol. So if that makes me stupid then well I suppose you have me there!
Yet do not ever dare to bring into question that I would ever try to mislead any member willingly!! I take my life on 420 most seriously!

Nuff said.

Hey buddy, I'd like to apologise for calling you stupid. I was out of order to insult you & it really wasn't necessary :Namaste:
Enjoy Spannabis :passitleft::)
Hey buddy, I'd like to apologise for calling you stupid. I was out of order to insult you & it really wasn't necessary :Namaste:
Enjoy Spannabis :passitleft::)
A true gentleman in every since of the word Skunny.
Happy MunchDaze Doc:)....i hope your week has started off in a great direction:).....i keep forgetting to tell you that i made the canna coconut oil a couple of days ago.....Lol....i didnt have enough bud but did have 6 ounces of sticky trim:).....so i used all the trim with 4 cups of coconut oil:)....just got the capsules today.....now just need to get the baby syringe:)....what temp do you heat the oil up to transfer it to the capsules?.....you probably dont wait like i did:)....was a spur of the moment decision to go ahead with the oil, but didnt have everything needed :)lol.....i am pretty good for that:rofl:lol.....so more like what temp would you suggest?:)....alright buddy.....not much time left on here tonight so gotta go:)....catch you later my friend:)
I agree Reg.....Good man you are Mr Skunny:).....I am sure LA will be pleased to see it:)....Happy Daze All.....so now can we all sit down for some tea and crumpits?:rofl:lol.....is crumpits right or even a word?:rofl:lol

You guys are adorable....and yes, indeed, crumpets is a word for something like a scone, I always thought, but could be wrong....some sort of cake...anyway, group hug.....
High Mr. Dreamz! :volcano-smiley:

The oil should be just warm enough to melt and be clear (not coconut oil chunks). Just above room temp. Set the container in a bowl of warm water (NOT completely submerged LOL). <--- you know us stoners. :):)

I'm going to get out there and get some pics tonight! The plants are doing amazing!

Happy MunchDaze Doc:)....i hope your week has started off in a great direction:).....i keep forgetting to tell you that i made the canna coconut oil a couple of days ago.....Lol....i didnt have enough bud but did have 6 ounces of sticky trim:).....so i used all the trim with 4 cups of coconut oil:)....just got the capsules today.....now just need to get the baby syringe:)....what temp do you heat the oil up to transfer it to the capsules?.....you probably dont wait like i did:)....was a spur of the moment decision to go ahead with the oil, but didnt have everything needed :)lol.....i am pretty good for that:rofl:lol.....so more like what temp would you suggest?:)....alright buddy.....not much time left on here tonight so gotta go:)....catch you later my friend:)
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